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Newsletter 39: October 2022 #1180

Closed AngelOnFira closed 1 year ago

AngelOnFira commented 1 year ago

Newsletter 39: October 2022

tags: newsletter

Editors: @17cupsofcoffee, @ozkriff, and @AngelOnFira

Another month has gone by, so it's time to put together the Rust Gamedev newsletter with TODO's news!

Current Schedule

The deadline for all section PRs is 5th of Nov.

We may still accept PRs that are submitted later than this, as long as they're ready before the newsletter's release, but this isn't guaranteed. If you want your section to be included, don't leave it till the last minute!

How to Contribute

If you want to help writing the newsletter:

Style Guidelines

The full style guide is in, but here are the most important rules:

Please use these templates as a starting point:


### [Game name]

![alt text](img)
_optional image label_

[Game name] ([GitHub], [Discord], [Twitter]) by [@nickname]
is... {short project description in one sentence}.

{An overview of the recent updates with links to more details}.

_Discussions: [/r/rust_gamedev](link), [Twitter](link), [etc](link)_

[Game name]:

Articles/blog posts/videos/etc:

### [Article name]

![alt text](img)
_optional image label_

[@nickname] published an [article] about...
{overview what the resource is about}.

_Discussions: [/r/rust_gamedev](link), [Twiter](link), [etc](link)_

[Article name]:

Current Structure & Status

Below is our current planned structure for the newsletter, and the status of each PR (which we'll try to keep updated).

This is not an exhaustive list - if you have your own project that you want to write about, just make a comment on this issue and open a PR!


Game Updates

Learning Material Updates

Engine Updates

Tooling Updates

Library Updates

Other News




Publishing Steps

philpax commented 1 year ago

I'll take wgpu-openxr-example :)

fu5ha commented 1 year ago

Took presser in #1182

SiebenCorgie commented 1 year ago

I'll take MarpII :)

ThousandthStar commented 1 year ago

Took ThousandthStar's devlog in #1184

zicklag commented 1 year ago

I'll take Jumpy.

kchibisov commented 1 year ago

I'll add notes about the glutin.

setzer22 commented 1 year ago

I'll take Blackjack :+1:

Wumpf commented 1 year ago

I'll write a short bit on the Learning wgpu wiki page ([1]( - πŸ†“ free (@Wumpf?)

djeedai commented 1 year ago

I can take Hanabi, thanks!

Indy2222 commented 1 year ago

I would like to write an update about Digital Extinction (

sotrh commented 1 year ago

I'll take the Learn Wgpu section

ThousandthStar commented 1 year ago

Done. #1193

Seldom-SE commented 1 year ago

Took seldom_state in #1194

Keavon commented 1 year ago

Working on Graphite's section today.

klemola commented 1 year ago

vetovoima's done in #1196

17cupsofcoffee commented 1 year ago

Release PR is up: #1200

Apologies for the delay, the entire editorial team is either busy, ill, or busy and ill this month... πŸ˜