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Newsletter 22 #640

Closed AngelOnFira closed 3 years ago

AngelOnFira commented 3 years ago

Newsletter 22: May 2021

Editors: @AngelOnFira, @17cupsofcoffee, and @ozkriff

Another month has gone by, so it's time to put together the Rust Gamedev newsletter for May!

If you want to help writing the newsletter:

As with the last few newsletters, we're trying to delegate the writing workload where we can - to quote @AngelOnFira from a few months ago:

We're also going to be transitioning to having authors or volunteers write about their own content, rather than the editing team doing it all at the end 💯 This means if you want to see your work in the newsletter, you have to write it yourself! If you're not able to write about your work, feel free to comment and I can assign it 🆓 free. We're working on taking some of the load off the editing team where we can with this. Best to keep this sustainable!

Also, we want to make sure contributing to the newsletter feels open to anyone who wants to write a section about their project. If you have anything you can write about, just add a comment to this issue and I'll add it to the todo list 😄

Current Schedule

The soft deadline for all section PRs is the 6th of June. PRs will usually be accepted as long as they are ready before the newsletter's release, but the earlier the better :)

Review and release will take place around the 8th of June.

⚠️ We have decided to try a shorter and more limited section format: ⚠️

Please use these templates as a starting point:


### [Game name]

![alt text](img)
_optional image label_

[Game name] ([GitHub], [Discord], [Twitter]) by [@nickname]
is... {short project description in one sentence}.

{An overview of the recent updates with links to more details}.

_Discussions: [/r/rust_gamedev](link), [Twitter](link), [etc](link)_

[Game name]:

Articles/blog posts/videos/etc:

### [Article name]

![alt text](img)
_optional image label_

[@nickname] published an [article] about...
{overview what the resource is about}.

_Discussions: [/r/rust_gamedev](link), [Twiter](link), [etc](link)_

[Article name]:

Current Structure & Status

Below is a list of our current planned structure for the newsletter, and the status of each PR (which we'll try to keep updated).

This is not an exhaustive list - if you have your own project that you want to write about, just make a comment on this issue and open a PR!

Final steps:

AngelOnFira commented 3 years ago

@seratonik sorry for the ping, meant do swap out the template for myself :sweat_smile:

roalyr commented 3 years ago

Oh god, it is this time again 😂 Taking pGLOWrpg.

PsichiX commented 3 years ago

gonna add RAUI section tomorrow :D

Bombfuse commented 3 years ago

will take Harvest Hero 👍

ozkriff commented 3 years ago

Some proposals for the plan (from /r/rust_gamedev):

- Game Updates
    - [ ] Outer Wonders ([1]( - 🆓 free (@utoalex?)
    - [ ] rpg-cli ([1](, [2]( - 🆓 free (@facundoolano)
    - [ ] Way of Rhea ([1]( - 🆓 free (@MasonRemaley?)
    - [ ] A/B Street ([1]( - 🆓 free (@dabreegster?)
- Engine Updates
    - [ ] Rustcraft ([1](, [2]( - 🆓 free (@dskart?)
- Library & Tooling Updates
    - [ ] nvtx-rs ([1]( - 🆓 free (@simbleau?)
    - [ ] Mun (1, 2) - 🆓 free (@Wodann?)
    - [ ] texture_generator ([1](, [2]( - 🆓 free (@Orchaldir?)
    - [ ] egui v0.12 ([1]( - 🆓 free (@emilk?)
zer0x64 commented 3 years ago

I'll do Nestadia, no problem :)

17cupsofcoffee commented 3 years ago

I'll pick up Tetra in the next day or two :)

AlexEne commented 3 years ago

I would skip nannou_egui from this update as I really want the nannou upgrade to webgpu to 0.8 to iron out some kinks in usage. It's close to land if i get it in by the 6th I will write something, if not, would rather skip this month.

ozkriff commented 3 years ago

A couple more plan proposals (from Twitter):

