rust-lang / rust-analyzer

A Rust compiler front-end for IDEs
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feature request: List all applicable From/Into impls #13394

Open davidbarsky opened 2 years ago

davidbarsky commented 2 years ago

A coworker asked this question, and I was little surprised to not have an answer. I'll quote what he said:

let b1: Result<Vec<i32>, anyhow::Error> = vec![1, 2].into_iter().map(|i| Ok(i)).collect();

let b2: Vec<Box<dyn std::error::Error>> =

The call to collect for b1 made use of impl<A, E, V> FromIterator<Result<A, E>> for Result<V, E>, but there was no way in the IDE for me to discover that fact—not by hover, not by go-to-def. Similarly, the call to Into::into for b2 made use of impl From for Box, but again there's no IDE way for me to discover this.

[Some details redacted]

  1. If you hover over collect it currently just prints the verbatim declaration of collect, namely pub fn collect<B>(self) -> B where B: FromIterator<Self::Item>. I think it should also show (1) what B and Item are in this case, (2) the means by which "B: FromIterator" is satisfied. Similarly for Into::into.
  2. If you cmd-click over into then it takes you to impl<T,U> const Into<U> for T where U:~const From<T> \\ fn into(self) -> U. I think the IDE, when given a single-method trait like From, should also include the impl of that method in its list of go-to-def candidates.

The coworker thought (and I personally agree) that it'd be a neat feature for Rust Analyzer to surface these implementations these implementations at the callsite. I'd be happy to implement this feature, as I'm assuming that Chalk has most of this information already. However, I'm struggling to think of a general, principled way of surfacing this information, but I suppose that having rust-analyzer surface just the From/Into/TryFrom/TryInto impls for a given type is probably reasonable.

ljw1004 commented 2 years ago

Here's my first stab at a general/principled solution.

Background: currently rust-analyzer hover just shows the verbatim declaration, for example:

use anyhow::Result;

fn f1() -> anyhow::Result<()> { Ok(()) }
fn f2() -> Result<()> { Ok(()) }
fn f3() -> std::Result<(), anyhow::Error> { Ok(()) }
fn f4<T: Into<String>>(x: T) { println!("{}", x.into()); }
fn f5<T: MyTrait>(x: T) {;; }

fn main() {
    f1().unwrap(); // hover over f1 shows "anyhow::Result"
    f2().unwrap(); // hover over f2 shows "Result"
    f3().unwrap(); // hover over f3 shows "std::Result<(), anyhow::Error>"
    f4(S {}); // hover over f4 shows "f4<T> where T:Into<String>", should also say "T = S. See [impl From<S> for String](...)"
    f5(S {}); // hover over f5 shows "f5<T> where T:MyTrait", should also say "T = S. See [impl MyTrait for S](...)"

struct S {}
impl From<S> for String {
    fn from(_: S) -> Self { "s".to_owned() }

trait MyTrait {
    fn foo(&self) {}
    fn bar(&self) {}
impl MyTrait for S {
    fn foo(&self) {}
    fn bar(&self) {}

Proposal 1. Hover on an occurrence of a generic symbol should show how that symbol has been instantiated at the occurrence in question. Most languages perform that substitution inline, but I think it's nicer to show on a separate line.

Typescript, C#, Hack all performs the occurrence generic substitution into the declaration itself. image image image image

Proposal 2. Also, if the occurrence of a generic substitution involved some constraints, then hyperlink to the impl where that constraint is satisfied.

Neither C# nor Typescript show constraints, nor how they're satisfied. Hack does show the constraint, but not how it's satisfied. image image image

I'll show you something interesting though. In class-based languages like C#, Typescript, Hack, it is universal to show the "defining" class. That gives you an indication of where the relevant implementation can be found. I think that showing where the impl has a similar impetus -- it's to show the user where something useful can be found. image image


I don't know enough about the Rust typesystem to understand all the ways in which a constraint might be satisfied. For instance, I know that if we "impl From" then the "impl Into" comes for free. Where/why does it come for free? I would like to learn that by hovering, and having the hover tooltip educate me.

Proposal 3. Hover types should show "usefully-qualified names". The thing I've found most frustrating is when I hover over a function, and hover shows its return type as "Result", but I don't have a clue what the return type actually is! I have to cmd+click on the function, then scroll up to the top to scan through for something of the form "use xyz::Result". It's quite laborious. It's bad enough that for my team I have banned the common Rust idiom "use xyz::Result" at the top of the file: instead everyone must write out their methods in full using only the standard result type.

