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ACP: Add `prev_power_of_two` and `bit_width` methods for unsigned integers and `NonZero<uN>` #397

Open okaneco opened 2 weeks ago

okaneco commented 2 weeks ago


Problem statement

next_power_of_two is implemented for unsigned integers but no corresponding prev_power_of_two is available. Some other common integral bit and power-of-2 operations would be convenient library features to have available for users.

Motivating examples or use cases

Calculating a power-of-2 is important for data structures such as circular queues/circular buffers whose indexing operations benefit from the buffer length being a power-of-2. It is useful in some computer graphics applications where textures must be a power-of-2. Algorithms like bitwise binary search can make use of prev_power_of_two. The result of prev_power_of_two can also be used to clear the most significant set bit. Some other languages call this operation bit_floor.

bit_width is a helpful building block for calculating the number of bits required to represent a value and is used to calculate the prev_power_of_two. The compiler has several handwritten implementations of bit_width throughout the codebase.

C++20 added the <bit> header which includes functions to interact with and process bits. Rust has equivalent functions to all but bit_floor, bit_width, and endian. C23 includes the <stdbit.h> header offering similar functionality to the C++20 header.

C++20 C23 Rust
bit_ceil stdc_bit_ceil next_power_of_two
bit_floor stdc_bit_floor None
bit_width stdc_bit_width None

This ACP seeks to add bit_floor and bit_width equivalent functions, and stabilize the currently private one_less_than_next_power_of_two helper function used to calculate next_power_of_two.

Solution sketch


For unsigned integers and NonZero<uN>:

  1. Add prev_power_of_two, checked_prev_power_of_two, wrapping_prev_power_of_two
  2. Add bit_width
  3. Stabilize one_less_than_next_power_of_two

Since 0_usize.is_power_of_two() == false, the result of 0_usize.prev_power_of_two() is undefined.

Credit to @kennytm for the following results table:

u64 prev_power_of_two checked_prev_power_of_two wrapping_prev_power_of_two
264 - 1 263 Some(263) 263
20 16 Some(16) 16
1 1 Some(1) 1
0 panic (debug)
wrapping (release)
None 263 or 1 or 0
/// Returns the smallest number of bits required to store this value, or `0` if `self == 0`.
pub const fn bit_width(self) -> u32 {
    if self == 0 {
    } else {
        Self::BITS - self.leading_zeros()

/// Returns the largest power-of-2 less than or equal to the input, or `None` if `self == 0`.
pub const fn checked_prev_power_of_two(self) -> Option<Self> {
    if self == 0 {
    } else {
       Some(1 << (self.bit_width() - 1))


  1. Only implement fn prev_power_of_two(self) -> Self on NonZero<uN> to avoid handling of special cases. This may be worse for discoverability of the function and more cumbersome for users to write as they'll have to use a construct like NonZero::new().map_or().
  2. Don't implement wrapping_prev_power_of_two because it's unclear what the behavior should be for 0. panic on 0 in prev_power_of_two in release.

Links and related work

Internals thread

C++20 \<bit> header

C++ std::bit_floor documentation Unaccepted proposal, "N3864: A constexpr bitwise operations library for C++" "Integral power-of-2 operations" "On the names of low-level bit manipulation functions" (renaming floor2 ⇒ bit_floor, log2p1 ⇒ bit_width)

C23 \<stdbit.h> header

"N3022 - Modern Bit Utilities"

What happens now?

This issue contains an API change proposal (or ACP) and is part of the libs-api team feature lifecycle. Once this issue is filed, the libs-api team will review open proposals as capability becomes available. Current response times do not have a clear estimate, but may be up to several months.

Possible responses

The libs team may respond in various different ways. First, the team will consider the problem (this doesn't require any concrete solution or alternatives to have been proposed):

Second, if there's a concrete solution:

kennytm commented 2 weeks ago

bit_width can be used to calculate the index of the most significant set bit with num.bit_width() - 1 (if nonzero).

This is just num.ilog2().

okaneco commented 2 weeks ago

Correct. I can remove that line since it's not as motivating of an example. I had a different example before I rewrote that as num.bit_width().saturating_sub(1) which can be used in a const fn and doesn't have to check that num is nonzero.

highest_one can be implemented as

pub const fn highest_one(self) -> Self {
    if self == 0 {
    } else {
       1 << self.ilog2()
kennytm commented 2 weeks ago

I think prev_power_of_two makes sense but like next_power_of_two there should be checked/wrapping variants regarding 0.

u64 prev_power_of_two checked_prev_power_of_two wrapping_prev_power_of_two
264 - 1 263 Some(263) 263
20 16 Some(16) 16
1 1 Some(1) 1
0 panic (debug)
wrapping (release)
None 263 or 1 or 0
scottmcm commented 2 weeks ago

Some musings, which may or may not want to actually change anything here:

okaneco commented 2 weeks ago

I think prev_power_of_two makes sense but like next_power_of_two there should be checked/wrapping variants regarding 0.

I can rewrite the proposal to have all 3 for completeness but I'd prefer to include only what has the best chance of being accepted or stabilized. wrapping_next_power_of_two still isn't stabilized today.

I agree with adding prev_power_of_two and checked_prev_power_of_two. Users can handle the None from checked_prev_power_of_two to get the behavior they want for 0. Thus, the wrapping variant seems unnecessary to me with how controversial deciding on the output of 0 will be.

  • A related thing I've sometimes wanted is the "fill the low bits" version, aka one_less_than_next_power_of_two. And that has the nice behaviour that it's well-defined for everything; no overflow cases.

I also find this function useful and will consider adding it to the proposal.

okaneco commented 2 weeks ago

I've updated the original proposal to add prev_power_of_two, checked_prev_power_of_two, wrapping_prev_power_of_two, and stabilize one_less_than_next_power_of_two.

Thanks for all the feedback.