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cargo build --dependencies-only #2644

Open nagisa opened 8 years ago

nagisa commented 8 years ago

cargo team notes:

There should be an option to only build dependencies.

KalitaAlexey commented 7 years ago

@nagisa, Why do you want it?

nagisa commented 7 years ago

I do not remember exactly why, but I do remember that I ended just running rustc manually.

KalitaAlexey commented 7 years ago

@posborne, @mcarton, @Devyn, You reacted with thumbs up. Why do you want it?

mcarton commented 7 years ago

Sometimes you add a bunch of dependencies to your project, know it will take a while to compile next time you cargo build, but want your computer to do that as you start coding so the next cargo build is actually fast. But I guess I got here searching for a cargo doc --dependencies-only, which allows you to get the doc of your dependencies while your project does not compile because you'd need the doc to know how exactly to fix that compilation error you've had for a half hour :smile:

gregwebs commented 7 years ago

As described in #3615 this is useful with build to setup a cache of all dependencies.

alexcrichton commented 7 years ago

@gregwebs out of curiosity do you want to cache compiled dependencies or just downloaded dependencies? Caching compiled dependencies isn't implemented today (but would be with a command such as this) but downloading dependencies is available via cargo fetch.

gregwebs commented 7 years ago

Generally, as with my caching use case, the dependencies change infrequently and it makes sense to cache the compilation of them.

The Haskell tool stack went through all this and they seemed to generally decided to merge things into a single command where possible. For fetch they did end up with something kinda confusing though: build --dry-run --prefetch. For build --dependencies-only mentioned here they do have the same: build --only-dependencies

alexcrichton commented 7 years ago

@gregwebs ok thanks for the info!

KalitaAlexey commented 7 years ago

@alexcrichton, It looks like I should continue my work on the PR. Will Cargo's team accept it?

alexcrichton commented 7 years ago

@KalitaAlexey I personally wouldn't be convinced just yet, but it'd be good to canvas opinions from others on @rust-lang/tools as well

KalitaAlexey commented 7 years ago

@alexcrichton, Anyway I have no time right now)

nrc commented 7 years ago

I don't see much of a use case - you can just do cargo build and ignore the output for the last crate. If you really need to do this (for efficiency) then there is API you can use.

gregwebs commented 7 years ago

What's the API?

nrc commented 7 years ago

Implement an Executor. That lets you intercept every call to rustc and you can do nothing if it is the last crate.

gregwebs commented 7 years ago

I wasn't able to find any information about an Executor for cargo. Do you have any links to documentation?

nrc commented 7 years ago

Docs are a little thin, but start here:

You can look at the RLS for an example of how to use them:

shepmaster commented 7 years ago

A question of Stack Overflow wanted this feature. In that case, the OP wanted to build the dependencies for a Docker layer.

A similar situation exists for the playground, where I compile all the crates once. In my case, I just put in a dummy / All the dependencies are built, and the real code is added in the future.

alexcrichton commented 7 years ago

@shepmaster unfortunately the proposed solution wouldn't satisfy that question because a Cargo.toml won't parse without associated files in src (e.g. src/, etc). So that question would still require "dummy files", in which case it wouldn't specifically be serviced by this change.

lolgesten commented 6 years ago

I ended up here because I also am thinking about the Docker case. To do a good docker build I want to:

COPY Cargo.toml Cargo.lock /mything

RUN cargo build-deps --release  # creates a layer that is cached

COPY src /mything/src

RUN cargo build --release       # only rebuild this when src files changes

This means the dependencies would be cached between docker builds as long as Cargo.toml and Cargo.lock doesn't change.

I understand src/ src/ are needed to do a good build, but maybe build-deps simply builds all the deps.

ghost commented 6 years ago

The dockerfile template in shepmaster's linked stackoverflow post above SOLVES this problem

I came to this thread because I also wanted the docker image to be cached after building the dependencies. After later resolving this issue, I posted something explaining docker caching, and was informed that the answer was already linked in the stackoverflow post. I made this mistake, someone else made this mistake, it's time to clarify.

RUN cd / && \
    cargo new playground
WORKDIR /playground                      # a new project has a src/ file

ADD Cargo.toml /playground/Cargo.toml 
RUN cargo build                          # DEPENDENCIES ARE BUILD and CACHED
RUN cargo build --release
RUN rm src/*.rs                          # delete dummy src files

# here you add your project src to the docker image

After building, changing only the source and rebuilding starts from the cached image with dependencies already built.

lolgesten commented 6 years ago

someone needs to relax...

lolgesten commented 6 years ago

Also @KarlFish what you're proposing is not actually working. If using FROM rust:1.20.0.

  1. cargo new playground fails because it wants USER env variable to be set.
  2. RUN cargo build does not build dependencies for release, but for debug. why do you need that?
lolgesten commented 6 years ago

Here's a better version.

