rust-lang / rust-analyzer

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rust-analyzer is slow to compile #1987

Closed matklad closed 3 years ago

matklad commented 4 years ago

Both ra_hir and ra_ide_api are really slow to compiler, which makes fix & test loop rather frustrating. Note that tests are extremely fast themselves, it's compile time that hurts us badly.

We need to do something with it...

lnicola commented 4 years ago


Codegen seems to be taking an awful lot of time...

With debug=0:


But overall that's just a tiny improvement.

kjeremy commented 4 years ago

At the moment we carry around 2 versions of winapi which adds over 30 seconds to my build. I can get it down to (I think) one version of 0.2.8 being held back by mio.

kjeremy commented 4 years ago

@Inicola is that cargo timings with build? 88s to generate metadata on ra_hir?

lnicola commented 4 years ago

Yeah, and 102s by default. Maybe there's a lot of generic code?

matklad commented 4 years ago

Hm, that reminds me that we should set debug = 1 for the dev profile, to save some disk space...

lnicola commented 4 years ago

Another interesting thing is that I tried to use lld. Even though it helped quite a lot on other projects, it seems to make no difference here.

lnicola commented 4 years ago

Some random -Z self-profile measurements, which don't tell us anything new:


| Item                                          | Self time | % of total time | Item count | Cache hits | Blocked time | Incremental load time |
| LLVM_module_optimize_module_passes            | 129.32s   | 35.794          | 199        | 0          | 0.00ns       | 0.00ns                |
| LLVM_thin_lto_optimize                        | 75.69s    | 20.950          | 199        | 0          | 0.00ns       | 0.00ns                |
| LLVM_module_codegen_emit_obj                  | 55.74s    | 15.429          | 199        | 0          | 0.00ns       | 0.00ns                |
| codegen_crate                                 | 36.53s    | 10.111          | 1          | 0          | 0.00ns       | 0.00ns                |
| codegen_module                                | 16.45s    | 4.553           | 199        | 0          | 0.00ns       | 0.00ns                |
| LLVM_thin_lto_import                          | 13.98s    | 3.869           | 199        | 0          | 0.00ns       | 0.00ns                |
| LLVM_module_optimize_function_passes          | 6.76s     | 1.870           | 199        | 0          | 0.00ns       | 0.00ns                |
| typeck_tables_of                              | 3.29s     | 0.910           | 2798       | 0          | 0.00ns       | 0.00ns                |
| LLVM_module_codegen_make_bitcode              | 2.61s     | 0.723           | 199        | 0          | 0.00ns       | 0.00ns                |
| evaluate_obligation                           | 1.35s     | 0.374           | 79783      | 0          | 0.00ns       | 0.00ns                |
| monomorphization_collector_graph_walk         | 1.04s     | 0.289           | 1          | 0          | 0.00ns       | 0.00ns                |


| Item                                          | Self time | % of total time | Item count | Cache hits | Blocked time | Incremental load time |
| LLVM_module_optimize_module_passes            | 166.80s   | 35.059          | 305        | 0          | 0.00ns       | 0.00ns                |
| LLVM_thin_lto_optimize                        | 96.95s    | 20.377          | 305        | 0          | 0.00ns       | 0.00ns                |
| LLVM_module_codegen_emit_obj                  | 69.66s    | 14.642          | 305        | 0          | 0.00ns       | 0.00ns                |
| codegen_crate                                 | 50.28s    | 10.568          | 1          | 0          | 0.00ns       | 0.00ns                |
| LLVM_thin_lto_import                          | 26.33s    | 5.533           | 305        | 0          | 0.00ns       | 0.00ns                |
| codegen_module                                | 25.05s    | 5.266           | 305        | 0          | 0.00ns       | 0.00ns                |
| LLVM_module_optimize_function_passes          | 10.47s    | 2.200           | 305        | 0          | 0.00ns       | 0.00ns                |
| LLVM_module_codegen_make_bitcode              | 3.14s     | 0.660           | 305        | 0          | 0.00ns       | 0.00ns                |
| normalize_projection_ty                       | 1.84s     | 0.386           | 15240      | 0          | 0.00ns       | 0.00ns                |
| monomorphization_collector_graph_walk         | 1.74s     | 0.367           | 1          | 0          | 0.00ns       | 0.00ns                |
| evaluate_obligation                           | 1.46s     | 0.307           | 74165      | 0          | 0.00ns       | 0.00ns                |
| codegen_fulfill_obligation                    | 1.46s     | 0.307           | 23807      | 0          | 0.00ns       | 0.00ns                |
lnicola commented 4 years ago

ice1000 commented 4 years ago

Will further modularization help?

kjeremy commented 4 years ago

Might be relevant for cargo test

matklad commented 4 years ago

On thing that helps a bit is using lld:

λ cat ~/.cargo/config 
rustflags = [ "-C", "link-arg=-fuse-ld=lld" ]⏎
lnicola commented 4 years ago

That's strange, I tried it a couple of times, and it made zero difference for RA. It does help a lot on other projects.

