rust-lang / crates-io-cargo-teams

the home of the crates io team
5 stars 11 forks source link meeting agenda: 2020-09-18 14:30 UTC (Discord, 30 min) #98

Closed jtgeibel closed 3 years ago

jtgeibel commented 3 years ago

Feel free to edit this to add items to the agenda, or post a comment if you are unable to edit.



Turbo87 commented 3 years ago
Turbo87 commented 3 years ago
Turbo87 commented 3 years ago
StylusEater commented 3 years ago
name: Weekly Team Meeting
about: Create a new weekly meeting agenda.
title: ' Weekly Team Meeting 001'
labels: meeting

<!-- Thanks stacksgov - -->

## Meeting Details
<!-- Please be sure to update the date in both the first line and the time zone conversion link below! -->
- **Date/Time:** Friday, September 18, 2020, 1430 UTC
    - 1430 UTC
- **Location:** Link will be posted in #crates-io-team channel [on Discord]( shortly before the call.
- **Recording:** @styluseater
- **Moderator:** NA

## [Proposed Agenda]( 

### Attendees

* Present:
  * jtgeibel
  * tbieniek
  * pietroalbini
  * locks
  * StylusEater

### Outcomes

<!-- Rough Notes from Agenda Items -->

* Monthly Zoom Meetings
  * SUGGESTION: 2nd Friday of Each Month with next call on October 9, 2020
  * DECISION: 1st Friday of every months is a synchronous video call and the remaining Fridays are on Discord. 
  * DECISION: Use Zoom for now and reevaluate later.

* Handling Design Changes
  * QUESTION: How do we want to handle design changes? Incremental changes? Big-bang release? Feature flags?
  * Moved to private channel for now.

* Sentry Integration WIP
  * WIP PR is already open and already works on staging.
  * TODO: Need to update the privacy policy.
  * pietroalbini is following up with legal counsel to get it updated.
  * Need reviewers to help.

* Authentication via Cookie or via Auth Token
  * support GitHub, OAuth or Password based?
  * need to support development of backend with frontend which is why password based was suggested…
  * SUGGESTION: Have cloud front redirect you to the instance you choose …
    * you’re visiting and it serves and you set the “Iwantcoolstuffpleasemom” cookie and cloud front serves when you visit
    * for local dev setup you own app under GitHub and use local data
    * we have daily database dumps … don’t include private data
  * carry this item to next weeks agenda

* Deploying Design Changes
  * moved to private channel

### Decisions

* Monthly Zoom Meetings 
  * 1st Friday of every month on ZOOOM and the remaining Fridays are on Discord. 

* Handling Design Changes
  * Decided in private channel.

* Sentry Integration WIP
  * Need [reviewer]( familiar with Sentry.
  * Waiting on legal to approve privacy policy (@pietroalbini).

* Authentication via Cookie or via Auth Token
  * Leverage OAuth and explore using a cookie for targeted Herokuapps.

* Deploying Design Changes
  * Decided in private channel.