FROM rust:1.20.0

WORKDIR /usr/src

# Create blank project
RUN USER=root cargo new umar

# We want dependencies cached, so copy those first.
COPY Cargo.toml Cargo.lock /usr/src/umar/

WORKDIR /usr/src/umar

# This is a dummy build to get the dependencies cached.
RUN cargo build --release

# Now copy in the rest of the sources
COPY src /usr/src/umar/src/

# This is the actual build.
RUN cargo build --release \
    && mv target/release/umar /bin \
    && rm -rf /usr/src/umar



CMD ["/bin/umar"]
shepmaster commented 6 years ago

You can always review the complete Dockerfile for the playground.

maelvls commented 6 years ago

Hi! What is the current state of the --deps-only idea? (mainly for dockerization)

AdrienneCohea commented 6 years ago

I agree that it would be really cool to have a --deps-only option so that we could cache our filesystem layers better in Docker.

I haven't tried replicating this yet, but it looks very promising. This is in glibc and not musl, by the way. My main priority is to get to a build that doesn't take 3-5 minutes ever time, not a 5 MB alpine-based image.

steveklabnik commented 6 years ago

I ran into wanting this today.

shepmaster commented 6 years ago

@steveklabnik can you share more details about your case? Why would building only the dependencies be useful? Is starting with an empty not applicable to your situation?

shepmaster commented 6 years ago

As an aside, a cargo extension (cargo-prebuild?) could probably move aside the /, replace it with an empty version, call cargo build, then move it back. That would "solve" the problem.

steveklabnik commented 6 years ago

I wanted to time a clean build, but of my crate only, and not its dependencies. The easiest way to do that is to cargo clean followed by a hypothetical cargo build --deps-only, then time a cargo build.

Yeah, I mean, I could replace everything, and then pull it back, but that feels like working around things rather than doing what I actually want to do.

lolgesten commented 6 years ago

@shepmaster the replacing stuff gets very hairy when you have a workspace project with custom in multiple subprojects. My Dockerfile is now very fragile and complicated.

lolgesten commented 6 years ago

Also on the workspace note, i don't even try to cache/shorten build times for the subprojects, only the main, so it's suboptimal as well. Any source change in a subproject means doing a full build without caching anything.

shepmaster commented 6 years ago

with custom

What impact does a have on your case? What do you expect a hypothetical cargo build --deps-only to do in the presence of a Do you believe that this behavior applies to all cases using a

when you have a workspace

What do you expect a hypothetical cargo build --deps-only to do in a workspace with two crates (A and B) where A depends on B? Is B built? Is A built?

lolgesten commented 6 years ago

What impact does a have on your case?

My (several) are for invoking bindgen around c-libs. Some are simply: bindgen + include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/")); in the, and some add a bit more to the bindings

I guess my expectation of a cargo build --deps only in a workspace scenario would be that, as a minimum, it would build any non project local deps of those submodules together with the non project local deps of my main lib (like libc, which is often in my submodules).

I only mention because the solution of doing empty projects, build, and then copying in the source becomes more messy when you also have a bespoke build with git submodules of various c sources built via a

Maybe a cargo build --deps-only would do build only dependencies that are not local to the project. I.e. any dep that in a Cargo.toml (root level or submodule) that references the central cargo repo, own repos, or git sources.

gregwebs commented 6 years ago

I think it would be useful to decide whether to accept or reject this as a desirable feature (even though there is no implementation yet) and clearly state that at the top of the issue (or a new issue).

chris13524 commented 6 years ago

I'd also like to have this feature. I'm also doing a Docker cache thing.

@shepmaster 's Dockerfile isn't working in my case (cross compiling stuff).

cmac4603 commented 6 years ago

I am very sad this got closed, this would be great for docker builds, and way less hacky than current solutions. I feel docker builds in their own right are also a good enough reason alone

mathroc commented 6 years ago

@cmac4603 this has not been closed

cmac4603 commented 6 years ago

Oh my goodness! I'm so glad! Yup, totally misread, thanks @mathroc

I would love to see this for docker builds then, particularly local dev builds involving docker-compose. Generally for final test/prod builds, I use a musl builder from scratch, but for development, would be a very nice-to-have in the toolkit

axos88 commented 6 years ago


briansmith commented 6 years ago

downloading dependencies is available via cargo fetch

cargo fetch downloads too much in general without having something like #5216 to allow the fetch to be constrained to a target.

golddranks commented 6 years ago

I had a need for this feature today for pre-building a docker image cache. The trick to cargo init a fresh project and reusing only one's Cargo.toml almost worked, but I have a script, so I had to make a stub file too. It would be easier to have a "standard" way of downloading and building the deps that doesn't depend on the particulars of your build and handles your corner cases correctly.

RReverser commented 6 years ago

but I have a script, so I had to make a stub file too

@golddranks Why did you need it though? If the reason is that you have build = "" line in Cargo.toml, then just remove that line as it's not required nowadays and is automatically assumed to be a build script if found.

golddranks commented 6 years ago

Ah, didn't know that. Thanks.