Matthias247 commented 4 years ago

Since I now got a fancy desktop PC which is not generally slow here is another observation: The compile cycle does barely use any parallelism.

The following is the CPU utilization for a small edit and recompile inside a file in ra_hir on a 12 core CPU:

The whole cargo build for this picture took 12s - so it's not super annoying. But it looks like it could go a lot faster if more resources are actually used. But I guess that is more likely a rustc than an actual rust-analyzer issue - unless the project is restructured to be more suitable to for parallelism (crates which are not that dependend on each other?).

lnicola commented 4 years ago

I think small, incremental edits parallelize inherently worse, because there's less to compile. Still, it's not so bad:


But it's surprising how much debug info slows things down. Same scenario, touch crates/ra_hir/src/; cargo build --release -p ra_lsp_server, but with debug = 0 instead of 1:


jens1o commented 4 years ago

How could one disable debug=0 constantly without an extra flag without having to constantly stash the change in Cargo.toml as soon as there's an update?

lnicola commented 4 years ago

That's how, but you might not need to stash that often.

I generally use pull --rebase with autostash, so it doesn't come up most of the time.

matklad commented 4 years ago

Hm, should we put debug=0 into Cargo.toml? I think I personally can live with that, especially if it makes printf debugging faster :-)

We loose line numbers in backtraces, but I think I rarely look at backtraces (but we should retain debug=1 for releases, so that folks can get a useful backtraces from the debugger).

On the side note, one of the things I miss most from IntelliJ is the ability to colorize and linkify backtraces. If we could link rust::paths from backtraces to functions, that would be sooo helpful.

lnicola commented 4 years ago

Hm, should we put debug=0 into Cargo.toml? I think I personally can live with that, especially if it makes printf debugging faster :-)

That depends on whether you're testing on debug or release builds. Re backtraces, unfortunately rust-analyzer pretty much never crashes for me. I've used the debug info for profiling, but I can enable it manually.

jens1o commented 4 years ago

Well, I use rust-analyzer always with install-ra, which means afaic that I use release all the times. :/

matklad commented 4 years ago

It feels like it became significantly works for --release since we've introduced ra_ide_db crate, because now we repeatedly monomorphise hir for the same database in different crates.

matklad commented 4 years ago

Some measurements from today and a time before ra_ide_db introduction



:( :( :(

lnicola commented 4 years ago

I haven't looked over the code (not sure what the polymorphic code is), but is there a way to avoid that, maybe by introducing monomorphic wrappers?

matklad commented 4 years ago

So "introducing monomorphic wrappers" is exactly what ra_ide_db did, and it made things worse.

Ie, making DB non-generic does not work (or, rather, makes things worse), because all functions are still generic, but are now monomorphised in each crate that uses a non-generic database.

lnicola commented 4 years ago

because all functions are still generic

Do you mean things like impl<'db, DB: HirDatabase> Semantics<'db, DB> that are still generic over the database? Can they use RootDatabase instead?

matklad commented 4 years ago

That as well, but mostly all query definitions, like infer_query.

matklad commented 4 years ago

(though, I still haven't really debugged this properly, my understanding of how monomorphisation happens might be wrong)

lnicola commented 4 years ago

I can't try right now, but I'm curious what happens on a non-LTO build. It seemed to me that half of the build time was spent during linking.

matklad commented 4 years ago

with lto=false it is somewhat faster, but the general picture is the same


matklad commented 4 years ago

Ok, looks like my analysis about monomorphisations was only partially correct. I've switch everything to dynamic dispatch in

It reduced the total compile time somewhat, but, contrary to what I've expected, every one of the big crates still takes a long time to compile.


I think it would be very useful to compare self-profile data from the dyn commint and from the corrspondig commit before dyn-ing everything.

kjeremy commented 4 years ago

Is that with lto=false?

matklad commented 4 years ago

Nope, that's with lto.

