rust-lang / miri

An interpreter for Rust's mid-level intermediate representation
Apache License 2.0
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Wanted: FreeBSD target maintainer #2462

Open RalfJung opened 1 year ago

RalfJung commented 1 year ago

We have lost our FreeBSD maintainer. Partial FreeBSD support exists in the codebase but it is not mentioned in the README as a supported platform.

Should we just leave it at that and see if another FreeBSD enthusiast shows up? From a quick glimpse it seemed like adjusting the pthreads support might be quite annoying, since the types are smaller on FreeBSD so we'd have to adjust the offsets where we store our stuff. I have no clue about any other FreeBSD-specific APIs libstd might use. So I won't work on completing this support. But for now there is also little cost in just keeping it around; we can always remove it if/when it becomes a problem.

RalfJung commented 1 year ago

FWIW Android is pretty much in the same situation -- we have just enough support to run 'hello world', and that's about it.

This is a good foundation for someone to come in and add the missing shims for proper support.

oli-obk commented 1 year ago

Yea, I'd rather keep the support as long as it's not a maintenance burden (which afaict it is not).

Having a minimal thing to start from seems great. Maybe all we need is a table of supported targets and their tier/level of support