rust-gamedev / wg

Coordination repository of the Game Development Working Group
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ozkriff Steps Down from Rust GameDev WG #132

Open ozkriff opened 8 months ago

ozkriff commented 8 months ago

I should've posted this weeks (or even months) ago, sorry I haven't done this earlier.

For the last couple of years my life and any plans I had have been falling apart, so I've been increasingly struggling with finding time and motivation for Rust gamedev stuff. And a couple months ago I had to return back to Russia for family reasons (temporary, I hope) and that left me with exactly zero mental energy for any activities of this sort - I can't even properly hand over my community duties.

Here's a list of stuff I've been doing for the community and I hope other folks will pick up:

Considering where I am now, there's a non-zero chance of me getting completely unavailable without notice so other WG members probably want to get domains/accounts transferred from me.

So, yeah, even though I've been an active part of the rust gamedev initiatives since late 2013 (literally for a decade now, uh) it's time to take a pause - I hope to move to a better place with my family, fix the personal stuff and return to Rust gamedev stuff eventually, but it's unlikely that I'll happen soon.

ozkriff commented 8 months ago

@AngelOnFira here's a raw dump of links for N50 that I haven't processed. It's not as complete as usual, but it's something.

erlend-sh commented 8 months ago

You’ve been a driving force of this community since the very beginning; we wouldn’t have come this far without you! Gamedev in Rust immediately felt a whole lot more real once I got to meet you as a fellow enthusiast over five years ago in St. Petersburg.

My friend, I wish you all the best out there during these turbulent times. May playfulness and creativity always find you, wherever you may be 💜

17cupsofcoffee commented 8 months ago

Thank you for everything you've done for Rust gamedev over the years - I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that the community wouldn't be where it is today without you! And on a more personal level, it's been great working with you on the newsletter and AWGY. Wishing you all the best in getting the stressful stuff in your life sorted, will always be a place for you here when you come back!

On the more practical side of things: it may be worth us talking to someone from the Rust project (or maybe the foundation) about the best way to handle the shared accounts (domains, etc) so they're not all reliant on one person's access - if I remember correctly, some of the other teams have their stuff in a password manager that all the members have access to, but I'm not sure if that's something the project provided or something the individual teams set up.

darthdeus commented 8 months ago

Thank you for all the contributions! Your consistent efforts with Rust gamedev newsletter, social media and related stuff have been very appreciated :) Wishing you all the best! We'll miss you.

AlexEne commented 7 months ago

Just to echo what everyone has already said. Thank you!
You were there from the start and helped shape this community.
You've been a super valuable member of this group and pushed us to be better and, for me, you basically set an example.

I really hope things work out well for you!

iolivia commented 7 months ago

Thank you for everything and I hope your family situation gets resolved soon and we'll see you back at some point!

You featuring my rookie game dev in the newsletters back in the day was a huge motivator and what pushed me to keep building and learning! Rust gamedev would only be a fraction of what it is today if it wasn't for you!

ozkriff commented 7 months ago

Thanks for the kind words, folks :heart:

Here's a list of stuff I've been doing for the community and I hope other folks will pick up: <...>

And feel free to ping me about access to accounts once WG/community decides who takes over which account/duty.

17cupsofcoffee commented 7 months ago

I've asked the question on Zulip about how other teams are handling shared accounts:

Unsure if I'll get anything useful back, but seemed worth a try, since that seems to be where most project-level discussion happens these days :)