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Clarify Rust's relationship to OO in the FAQ #476

Open brson opened 7 years ago

brson commented 7 years ago

What is or isn't OO is a complex topic, one that requires a lot of nuance to explain. There are many different conceptions of what OO means. The FAQ doesn't do a good job of making the Rust OO situation clear.

There are two questions on this subject:

They are both rather bare and kinda don't answer the questions, at least not in a satisfying way.

I'd expect them to acknowledge that defining OO is difficult, means different things to different people, various OO concepts can be expressed in various ways with various degrees of fidelity, that if OO means e.g. 'structural inheritance' then basically Rust is not OO, but if that's what you really want then consider this pattern. It might even start off firmly by saying something like 'No, Rust is not an object-oriented language in the way that Java or Smalltalk are; rather, it is a multi-paradigm language that solves some problems using techniques from object-oriented languages, while the solutions to other problems draw influence from other paradigms. Many object-oriented patterns can be represented - some idiomatically, some not - in Rust, but in different forms than one might expect' etc.

cc @AndrewBrinker @JinShil

alilleybrinker commented 7 years ago

Yeah, the answer to this question is going to take some work. @wycats' answer was great, and should probably be the starting point for what goes into the FAQ.

I definitely like his description of the different facets of OO that Rust may be judged against, namely:

In addition to these things, I would round out the list of "things some consider to be part of being OO" with the following:

The conclusion would then be something about how even though Rust has many of the trappings of an OO language, the specifics of the design (and the ownership and lifetime systems) mean that things are generally built differently in Rust than they would probably be built in a more traditional OO language like Java or Ruby.

Ericson2314 commented 7 years ago

I kind of want the FAQ response to be:

Um, maybe? link-to-wycats-or-similar

alilleybrinker commented 7 years ago

Okay, I finally have some time to work on this! I'll include this in the swath of new answers and answer-improvements I'm working on right now.