Total build time for dyn is

real 210.67s
user 1570.88s
sys  15.58s
rss  966300k

for impl is

real 306.74s
user 2288.41s
sys  19.79s
rss  1061588k
matklad commented 4 years ago

Perf is essentially the same, binary is slightly smaller:

λ ./target/rust-analyzer-dyn analysis-stats ~/projects/rustraytracer/
Database loaded, 55 roots, 75.137501ms
Crates in this dir: 4
Total modules found: 40
Total declarations: 309
Total functions: 175
Item Collection: 3.382379153s, 0b allocated 0b resident
Total expressions: 4101                                                  
Expressions of unknown type: 187 (4%)
Expressions of partially unknown type: 94 (2%)
Type mismatches: 38
Inference: 5.032461187s, 0b allocated 0b resident
Total: 8.414847361s, 0b allocated 0b resident

λ ./target/rust-analyzer-impl analysis-stats ~/projects/rustraytracer/
Database loaded, 55 roots, 72.812239ms
Crates in this dir: 4
Total modules found: 40
Total declarations: 309
Total functions: 175
Item Collection: 3.401339997s, 0b allocated 0b resident
Total expressions: 4101                                                  
Expressions of unknown type: 187 (4%)
Expressions of partially unknown type: 94 (2%)
Type mismatches: 38
Inference: 5.013217611s, 0b allocated 0b resident
Total: 8.414570169s, 0b allocated 0b resident

λ exa -l -all target/
.rwxr-xr-x 21M matklad 13 Mar 17:47 rust-analyzer-dyn
.rwxr-xr-x 24M matklad 13 Mar 17:47 rust-analyzer-impl
matklad commented 4 years ago

No significant difference in debug build-times, about a minute for each.

lnicola commented 4 years ago

I wonder why your binary is so small (21 MB). The one on GitHub is 27 MB and mine is 28.

EDIT: ah, strip -s does that.

matklad commented 4 years ago

And the one on GitHub is presumably linked statically (but still stripped).

kjeremy commented 4 years ago

Maybe cargo-llvm-lines could help us identify some hot spots.

lnicola commented 4 years ago

Some results on the rust-analyzer crate:

  Lines        Copies         Function name
  -----        ------         -------------
 483559 (100%)  15673 (100%)  (TOTAL)
  15650 (3.2%)   1263 (8.1%)  core::ptr::drop_in_place
  13702 (2.8%)     34 (0.2%)  alloc::raw_vec::RawVec<T,A>::grow
  11638 (2.4%)    182 (1.2%)  core::result::Result<T,E>::map
  11547 (2.4%)    178 (1.1%)  core::result::Result<T,E>::map_err
   8855 (1.8%)     35 (0.2%)  rust_analyzer::main_loop::result_to_task
   8249 (1.7%)     59 (0.4%)  <serde_json::value::de::MapDeserializer as serde::de::MapAccess>::next_key_seed
   7463 (1.5%)     58 (0.4%)  serde_json::value::de::visit_object
   7389 (1.5%)     32 (0.2%)  serde::ser::Serializer::collect_seq
   7324 (1.5%)     35 (0.2%)  rust_analyzer::main_loop::PoolDispatcher::parse
   7063 (1.5%)     73 (0.5%)  core::iter::traits::iterator::Iterator::try_fold
   6803 (1.4%)    131 (0.8%)  core::result::Result<T,E>::unwrap_or_else
   6173 (1.3%)     48 (0.3%)  serde_json::value::de::visit_array
   5375 (1.1%)     68 (0.4%)  <serde_json::value::ser::SerializeMap as serde::ser::SerializeMap>::serialize_value
   5214 (1.1%)     88 (0.6%)  core::option::Option<T>::map
   4465 (0.9%)     19 (0.1%)  hashbrown::raw::RawTable<T>::rehash_in_place
   4340 (0.9%)     35 (0.2%)  serde_json::value::de::<impl serde::de::Deserializer for serde_json::value::Value>::deserialize_struct
   3771 (0.8%)     30 (0.2%)  rust_analyzer::main_loop::PoolDispatcher::on
   3728 (0.8%)     49 (0.3%)  <serde_json::value::de::SeqDeserializer as serde::de::SeqAccess>::next_element_seed
   3429 (0.7%)     49 (0.3%)  <serde_json::value::de::MapDeserializer as serde::de::MapAccess>::next_value_seed
   3332 (0.7%)     58 (0.4%)  core::option::Option<T>::ok_or_else
   3193 (0.7%)    145 (0.9%)  serde_json::value::to_value
   3141 (0.6%)     30 (0.2%)  lsp_server::msg::Request::extract
   3083 (0.6%)     39 (0.2%)  alloc::vec::Vec<T>::extend_desugared
   3059 (0.6%)     19 (0.1%)  hashbrown::raw::RawTable<T>::resize
   2856 (0.6%)     24 (0.2%)  hashbrown::raw::RawTable<T>::find
   2732 (0.6%)     60 (0.4%)  core::ptr::swap_nonoverlapping_one
   2720 (0.6%)     68 (0.4%)  serde::ser::SerializeMap::serialize_entry
   2655 (0.5%)     59 (0.4%)  <serde_json::value::de::BorrowedCowStrDeserializer as serde::de::Deserializer>::deserialize_any
   2625 (0.5%)     31 (0.2%)  <alloc::vec::Vec<T> as alloc::vec::SpecExtend<T,I>>::from_iter
   2314 (0.5%)      1 (0.0%)  rust_analyzer::cli::analysis_stats::analysis_stats
   2290 (0.5%)     80 (0.5%)  alloc::alloc::box_free
   2229 (0.5%)     45 (0.3%)  crossbeam_channel::context::Context::with::{{closure}}
   2133 (0.4%)     27 (0.2%)  core::iter::traits::exact_size::ExactSizeIterator::len
   2091 (0.4%)     41 (0.3%)  alloc::raw_vec::RawVec<T,A>::current_memory
   2065 (0.4%)     59 (0.4%)  serde::de::Visitor::visit_string
lnicola commented 4 years ago