Here's how C# implements it. Depending on where you hover, the hover signature for the method f shows either "N.C" or just "C" according to how you would have to qualify it here. image image

Veykril commented 2 years ago

Regarding David Barsky's second point:

  1. If you cmd-click over into then it takes you to impl<T,U> const Into<U> for T where U:~const From<T> \\ fn into(self) -> U. I think the IDE, when given a single-method trait like From, should also include the impl of that method in its list of go-to-def candidates.

That we can't just do, this could get quickly out of control for blanket implementations referring many traits and it would certainly confuse people at the same time wondering why its showing unrelated references. Nevertheless I agree that there is a feature "hole" here, goto def for into is quite useless (blanket impls in general make goto def and the like not as useful). I believe IntelliJ (I might be misremembering) goes to the blanket impls first, but if you re-invoke the goto thing immediately it will go the actual point of interest. We might want to look into something similar for that.

Regarding the hover ideas (that is David Barsky's first point and ljw1004's comment): Proposal 1 is basically certainly something we should have, how we show that info is bikesheddable of course. is also related and contains some instructions

Proposal 2 is a bit a more tricky to think about, I don't think we want to necessarily overload a hover with information, that is we don't want to pack it so full that you have to start searching for the actual "useful" information (useful being whatever the person might be interested in). This might not be a problem though, we'd see if it works or not if we have something working for that, worse case we could make it configurable.

Proposal 3 is tough, it certainly sounds lovely to have, but I am uncertain if we can currently implement that.

Overall I like the ideas you have outlined here and I think they are certainly something we should try to pursue

I have to cmd+click on the function, then scroll up to the top to scan through for something of the form "use xyz::Result"

This confuses me though, why do you have to scan through things? Why does goto def not work for you here?

flodiebold commented 2 years ago

I think a 'general' solution for this would be 'monomorphised go to definition' #8373, which would basically mean that if you go to definition on Into::into, we would somehow remember the active type parameters, which would mean that when you click on the From::from call in the impl, we could take you to the correct From impl from the original location. Also, we could e.g. show substituted associated type values and so on. The problem here is of course the 'somehow'; this kind of stateful interaction is really hard to do with LSP (even as an extension).

flodiebold commented 2 years ago

Another nice-to-have thing I've wanted would be a kind of 'trait query browser' where you can ask 'why does type X implement trait Y' and it shows you a UI that says 'because of impl Z' and lets you drill down further into the where clauses etc., basically visualizing the Chalk recursive solver's solution tree. That's also quite UI-heavy though.

ljw1004 commented 2 years ago

Here is my proposal for go-to-def.

fn main() {
    f4(S {}); // gotodef on f4 should offer "f4" and "impl From<S> for String :: from"
    f5(S {}); // gotodef on f4 should offer "f5" and "impl MyTrait for S"
    let _b1: Vec<Box<dyn std::error::Error>> = vec!["1".to_owned()].into_iter().map(Into::into).collect();
    // gotodef on collect should offer "Iterator::collect" and "impl<A,E,V> FromIterator<Result<A,E>> for Result<V,E> :: from_iter"
    let _b2: Result<Vec<i32>, anyhow::Error> = vec![1, 2].into_iter().map(|i| Ok(i)).collect();
    // gotodef on collect should offer "Iterator::collect" and <??? I don't know enough rust to say>

fn f4<T: Into<String>>(x: T) { println!("{}", x.into()); }
fn f5<T: MyTrait>(x: T) {;; }

struct S {}
impl From<S> for String {
    fn from(_: S) -> Self { "s".to_owned() }

trait MyTrait {
    fn foo(&self) {}
    fn bar(&self) {}
impl MyTrait for S {
    fn foo(&self) {}
    fn bar(&self) {}

Proposal 4. When a method call involves constraint satisfaction, then the syntax that the user wrote which looks like it's using a single definition (that of the receiver method), is actually also using a second definition -- that which justifies how the constraints are satisfied. When we cmd-click "go-to-def" on the method call we should be offered all the definitions which went into it.

Here's a slightly different example from Hack where GoToDef offers multiple results. Imagine you write new B() and the user cmd+clicks on B. It's ambiguous in this context whether the symbol B is referring in the user's mind to the type class B or to the constructor method function B::__construct. We should notionally offer both targets for gotodef. However, gotodef is kind of unpleasant when it offers multiple targets -- it breaks the user's flow.

I think that Proposal4 will be bad if it shows multiple results but users 99% of the time only want to go to one of the results. My idea is to maybe limit it at first, using it only when the target of the call is from a white-list of standard library calls. I think the initial content of this white-list might be solely Iterator::collect and Into::into.

ljw1004 commented 2 years ago

This confuses me though, why do you have to scan through things? Why does goto def not work for you here?

