This is a multiple commmiters repo of some documentation, working & example projects , extensions etc.
The famliy of Martin has passwords to his repos & agrees to share these to new maintainers & forkers if needed.
The current community around this library ins't skilled enough to continue developing the existing (Free Pascal) code base
This repository is about the language design and changes to the compiler and thus is a wrong place to discuss the wider ecosystem. A better place for such an RFC would be users.rlo or, perhaps, reddit.
The library has excellent database support, only needs core OS & GUI libraries to work etc, RPC & remote form features, secure channels, etc
The web site: The main repo: This (Free Pascal) project were created and maintained by a single person (Martinn Schreiber) which suddenly died at Nov 2018 This is Martin's 90% made work on more suitable language for the msee+msegui. This is a multiple commmiters repo of some documentation, working & example projects , extensions etc. The famliy of Martin has passwords to his repos & agrees to share these to new maintainers & forkers if needed. The current community around this library ins't skilled enough to continue developing the existing (Free Pascal) code base