rust-lang / backtrace-rs

Backtraces in Rust
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Cut backtrace 0.3.70 #590

Closed workingjubilee closed 4 months ago

workingjubilee commented 4 months ago

Includes many fixes to improve platform support for niche platforms like the obscure operating system that no-one has ever heard of, "Microsoft Windows".

ChrisDenton commented 4 months ago

Are you going to do a submodule update too?

workingjubilee commented 4 months ago

Yep! I ideally want every submodule update to be from a specific version's release commit.

atouchet commented 3 months ago

Was this intended to be published? I don't see the release on

workingjubilee commented 3 months ago

oh, yes, I am slightly daft, sorry.