rust-lang / log

Logging implementation for Rust
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Simple zero-dependency visitor for kv::Value #440

Closed KodrAus closed 2 years ago

KodrAus commented 3 years ago


Users want to be able to visit simple primitives captured in kv::Values but currently resort to chaining calls like:

if let Some(v) = value.to_i64() {
} else if let Some(v) = value.to_u64() {
} ..

This is flaky and not fun to write. The goal of the current design is that if you're serializing values you probably already have a serialization framework handy (either std::fmt, serde, or sval) that you'll want to use.

There are reasons to want to visit values without pulling one of these in though. For example, wants to write custom formatting logic to make use of IoSlices, and others don't want the additional mental overhead in learning another framework.


Add a simple zero-dependency visit API for log::kv::Value that can be used instead of chaining to_* methods or learning a full serialization framework. It intentionally won't support complex values, but should be enough for simple cases to get off the ground with. A new trait, kv::value::Visitor will be added with the following methods:

pub mod value {
    pub trait Visitor<'v> {
        fn visit_i64(&mut self, v: i64) -> Result<(), Error> { self.visit_any(v.to_value()) }
        fn visit_u64(&mut self, v: u64) -> Result<(), Error> { self.visit_any(v.to_value()) }
        fn visit_bool(&mut self, v: bool) -> Result<(), Error> { self.visit_any(v.to_value()) }
        fn visit_str(&mut self, v: &str) -> Result<(), Error> { self.visit_any(v.to_value()) }
        fn visit_borrowed_str(&mut self, v: &'v str) -> Result<(), Error> { self.visit_str(v) }
        fn visit_error(&mut self, v: &(dyn std::error::Error + 'static)) -> Result<(), Error> { self.visit_any(Value::from_dyn_error(v)) }
        fn visit_borrowed_error(&mut self, v: &'v (dyn std::error::Error + 'static)) -> Result<(), Error> { self.visit_error(v) }

        // NOTE: This is the only required method
        fn visit_any(&mut self, v: Value) -> Result<(), Error>;

with a default implementation looking something like:

impl<'v> value::Visitor<'v> for MyVisitor {
    fn visit_any(&mut self, v: Value) -> Result<(), Error> {
        write!(self.buf, "{}", v)?;

A Value can be visited using an inherent visit method:

impl<'v> Value<'v> {
    pub fn visit(&self, visitor: impl Visitor<'v>) -> Result<(), Error> {
        // Here we know what kind of value we're looking at,
        // so can call the most specific method on `value::Visitor`

Other methods can be overridden to customize their behavior.

Migrating from value::Visitor to sval or serde

If callers want to switch from value::Visitor to sval or serde to support more complex serialization needs, the change will be from calling Value::visit to either <Value as sval::Value>::stream or <Value as serde::Serialize>::serialize.


Why not add these to source::Visitor?

The source::Visitor trait is centred around visit_pair, which lets us build higher-level methods on top, like get. If we add other methods to source::Visitor it may become confusing how the trait should be implemented to support these higher-level methods.

Why does visit_any take a Value?

The Value type is a carrier for a bunch of trait implementations, fmt::Debug, fmt::Display, and possibly sval::Value, and serde::Serialize. By passing in a Value here we give the caller flexibility to decide what trait they want to use without adding a lot of complexity to the value::Visitor trait.

KodrAus commented 3 years ago

If we wanted to re-introduce the Fill API which would be needed to do zero-cost bridging between log and tracing then this Visitor type could be used in place of that Slot, which is really just a value::Visitor.

KodrAus commented 3 years ago

I've updated the proposed trait based on the design that ended up coming out of value-bag in

All it really does is add a 'v lifetime to the value::Visitor trait, so that it becomes possible to capture borrowed strings across calls if you need. This 'v lifetime will be the same as the 'kvs in Visitor::visit_pair<'kvs> so it ends up being threaded all the way through from a borrow of the Source to visitors of the Values.

KodrAus commented 3 years ago

Now that we've got 0.4.14 out we can make progress on this :tada:

Thomasdezeeuw commented 2 years ago

@KodrAus what parts are missing to implement this?

KodrAus commented 2 years ago

Hey @Thomasdezeeuw :wave:

The implementation work was actually all there, so I've opened up #467 that surfaces the visitor API.