And ra_ide_db:

    Finished dev [unoptimized] target(s) in 1m 05s
  Lines        Copies         Function name
  -----        ------         -------------
1620843 (100%)  62960 (100%)  (TOTAL)
  61069 (3.8%)   5316 (8.4%)  core::ptr::drop_in_place
  51419 (3.2%)     47 (0.1%)  salsa::derived::slot::Slot<DB,Q,MP>::read_upgrade
  48978 (3.0%)     94 (0.1%)  salsa::derived::slot::Slot<DB,Q,MP>::probe
  36812 (2.3%)    561 (0.9%)  core::result::Result<T,E>::map_err
  35226 (2.2%)    636 (1.0%)  core::option::Option<T>::map
  34771 (2.1%)     47 (0.1%)  <salsa::derived::slot::Slot<DB,Q,MP> as salsa::dependency::DatabaseSlot<DB>>::maybe_changed_since
  34658 (2.1%)     86 (0.1%)  alloc::raw_vec::RawVec<T,A>::grow
  30141 (1.9%)    498 (0.8%)  core::option::Option<T>::ok_or_else
  26176 (1.6%)    571 (0.9%)  core::ptr::swap_nonoverlapping_one
  19537 (1.2%)    249 (0.4%)  alloc::sync::Arc<T>::new
  19045 (1.2%)    196 (0.3%)  core::iter::traits::iterator::Iterator::try_fold
  18565 (1.1%)     79 (0.1%)  hashbrown::raw::RawTable<T>::rehash_in_place
  18207 (1.1%)    153 (0.2%)  hashbrown::raw::RawTable<T>::find
  18146 (1.1%)     43 (0.1%)  std::sync::mpsc::stream::Packet<T>::abort_selection
  17757 (1.1%)    343 (0.5%)  core::result::Result<T,E>::unwrap_or_else
  16966 (1.0%)     47 (0.1%)  salsa::derived::slot::PanicGuard<DB,Q,MP>::overwrite_placeholder
  13416 (0.8%)     43 (0.1%)  std::sync::mpsc::Sender<T>::send
  12719 (0.8%)     79 (0.1%)  hashbrown::raw::RawTable<T>::resize
  12389 (0.8%)     43 (0.1%)  std::sync::mpsc::shared::Packet<T>::try_recv
  12304 (0.8%)    342 (0.5%)  alloc::sync::Arc<T>::drop_slow
  12210 (0.8%)     47 (0.1%)  salsa::derived::slot::Slot<DB,Q,MP>::sweep
  11844 (0.7%)     47 (0.1%)  salsa::derived::slot::Memo<DB,Q>::validate_memoized_value
  11610 (0.7%)     43 (0.1%)  std::sync::mpsc::Receiver<T>::recv
  11452 (0.7%)    166 (0.3%)  core::result::Result<T,E>::map
  11395 (0.7%)     43 (0.1%)  std::sync::mpsc::stream::Packet<T>::try_recv
  11000 (0.7%)     44 (0.1%)  smallvec::SmallVec<A>::try_grow
  10241 (0.6%)     77 (0.1%)  hashbrown::raw::RawTable<T>::new_uninitialized
  10017 (0.6%)    665 (1.1%)  core::ptr::read
   9933 (0.6%)     77 (0.1%)  hashbrown::raw::RawTable<T>::try_with_capacity
   9768 (0.6%)     44 (0.1%)  std::sync::mpsc::sync::Packet<T>::drop_port
   9729 (0.6%)     47 (0.1%)  salsa::lru::LruData<Node>::insert_new
   9682 (0.6%)     47 (0.1%)  salsa::lru::Lru<Node>::record_use
   9458 (0.6%)    291 (0.5%)  <alloc::vec::Vec<T> as core::ops::index::IndexMut<I>>::index_mut
   9429 (0.6%)    347 (0.6%)  alloc::alloc::box_free
   9417 (0.6%)     43 (0.1%)  std::sync::mpsc::stream::Packet<T>::recv
   9417 (0.6%)     43 (0.1%)  std::sync::mpsc::sync::Packet<T>::recv