@Veykril I'm sure @davidbarsky could tell you more about our company's setup, but our rust-analyzer works fine at providing language services for the project you're working on where it's already warm. But then you ask it to warm itself up and resolve everything it needs to understand a file within stdlib or a third-party crate then it's often either slower at the warmup than I am myself at scrolling through the first 30 lines of the file, or it fails entirely.

In C# they never face this because types imported from stdlib or third-party packages are always exposed to the user as as "signature-only" and the language server is never asked to spin itself up to process/understand/build a third-party crate. Indeed, for C#, my developer machine might not even have installed the tools needed to compile that third-party crate's source code.

I'm not disagreeing with Rust! I think it's wonderful that I can cmd+click into a third-party crate to see how it's implemented. I just think that if my workflow depends upon rust-analyzer being able to work correctly for all stdlib and third-party crate source code then it feels like a higher bar being placed for rust-analyzer than, say, for C#. The proposals in this issue would reduce the bar.

davidbarsky commented 2 years ago

But then you ask it to warm itself up and resolve everything it needs to understand a file within stdlib or a third-party crate then it's often either slower at the warmup than I am myself at scrolling through the first 30 lines of the file, or it fails entirely.

fwiw, most of the limitations you might experience today are not rust's or rust-analyzer's fault—they're mine for being too lazy/short-on-time to implement support for the files correctly. looking back, most/all of these are pretty easy to fix and don't require help from the very nice rust-analyzer folks 😄

davidbarsky commented 2 years ago

Another nice-to-have thing I've wanted would be a kind of 'trait query browser' where you can ask 'why does type X implement trait Y' and it shows you a UI that says 'because of impl Z' and lets you drill down further into the where clauses etc., basically visualizing the Chalk recursive solver's solution tree. That's also quite UI-heavy though.

I like this approach quite a bit! Maybe as an initial pass, this component can reuse the existing "view status/HIR" pane as the UI? I'll take a look at Chalk and the existing integration with RA.

flodiebold commented 2 years ago

The biggest problem with that one is that it requires either some way of tracing Chalk's solution, or basically replicating all of Chalk's logic.

davidbarsky commented 2 years ago

Ah, gotcha! I assumed there was a handy "get me all applicable impls for type Foo" in Chalk, primarily because I thought it'd be needed for the rustc error that lists out applicable implementations when the user-provided types don't fit.

davidbarsky commented 2 years ago

Oh, reading over the Chalk book, I can see how some reflexive implementations could lead to an unbounded search: That... can throw a wrench into a naive implementation 😅

Veykril commented 2 years ago

@Veykril I'm sure @davidbarsky could tell you more about our company's setup, but our rust-analyzer works fine at providing language services for the project you're working on where it's already warm. But then you ask it to warm itself up and resolve everything it needs to understand a file within stdlib or a third-party crate then it's often either slower at the warmup than I am myself at scrolling through the first 30 lines of the file, or it fails entirely. [..] The proposals in this issue would reduce the bar.

I don't quite see how. For r-a to calculate the hover, we need to do the same work as we do for goto-def, so in either case r-a will need to warm up here, so whatever you describe here will not be able to help you with that.

ljw1004 commented 2 years ago

I don't quite see how. For r-a to calculate the hover, we need to do the same work as we do for goto-def, so in either case r-a will need to warm up here, so whatever you describe here will not be able to help you with that.

Here's what I'm thinking. I'm in file A.RS and rust-analyzer is warm for this file -- it has resolved all the crates I depend upon and knows the signatures in them. This is how it knows that somecrate::foo has return type Result<i32, anyhow::Error>, say, and shows me in hover.

If I cmd+click on foo and it takes me to third-party/crates/somecrate/ to the line of code which says fn foo() -> Result<i32> then I'd have to cmd+click on this Result here. The only way I can do this is if rust-analyzer has warmed itself up for a second file, somecrate/ It might be that warming up rust-analyzer for somecrate/ is a lot more costly, e.g. because it needs to know about all the many crates that uses in its implementation even though it never uses in its public signature.

In C# and Hack, the user rarely needs to have the language-service warm for that third-party file since they got all they need from hover in their own (warm) source file. That laziness allows for faster startup times.

davidbarsky commented 2 years ago

@ljw1004 Ah, there's a misunderstanding here. if you're able to a separate crate/file from an indexed file, that file you've reached is also indexed. Another rust-analyzer instance does not need to start up again; the indexing cost is entirely up-front.

gregtatum commented 1 year ago

As a maintainer of several Rust code projects I didn't write, any .into() I get to means that I can't use rust-analyzer to give me the definition of what's happening, which requires lots of detailed sleuthing. Any type of help from the rust-analyzer to get at this information would be a huge productivity gain for me. Often there are bugs and implementation details hiding in the From trait implementations that are completely opaque to the language server. I feel like this is the number one issue with me using Rust productively these days.