rust-lang / rust-analyzer

A Rust compiler front-end for IDEs
Apache License 2.0
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forced recompiling no code changes due to rust analyzer #17155

Open tzemanovic opened 3 weeks ago

tzemanovic commented 3 weeks ago

Hi, thanks for rust-analyzer!

I'm having trouble with rust-analyzer forcing rebuild of a project and all its deps even though there are no code changes. I tried to diagnose what's causing it reading #16640 and with CARGO_LOG=cargo::core::compiler::fingerprint=info cargo build I'm seeing e.g.:

cargo::core::compiler::fingerprint: dependency on `build_script_build` is newer than we are 1714234960.242826421s > 1714234952.135008268s "/home/tz/.cargo/registry/src/"


cargo::core::compiler::fingerprint: fingerprint dirty for crossbeam-utils v0.8.16/Build/TargetInner { ..: lib_target("crossbeam-utils", ["lib"], "/home/tz/.cargo/registry/src/", Edition2018) }
cargo::core::compiler::fingerprint:     dirty: FsStatusOutdated(StaleDependency { name: "build_script_build", dep_mtime: FileTime { seconds: 1714234960, nanos: 242826421 }, max_mtime: FileTime { seconds: 1714234952, nanos: 135008268 } })
cargo::core::compiler::fingerprint: fingerprint dirty for crossbeam-utils v0.8.16/RunCustomBuild/TargetInner { ..: custom_build_target("build-script-build", "/home/tz/.cargo/registry/src/", Edition2018) }
cargo::core::compiler::fingerprint:     dirty: UnitDependencyInfoChanged { old_name: "build_script_build", old_fingerprint: 2579957232512875769, new_name: "build_script_build", new_fingerprint: 11333844636011871432 }
cargo::core::compiler::fingerprint: fingerprint dirty for crossbeam-utils v0.8.16/Build/TargetInner { ..: custom_build_target("build-script-build", "/home/tz/.cargo/registry/src/", Edition2018) }

This appears for all the deps with build scripts so it seems that for some reason there is difference in how the build scripts are compiled.

I tried to remove all my user settings (both in VSCode and in terminal) to make sure it's not due to my config.

I also tried to set "rust-analyzer.cargo.buildScripts.useRustcWrapper": false with no success. I'm using "rust-analyzer.rust.analyzerTargetDir": true as a workaround which unfortunately bloats the build artifacts.

rust-analyzer version: Release: 2024-04-22 (v0.3.1932)

rustc version: rustc 1.76.0 (07dca489a 2024-02-04)

editor or extension: VSCode v0.3.1932