   9027 (0.6%)    177 (0.3%)  alloc::raw_vec::RawVec<T,A>::current_memory
   8930 (0.6%)     47 (0.1%)  salsa::lru::LruData<Node>::promote_yellow_to_green
   8624 (0.5%)     44 (0.1%)  <std::sync::mpsc::shared::Packet<T> as core::ops::drop::Drop>::drop
   8453 (0.5%)     47 (0.1%)  salsa::runtime::Runtime<DB>::execute_query_implementation
   8154 (0.5%)    196 (0.3%)  <ra_ide_db::RootDatabase as salsa::Database>::salsa_event
   8137 (0.5%)    158 (0.3%)  hashbrown::raw::RawTable<T>::rehash_in_place::{{closure}}
   8020 (0.5%)    564 (0.9%)  salsa::derived::slot::Slot<DB,Q,MP>::probe::{{closure}}
   8004 (0.5%)     43 (0.1%)  std::sync::mpsc::oneshot::Packet<T>::try_recv
   7913 (0.5%)     47 (0.1%)  <salsa::derived::DerivedStorage<DB,Q,MP> as salsa::plumbing::QueryStorageOps<DB,Q>>::try_fetch
   7664 (0.5%)      1 (0.0%)  ra_ide_db::change::<impl ra_ide_db::RootDatabase>::per_query_memory_usage
   7481 (0.5%)    324 (0.5%)  core::mem::replace
   7396 (0.5%)     43 (0.1%)  std::sync::mpsc::sync::Packet<T>::wakeup_senders
   7391 (0.5%)     15 (0.0%)  salsa::interned::InternedStorage<DB,Q>::intern_index
   7360 (0.5%)    320 (0.5%)  core::fmt::ArgumentV1::new
   7285 (0.4%)     47 (0.1%)  salsa::derived::slot::Slot<DB,Q,MP>::register_with_in_progress_thread
   7184 (0.4%)    342 (0.5%)  <alloc::sync::Arc<T> as core::ops::drop::Drop>::drop
   7052 (0.4%)     43 (0.1%)  std::sync::mpsc::shared::Packet<T>::abort_selection
   6840 (0.4%)    342 (0.5%)  core::alloc::layout::Layout::for_value
   6708 (0.4%)     43 (0.1%)  std::sync::mpsc::shared::Packet<T>::recv
   6593 (0.4%)     43 (0.1%)  std::sync::mpsc::shared::Packet<T>::send
   6399 (0.4%)     79 (0.1%)  hashbrown::raw::RawTable<T>::reserve_rehash
   6391 (0.4%)     77 (0.1%)  hashbrown::raw::RawTable<T>::find_insert_slot
   6364 (0.4%)     43 (0.1%)  std::sync::mpsc::stream::Packet<T>::decrement
   6149 (0.4%)     43 (0.1%)  std::sync::mpsc::sync::wait_timeout_receiver
   6134 (0.4%)     72 (0.1%)  hashbrown::rustc_entry::<impl hashbrown::map::HashMap<K,V,S>>::rustc_entry
   6116 (0.4%)     44 (0.1%)  std::sync::mpsc::spsc_queue::Queue<T,ProducerAddition,ConsumerAddition>::pop
   6028 (0.4%)     44 (0.1%)  <std::sync::mpsc::stream::Packet<T> as core::ops::drop::Drop>::drop
   5977 (0.4%)     43 (0.1%)  std::sync::mpsc::oneshot::Packet<T>::recv
   5848 (0.4%)     43 (0.1%)  std::sync::mpsc::shared::Packet<T>::decrement
   5734 (0.4%)     47 (0.1%)  salsa::lru::LruData<Node>::promote_red_to_green
   5687 (0.4%)     47 (0.1%)  salsa::derived::slot::Slot<DB,Q,MP>::read
   5635 (0.3%)    670 (1.1%)  core::mem::maybe_uninit::MaybeUninit<T>::assume_init
   5547 (0.3%)     43 (0.1%)  std::sync::mpsc::oneshot::Packet<T>::upgrade
   5504 (0.3%)     43 (0.1%)  std::sync::mpsc::oneshot::Packet<T>::send
   5332 (0.3%)     43 (0.1%)  std::sync::mpsc::oneshot::Packet<T>::abort_selection
   5324 (0.3%)     44 (0.1%)  <std::sync::mpsc::sync::Packet<T> as core::ops::drop::Drop>::drop
   5226 (0.3%)     78 (0.1%)  <hashbrown::raw::RawIterRange<T> as core::iter::traits::iterator::Iterator>::next
   5205 (0.3%)    343 (0.5%)  alloc::boxed::Box<T>::into_unique
   4988 (0.3%)    344 (0.5%)  alloc::raw_vec::RawVec<T,A>::grow::{{closure}}
   4859 (0.3%)     43 (0.1%)  std::sync::mpsc::sync::wait
   4816 (0.3%)     43 (0.1%)  std::sync::mpsc::stream::Packet<T>::do_send
   4806 (0.3%)    178 (0.3%)  <alloc::raw_vec::RawVec<T,A> as core::ops::drop::Drop>::drop
   4773 (0.3%)     43 (0.1%)  std::sync::mpsc::spsc_queue::Queue<T,ProducerAddition,ConsumerAddition>::with_additions
   4753 (0.3%)     97 (0.2%)  core::iter::traits::iterator::Iterator::find::check::{{closure}}
   4601 (0.3%)     43 (0.1%)  std::sync::mpsc::sync::abort_selection
   4568 (0.3%)    571 (0.9%)  core::ptr::swap_nonoverlapping
   4429 (0.3%)     12 (0.0%)  rayon_core::join::join_context::{{closure}}
   4418 (0.3%)     47 (0.1%)  salsa::lru::LruData<Node>::record_use
   4371 (0.3%)     47 (0.1%)  salsa::derived::slot::Memo<DB,Q>::check_durability
   4269 (0.3%)     45 (0.1%)  <core::iter::adapters::zip::Zip<A,B> as core::iter::adapters::zip::ZipImpl<A,B>>::next
   4257 (0.3%)     43 (0.1%)  std::sync::mpsc::stream::Packet<T>::send
   4170 (0.3%)     94 (0.1%)  salsa::derived::slot::Slot<DB,Q,MP>::read_upgrade::{{closure}}
   4137 (0.3%)    470 (0.7%)  core::cell::UnsafeCell<T>::new
   4094 (0.3%)    178 (0.3%)  core::ptr::slice_from_raw_parts_mut
   4085 (0.3%)     43 (0.1%)  std::sync::mpsc::spsc_queue::Queue<T,ProducerAddition,ConsumerAddition>::alloc
   4059 (0.3%)     72 (0.1%)  hashbrown::raw::RawTable<T>::insert_no_grow
   4039 (0.2%)     90 (0.1%)  core::option::Option<T>::unwrap_or_else
   4002 (0.2%)    667 (1.1%)  core::intrinsics::copy_nonoverlapping
   4002 (0.2%)     95 (0.2%)  core::result::Result<T,E>::unwrap
   3984 (0.2%)     81 (0.1%)  alloc::vec::Vec<T>::push
   3948 (0.2%)    141 (0.2%)  <salsa::derived::slot::Slot<DB,Q,MP> as salsa::dependency::DatabaseSlot<DB>>::maybe_changed_since::{{closure}}
   3910 (0.2%)     44 (0.1%)  std::sync::mpsc::mpsc_queue::Queue<T>::pop
   3904 (0.2%)     47 (0.1%)  std::collections::hash::map::Entry<K,V>::or_insert_with
   3870 (0.2%)     43 (0.1%)  std::sync::mpsc::spsc_queue::Queue<T,ProducerAddition,ConsumerAddition>::push
   3825 (0.2%)    765 (1.2%)  core::mem::size_of
   3810 (0.2%)    617 (1.0%)  core::mem::manually_drop::ManuallyDrop<T>::new
   3747 (0.2%)     72 (0.1%)  std::collections::hash::map::map_entry
   3741 (0.2%)     43 (0.1%)  std::sync::mpsc::channel

