rust-lang / crates-io-cargo-teams

the home of the crates io team
5 stars 11 forks source link meeting agenda: 2020-03-27 14:30 UTC (Discord, 30 min) #77

Closed jtgeibel closed 4 years ago

jtgeibel commented 4 years ago

Reminder, the meeting occurs at 14:30 UTC due to daylight savings and may now occur an hour earlier in your timezone.


Feel free to edit this to add items to the agenda, or post a comment if you are unable to edit.

jtgeibel commented 4 years ago

I've bumped the whole agenda to next week, because many team members are probably still settling in to their new schedules.

To all team members, if this time slot no longer works for you, feel free to leave a comment here or in the channel and we can send out a Doodle to try to schedule a time that works better for everyone. Take care and stay safe friends.