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Feature | TailwindCSS | Setup TailwindCSS for project #9

Closed EstebanBorai closed 3 years ago

EstebanBorai commented 3 years ago

This introduces development environment tooling for Yew and TailwindCSS development.

Webpack is updated to version 5 this introduces changes in config due to changes in webpack API config.

TailwindCSS is setup with "bare" configuration, this will change as we move forward by implementing colors, fonts, and overriding TailwindCSS defaults.


Source ```rust use yew::prelude::*; pub struct App {} pub enum Msg {} impl Component for App { type Message = Msg; type Properties = (); fn create(_: Self::Properties, _: ComponentLink) -> Self { App {} } fn update(&mut self, _msg: Self::Message) -> ShouldRender { true } fn change(&mut self, _: Self::Properties) -> ShouldRender { false } fn view(&self) -> Html { html! {

{r#"Student in Computer Science degree at Universidad Nacional del Oeste"#}

{"Fernando Pastorelli"}
{"Developer Consultant at gA"}

{r#"Software Engineer. I enjoy writing software with @rust-lang and TypeScript"#}

{"Esteban Borai"}
{"Software Engineer"}
} } } ```
EstebanBorai commented 3 years ago

Personalmente los cambios se encuentran bien, igualmente más adelante deberíamos de componetizar las cards de miembros.

Totalmente! El contenido de es solo para fines de prueba.