I'm not sure how actionable these are.

kjeremy commented 4 years ago

Yeah... I was hoping it would show us if there were a lot of monomorphized things we could reduce.

panstromek commented 3 years ago

@lnicola @kjeremy Note that RawVec::grow, which is pretty high on both of these lists, was recently changed to be mostly non generic in Another similar optimization was done for iterator methods in, so they now use try_fold less, which is also pretty high on these lists.

Both PRs reduced the number of llvm-ir lines generated and improved compile time. They will land on stable in next Rust release in July, so until that, you might want to measure with cargo-llvm-lines on nightly to account for these improvements :wink:

lnicola commented 3 years ago

@panstromek thanks for the heads-up. I ran it again on ra_ide_db, it seems worse?

ra_ide_db LLVM lines ``` Lines Copies Function name ----- ------ ------------- 1664810 (100%) 65419 (100%) (TOTAL) 73271 (4.4%) 6095 (9.3%) core::ptr::drop_in_place 55793 (3.4%) 51 (0.1%) salsa::derived::slot::Slot::read_upgrade 53146 (3.2%) 102 (0.2%) salsa::derived::slot::Slot::probe 37731 (2.3%) 51 (0.1%) as salsa::dependency::DatabaseSlot>::maybe_changed_since 32628 (2.0%) 539 (0.8%) core::option::Option::ok_or_else 30708 (1.8%) 534 (0.8%) core::option::Option::map 28252 (1.7%) 616 (0.9%) core::ptr::swap_nonoverlapping_one 21528 (1.3%) 271 (0.4%) alloc::sync::Arc::new 20210 (1.2%) 86 (0.1%) hashbrown::raw::RawTable::rehash_in_place 19754 (1.2%) 166 (0.3%) hashbrown::raw::RawTable::find 19411 (1.2%) 47 (0.1%) std::sync::mpsc::stream::Packet::abort_selection 18755 (1.1%) 363 (0.6%) core::result::Result::unwrap_or_else 18410 (1.1%) 51 (0.1%) salsa::derived::slot::PanicGuard::overwrite_placeholder 17549 (1.1%) 180 (0.3%) core::iter::traits::iterator::Iterator::try_fold 15720 (0.9%) 236 (0.4%) core::result::Result::map_err 14845 (0.9%) 371 (0.6%) as core::ops::drop::Drop>::drop 14664 (0.9%) 47 (0.1%) std::sync::mpsc::Sender::send 13846 (0.8%) 86 (0.1%) hashbrown::raw::RawTable::resize 13364 (0.8%) 371 (0.6%) alloc::sync::Weak::inner 12852 (0.8%) 51 (0.1%) salsa::derived::slot::Memo::validate_memoized_value 12736 (0.8%) 49 (0.1%) salsa::derived::slot::Slot::sweep 12690 (0.8%) 47 (0.1%) std::sync::mpsc::Receiver::recv 12658 (0.8%) 47 (0.1%) std::sync::mpsc::shared::Packet::try_recv 12384 (0.7%) 48 (0.1%) std::sync::mpsc::sync::Packet::drop_port 12032 (0.7%) 47 (0.1%) std::sync::mpsc::stream::Packet::try_recv 12000 (0.7%) 48 (0.1%) smallvec::SmallVec::try_grow 11515 (0.7%) 47 (0.1%) std::sync::mpsc::sync::Packet::wakeup_senders 11303 (0.7%) 89 (0.1%) alloc::raw_vec::RawVec::grow_amortized 11039 (0.7%) 83 (0.1%) hashbrown::raw::RawTable::new_uninitialized 10815 (0.6%) 718 (1.1%) core::ptr::read 10726 (0.6%) 173 (0.3%) core::alloc::layout::Layout::array 10707 (0.6%) 83 (0.1%) hashbrown::raw::RawTable::try_with_capacity 10557 (0.6%) 51 (0.1%) salsa::lru::LruData::insert_new 10353 (0.6%) 51 (0.1%) salsa::lru::Lru::record_use 10293 (0.6%) 47 (0.1%) std::sync::mpsc::stream::Packet::recv 10239 (0.6%) 377 (0.6%) alloc::alloc::box_free 