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Update links under Mozilla Friends logo? (alternatives listed) #1152

Open juleskers opened 6 years ago

juleskers commented 6 years ago

I was just browsing the Friends page, to see what has happened lately (lots of great progress! :heart: ).

During that, I noticed that the Mozilla item links are somewhat outdated. Obviously, Mozilla was among the very first Friends, but a lot of advances have been made since that logo was included! :smile:

I'm not sure who to ping on this, but I'm guessing that whoever is the registered contact for Mozilla gets a say in this.

Currently, it links mozilla bugtrack "#1135640 "oxidation" under "integration into firefox": . This issue is fairly old, provides practically no context, lots of extremely terse communication (mostly "depends on [digits]"), and was marked closed (successfully :smile: ) in Februari 2017.

Current Rust-things seem to be tracked in #1380210 "rust-great", which opens with a little context, and the (IMHO more optimistic) message (emphasis mine):

We have Rust code in the tree and shipping, but using Rust code still has lots of pain points. This is a tracking bug for things we can do to make Rust development in Firefox easier and more productive.

Of course, the "lots of pain points" is a bit of a mixed message...

There are also several alternatives that could be linked, that are more digestible to a wider audience. (Bugtrack is hard to grok for non-tech audiences), such as

1) the official Firefox Quantum announcement blogpost on the mozilla blog. The blog post sells Rust as follows (again, emphasis mine):

This improved utilization of your computer’s hardware makes Firefox Quantum dramatically faster. One example: we’ve developed a breakthrough approach to laying out pages: a super fast CSS engine written in Rust, a systems programming language that Mozilla pioneered. Firefox’s new CSS engine runs quickly, in parallel across multiple CPU cores, instead of running in one slower sequence on a single core. No other browser can do this.

It doesn't go into much technical detail though.

2) Mozilla wiki "Quantum" page

Quantum is not a new web browser. Quantum is Mozilla's project to build the next-generation web engine for Firefox users, building on the Gecko engine as a solid foundation. Quantum will leverage the fearless concurrency of Rust and high-performance components of Servo to bring more parallelization and GPU offloading to Firefox.

Nice in that it links other places where to look, but also seems to be a bit outdated.

3) the very-first "shipping rust in firefox" announcement, although that might be a bit underwhelming ("only" an mp4 media parser).

4) The big rust-lang blogpost: Fearless Concurrency in Firefox Quantum. This is the most-specific and goes into the most detail why rust is a great choice. However, since it is by a rust core developer, on the rust blog, it is probably not a good advertisement, because it is self-advertisement.

What are everyone's thoughts?