- Game Updates
  - Project YAWC ([1]( - 🆓 free (@junkmail22?)
  - Flesh ([1]( - 🆓 free (@Im-Oab?)
- Learning Material Updates
  - 2048 Using an event system to reset the game ([1]( - 🆓 free (@ChristopherBiscardi?)
- Library & Tooling Updates
  - gfx-rs: naga benchmark ([1](, [2]( - 🆓 free (@kvark?)
ChristopherBiscardi commented 3 years ago

happy to take on "2048 Using an event system to reset the game"

fu5ha commented 3 years ago

I will take cint (and also talk about colstodian) :)

setzer22 commented 3 years ago

Will take The Process :+1:

zicklag commented 3 years ago

I'll do an update on Bevy Retro and Bounty Bros.

sotrh commented 3 years ago

I got the Learn WGPU section

virtualritz commented 3 years ago

I take libfive (which I just published on

kvark commented 3 years ago

@ozkriff the gfx-rs news is already added here

cdsupina commented 3 years ago

@tigleym and I will take Theta Wave

Orchaldir commented 3 years ago

I will take texture_generator.

NiklasEi commented 3 years ago

I will write something for bevy_asset_loader

utoalex commented 3 years ago

I'll take Outer Wonders.

AngelOnFira commented 3 years ago

Just sending out a ping to sections that we haven't heard back from, since the section deadline is in 2 days :+1:

@cwfitzgerald @Wodann @simbleau @Twinklebear @mrDIMAS @not-fl3 @kuviman @TanTanDev @junkmail22 @MasonRemaley @eduardonunesp

AngelOnFira commented 3 years ago

I'll take Rust in Unreal Engine (May 2021 Summary)

x-52 commented 3 years ago

I'll take the LD48 MMO.

junkmail22 commented 3 years ago

I'll write something up about the small amount of progress I made this month on project YAWC.

Twinklebear commented 3 years ago

I can put something together for tobj today 👍

mrDIMAS commented 3 years ago

I was very busy for last few days, but tomorrow I'll have time for the newsletter, sorry for the delay. In other words I'm taking rg3d :)

TanTanDev commented 3 years ago

I started working on the Tantan stuff Video: 1 Year of Rust Game Development Video: voxel engine with rust and wgpu-rs

zicklag commented 3 years ago

I just published an article about the process of writing Bevy Retro's renderer and why my company felt it was needed, but it doesn't necessary qualify as learning material, because it's more like a "here's what we went through roughly to get this working".

Not sure if that is worth including in the newsletter. If you think that it fits, let me know and I'll open a PR.

ozkriff commented 3 years ago

@zicklag I think it's worth adding but considering it was published yesterday it's better to include it in the next (June) newsletter. Added it to the plan.

ozkriff commented 3 years ago

A bunch of interesting sections isn't claimed yet. Will try to squeeze out a few PRs before the final draft is ready. Grabbing "rpg-cli" and "Dimforge".

Any volunteers to take imgui-wgpu, nvti-rs, nvtx-rs, etc?

Keavon commented 3 years ago

By the way, just to bring up the topic, is Libraries & Tooling the most relevant section for software projects like Graphite? It's neither a library nor tooling. Would it fit better in the Games or Engines sections? My proposal would be changing "Game Updates" to "Game & Application Updates". Other applications like the city traffic simulator, similarly, seem more broad than just the strict category of games.

AngelOnFira commented 3 years ago

@Keavon I think A/B streets does still make sense in the games section, since the team does have ideas to add story/objectives to the game (on top of it being used as a tool). I'll run this by the rest of the editing team though, and see if we can come up with a good solution :100:

AngelOnFira commented 3 years ago

@PsichiX @ChristopherBiscardi @termhn just sending out a ping to try and wrap up your sections today :100:

fu5ha commented 3 years ago

I think I will wait to write about cint and colstodian next newsletter, still working on polishing some things before I really want to put it out there.

AngelOnFira commented 3 years ago

We're getting the final release ready, everyone is invited to review :partying_face:


AngelOnFira commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the great work everyone! Another month done :ok_hand: