rust-lang / book

The Rust Programming Language
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German Translation #1386

Open kertase opened 6 years ago

kertase commented 6 years ago


I’d like to help with translations.

Is anyone working on a German Translation of the latest Book?


steveklabnik commented 6 years ago

I'm not sure! You should go ahead and do so :)

kertase commented 6 years ago

Should the 2018-edition be translated or the second-edition?

kertase commented 6 years ago

started with the 2018-edition and opened a transifex, other translators and languages are welcome to join in on the translation.

kangalio commented 6 years ago

There is this (read it here). It already seems rather complete... should we move to that Git repository or stay with the transifex?

kertase commented 6 years ago

It‘s the old first edition it is quite different from the new one.

Draphar commented 6 years ago

Just sent a request!

KarolinePlum commented 6 years ago

I'd also like to help translating and sent a request on transifex

damoasda commented 5 years ago

I would like to support the translation on transifex and have already sent a request.

Just for my understanding: How does the German translation in transifex find the way back to a GitHub repository as md files? How can I build the translated book for a preview?

Draphar commented 5 years ago

Unfortunately the project seems dead at the moment. My translations from June are still unreviewed. The only manager @kertase is inactive. The latest activity was on June 11th.

damoasda commented 5 years ago

@Draphar: Oh, I see. Thank you for the hint. Let's hope that it becomes active again soon.

Toromino commented 5 years ago

I would be happy to help with the translation too!

Maybe there's a chance of opening a team of translators at ?

lejkos commented 4 years ago

@steveklabnik @kertase How is it going with the German translation? I would love to join as well. Is there any progress? With whom I can stay in contact?

laubblaeser commented 4 years ago

I'm also interested in helping with the German translation.

It seems as if the original transifex maintainer is not active anymore.

Should we simply create a new github repo with proper md files?

7w17chy commented 4 years ago

@kertase hasn't been active for a very long time as it seems, and the last contribution to this repo was almost 10 months ago (and it also targets a earlier version of the book too), so...

And even if those translations get revived again, we could just merge the translations together via copy and paste.

nnt0 commented 4 years ago

Hey, i'd also like to help with this.

We should probably start over with this in a new Github repo and copy paste the parts that are already translated.

Or we could use the already existing rustbook-de repo. We could move the older version thats currently on there to a branch and start translating the new version on master.

pemistahl commented 4 years ago

I'd also like to help with translating the book into German. Organizing it seems to be chaotic a bit. Does it make sense to meet up with all volunteers in a chat to firstly discuss where and how to host the translations? Because otherwise, I'm afraid, no progress will be made in the short term.

damoasda commented 4 years ago

Great to see more activity in this thread.

I talked to the repo owner of rustbook-de, he is open to share it with us but he cannot spend more time. Is someone also interested in updating the status overview and helping to review and to merge pull requests? As suggested by @nnt0 we could move the current translations to a branch and start the new version on the master.

I'm not convinced of Transifex to translate the book, I don't find it very intuitive and there's no easy preview of the book.

What do you think?

lejkos commented 4 years ago

@damoasda Wonderful, count me in :) About the Transifex etc. what did the other language translations use?

damoasda commented 4 years ago

@gardiac2002 thanks.

I had a quick look into the latest commits of the books in Spanish, French, Polish, and Chinese and they all seem to be maintained directly on the md files, without using a tool like Transifex:

pemistahl commented 4 years ago

@damoasda Personally, I would stick to the GitHub repo too. A service such as Transifex would make sense only if all languages' translations were hosted there. But that would require agreements with a lot of people.

So, how do we proceed? Do we use the rustbook-de repo then? If so, shall we create issues there for every chapter of the most current book and assign it to people who volunteer? And everyone then creates a fork of the repo and starts translating?

damoasda commented 4 years ago

Thank you for the feedback. I prepared the repository and added some infos about the translation process on the README page:

You are happily invited to contribute your translations. 😄

pemistahl commented 4 years ago

Great, thank you @damoasda. I'm volunteering for chapters 1 and 2. I've already forked the repo and updated the status table in the wiki.

lejkos commented 4 years ago

@damoasda Thank you. I will take a look at the table of content and then add to the wiki page which parts I will translate.

damoasda commented 3 years ago

After half a year we have now completely translated the book. Hurray! :tada:

damoasda commented 1 year ago

The German translation is not only available at, but now also as a paperback and e-book at

mgeisler commented 1 year ago

Hi @damoasda, well done, congratulations!

I just wanted to say that we're using the German Rust book as the basis for the German translation of Comprehensive Rust. If anybody here is interested in more Rust in German, please come talk with us :slightly_smiling_face:

damoasda commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the hint, @mgeisler, I'm happy to see that it's useful for other projects, too.