ArtemGr commented 6 years ago

Yet another reason to have this is that some CIs (AppVeyour in particular) have a limit on how much information is logged from the build. With cargo build --dependencies-only one can build dependencies normally, then switch to cargo build -vv for the source code that's being the primary target of the CI build.

wycats commented 6 years ago

I think we should probably consider the docker use-case in more detail. I have a hunch that there's more to the use-case than meets the eye.

I think that the CI use-case is a more interesting rationale for this feature, but I wonder if it argues instead for more control over the verbosity options (--crate-verbosity "my-crate=vv" or something along those lines), which I could imagine being useful for other purposes ("I really want to look more closely at what's going on when I build clap")

JeanMertz commented 6 years ago

I came here looking for the same use-case of wanting to properly layer my Docker images to decrease build times.

I ended up with the following solution, in case this helps anyone else:

FROM ekidd/rust-musl-builder AS builder

RUN sudo chown -R rust:rust /home/rust

RUN mkdir src && touch src/
COPY Cargo.lock .
COPY Cargo.toml .
RUN cargo build --release

ADD . .
RUN cargo build --release

FROM scratch
COPY --from=builder \
  /home/rust/src/target/x86_64-unknown-linux-musl/release/my-app \
ENTRYPOINT ["/my-app"]

Here's the result of the first run, vs a second run with only source code changes, no dependency changes:

collapsed wall of text ``` ❯ time docker build -t hello .; and docker run hello Sending build context to Docker daemon 225.3kB Step 1/10 : FROM ekidd/rust-musl-builder AS builder ---> 792e654be291 Step 2/10 : RUN mkdir src/ && touch src/ ---> Running in 2208ab6053f4 Removing intermediate container 2208ab6053f4 ---> 572926d2738a Step 3/10 : COPY Cargo.lock . ---> e8eb753e4881 Step 4/10 : COPY Cargo.toml . ---> 43f3d04fe0e8 Step 5/10 : RUN cargo build --release ---> Running in 374ba4a8a864 Updating registry `` Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 43.65s Removing intermediate container 374ba4a8a864 ---> 843e36ec3ce7 Step 6/10 : ADD . . ---> c66cc9b7f4dc Step 7/10 : RUN cargo build --release ---> Running in bcd95a11ff47 Compiling hello-world v0.1.0 (file:///home/rust/src) Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.40s Removing intermediate container bcd95a11ff47 ---> 1789bdcc6ed3 Step 8/10 : FROM scratch ---> Step 9/10 : COPY --from=builder /home/rust/src/target/x86_64-unknown-linux-musl/release/hello-world /hello-world ---> Using cache ---> e8501d0c8738 Step 10/10 : ENTRYPOINT ["/hello-world"] ---> Using cache ---> fc179245d85b Successfully built fc179245d85b Successfully tagged hello:latest 53.53 real 2.17 user 0.80 sys hello world ``` ``` ❯ time docker build -t hello .; and docker run hello Sending build context to Docker daemon 225.3kB Step 1/10 : FROM ekidd/rust-musl-builder AS builder ---> 792e654be291 Step 2/10 : RUN mkdir src/ && touch src/ ---> Using cache ---> 572926d2738a Step 3/10 : COPY Cargo.lock . ---> Using cache ---> e8eb753e4881 Step 4/10 : COPY Cargo.toml . ---> Using cache ---> 43f3d04fe0e8 Step 5/10 : RUN cargo build --release ---> Using cache ---> 843e36ec3ce7 Step 6/10 : ADD . . ---> a9698b8f6a88 Step 7/10 : RUN cargo build --release ---> Running in 980a6d70a441 Compiling hello-world v0.1.0 (file:///home/rust/src) Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.35s Removing intermediate container 980a6d70a441 ---> 1661e048b501 Step 8/10 : FROM scratch ---> Step 9/10 : COPY --from=builder /home/rust/src/target/x86_64-unknown-linux-musl/release/hello-world /hello-world ---> d8b93e6a4ff9 Step 10/10 : ENTRYPOINT ["/hello-world"] ---> Running in e26f084ed361 Removing intermediate container e26f084ed361 ---> 6684afc6b641 Successfully built 6684afc6b641 Successfully tagged hello:latest 7.43 real 2.26 user 1.00 sys hello universe! ```
gilescope commented 6 years ago

Same docker use case here. We can do the above, but anyone reading it would wonder what's going on. It would be much clearer to have an -dependencies-only flag.

Is the question whether there are sufficient use cases (Docker, performance timing, any others?)? (I'm assuming the cargo implementation would be fairly simple.).

To be fair docker is a pretty big use case...

emilk commented 6 years ago

Same docker use case here. I would love this feature.

anuraags commented 5 years ago

Same docker use case here. I don't want to have to pull and compile all the dependencies in my image everytime I change the source code.