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Add `(checked_)norem_div` methods for integer types #337

Open newpavlov opened 5 months ago

newpavlov commented 5 months ago


Problem statement

In some cases it desirable to get division result and ensure that the division has no remainder. For example, a function which works with memory mappings may accept size in bytes, but it requires that the size must be multiple of OS page size. Today we have to insert separate checks (e.g. assert_eq!(size / OS_PAGE_SIZE, 0)) somewhere near the division. It makes code less concise and not great at expressing intent.

Motivating examples or use cases

In our code we have code which works with pages and accepts size in bytes. It requires that the size should be multiple of the page size. The size is provided in bytes for user convenience and because page size can depend on OS and constants.

So we have a bunch of code like this:

const PAGE_SIZE: usize = 1 << 14;
const OS_PAGE_SIZE: usize = 1 << 12;

// somewhere else in the project
let os_pages: usize = pages_len * (PAGE_SIZE / OS_PAGE_SIZE);
// the constants defined in a separate faraway module,
// so to make correctness reasoning local, we assert it near the division
assert_eq(PAGE_SIZE % OS_PAGE_SIZE, 0);

// another place
let pages_to_map: usize = cfg.mapping_size / PAGE_SIZE;
if cfg.mapping_size / PAGE_SIZE {
    return Err(Error::NotPageMultiple);
let pages_to_map: u32 = pages_to_map.try_into().map_err(|_| Error::TooBig)?;

To simplify the code we have introduced the following helper trait and implemented it for necessary integer types:

trait NoRemDiv {
    fn checked_noremdiv(self, other: Self) -> Option<Self>;
    fn noremdiv(self, other: Self) -> Self { self.checked_noremdiv(other).unwrap() }

let os_pages = pages_len * PAGE_SIZE.norem_div(OS_PAGE_SIZE);

let pages_to_map: u32 = cfg
    .map_err(|_| Error::TooBig)?;

It's better than the explicit checks, but we need to introduce the helper trait and import it every time the methods are used. Also in a multi-crate projects it becomes even more annoying. We either have to define the trait in each crate where it needed or introduce a whole separate crate for this small functionality.

Solution sketch

Introduce the following methods to all integers through int_impl! and uint_impl! macros:

/// Checked integer division without remainder. Computes `self / rhs`,
/// returning `None` if `rhs == 0` or if division remainder is not zero.
pub const fn checked_norem_div(self, rhs: Self) -> Option<Self> { ... }

/// Integer division without remainder. Computes `self / rhs`,
/// panics if `rhs == 0` or if division remainder is not zero.
pub const fn norem_div(self, rhs: Self) -> Self { ... }

For signed integer the conditions also include potential overflow when MIN is divided by -1.


Users may use explicit checks based on the remainder operator or custom traits as shown in the examples section. Arguably, the functionality is too small for a separate crate.

Links and related work

pitaj commented 5 months ago

For the const case, as in your example, it's best to do that assertion at compile time:

const PAGE_SIZE: usize = 1 << 14;
const OS_PAGE_SIZE: usize = 1 << 12;
const _: () = {
    assert!(PAGE_SIZE % OS_PAGE_SIZE == 0);

I recommend you provide a different example that shows how this method would be beneficial at runtime.

newpavlov commented 5 months ago

The point is that constant definitions with static assertions (we use them in our code, but they are not relevant here) can be quite far away from operations which depend on the assert. The motivation for the proposed methods is to clearly express that we expect that two numbers divide without remainder without any additional clutter associated with asserts or branches.

Also, the second part of the example is for runtime values.

pitaj commented 5 months ago

In that case, you should provide a const PAGES_PER_OS_PAGE or something that does the division (and remainder check) ahead of time, and use that everywhere instead.

I missed the runtime example cfg.mapping_size, but even in that case maybe you should do the division when you load the config and store the result in the cfg struct rather than having divisions all throughout your codebase.

All that said, this seems pretty niche. Also for the name, I'm not a fan of norem, maybe exact or factor instead?

pitaj commented 5 months ago

Here's another alternative. If we had a std version of div_rem then you could match on the result:

if let (quotient, 0) = whatever.div_rem(PAGE_SIZE) {
    // divides evenly
} else {
    // there was a remainder