rust-lang / crates-io-cargo-teams

the home of the crates io team
5 stars 11 forks source link pre-planning: website redesign #29

Open ishitatsuyuki opened 5 years ago

ishitatsuyuki commented 5 years ago

The content is initially summarized from the meeting, and eventually expanded with replies on this thread.

The redesign is proposed as a full rewrite while moving away from Ember.


Potential blockers

Migration methods

One gigantic PR is not viable

carols10cents commented 5 years ago

Current update from my point of view:

EDIT: There was a POC of server-side rendering and I enumerated my concerns in Dec 2017 here; many of those issues are still problems today.

kzys commented 4 years ago

Is that something we are going to do in 2020? I'm not a big Ember fan, but not happy if we are going to throw away what we are doing (e.g. #1811 and/or #1795) soon-ish.

carols10cents commented 4 years ago

My concerns from June 2019 and Dec 2017 are things that are still concerning to me, and I do want to give Fastboot a really good try. So no, I don't see this happening in 2020 and I don't think your work will go to waste ❤️ Thank you so much for your help!