9823 (0.6%) 47 (0.1%) std::sync::mpsc::sync::Packet::recv 9690 (0.6%) 51 (0.1%) salsa::lru::LruData::promote_yellow_to_green 9639 (0.6%) 189 (0.3%) alloc::raw_vec::RawVec::current_memory 9169 (0.6%) 51 (0.1%) salsa::runtime::Runtime::execute_query_implementation 9030 (0.5%) 212 (0.3%) ::salsa_event 8976 (0.5%) 48 (0.1%) as core::ops::drop::Drop>::drop 8858 (0.5%) 172 (0.3%) hashbrown::raw::RawTable::rehash_in_place::{{closure}} 8700 (0.5%) 612 (0.9%) salsa::derived::slot::Slot::probe::{{closure}} 8579 (0.5%) 51 (0.1%) as salsa::plumbing::QueryStorageOps>::try_fetch 8468 (0.5%) 47 (0.1%) std::sync::mpsc::oneshot::Packet::try_recv 8380 (0.5%) 17 (0.0%) salsa::interned::InternedStorage::intern_index 8072 (0.5%) 350 (0.5%) core::mem::replace 7906 (0.5%) 1 (0.0%) ra_ide_db::change::::per_query_memory_usage 7905 (0.5%) 51 (0.1%) salsa::derived::slot::Slot::register_with_in_progress_thread 7843 (0.5%) 341 (0.5%) core::fmt::ArgumentV1::new 7420 (0.4%) 371 (0.6%) core::alloc::layout::Layout::for_value 7332 (0.4%) 47 (0.1%) std::sync::mpsc::shared::Packet::recv 7285 (0.4%) 47 (0.1%) std::sync::mpsc::shared::Packet::abort_selection 6966 (0.4%) 86 (0.1%) hashbrown::raw::RawTable::reserve_rehash 6889 (0.4%) 83 (0.1%) hashbrown::raw::RawTable::find_insert_slot 6721 (0.4%) 47 (0.1%) std::sync::mpsc::sync::wait_timeout_receiver 6666 (0.4%) 78 (0.1%) hashbrown::rustc_entry::>::rustc_entry 6363 (0.4%) 47 (0.1%) std::sync::mpsc::shared::Packet::send 6288 (0.4%) 48 (0.1%) as core::ops::drop::Drop>::drop 6251 (0.4%) 47 (0.1%) std::sync::mpsc::oneshot::Packet::recv 6251 (0.4%) 47 (0.1%) std::sync::mpsc::stream::Packet::decrement 6222 (0.4%) 51 (0.1%) salsa::lru::LruData::promote_red_to_green 6171 (0.4%) 51 (0.1%) salsa::derived::slot::Slot::read 6093 (0.4%) 723 (1.1%) core::mem::maybe_uninit::MaybeUninit::assume_init 5922 (0.4%) 47 (0.1%) std::sync::mpsc::oneshot::Packet::upgrade 5734 (0.3%) 47 (0.1%) std::sync::mpsc::oneshot::Packet::send 5687 (0.3%) 47 (0.1%) std::sync::mpsc::shared::Packet::decrement 5664 (0.3%) 48 (0.1%) as core::ops::drop::Drop>::drop 5664 (0.3%) 48 (0.1%) std::sync::mpsc::spsc_queue::Queue::pop 5628 (0.3%) 84 (0.1%) as core::iter::traits::iterator::Iterator>::next 5567 (0.3%) 371 (0.6%) as core::ops::drop::Drop>::drop 5546 (0.3%) 47 (0.1%) std::sync::mpsc::oneshot::Packet::abort_selection 5311 (0.3%) 47 (0.1%) std::sync::mpsc::sync::wait 5178 (0.3%) 14 (0.0%) rayon_core::join::join_context::{{closure}} 5103 (0.3%) 189 (0.3%) as core::ops::drop::Drop>::drop 5096 (0.3%) 104 (0.2%) core::iter::traits::iterator::Iterator::find::check::{{closure}} 5076 (0.3%) 47 (0.1%) std::sync::mpsc::spsc_queue::Queue::with_additions 5029 (0.3%) 47 (0.1%) std::sync::mpsc::sync::abort_selection 4982 (0.3%) 47 (0.1%) std::sync::mpsc::stream::Packet::do_send 4928 (0.3%) 616 (0.9%) core::ptr::swap_nonoverlapping 4794 (0.3%) 51 (0.1%) salsa::lru::LruData::record_use 4743 (0.3%) 51 (0.1%) salsa::derived::slot::Memo::check_durability 4522 (0.3%) 102 (0.2%) salsa::derived::slot::Slot::read_upgrade::{{closure}} 4512 (0.3%) 47 (0.1%) std::sync::mpsc::stream::Packet::send 4507 (0.3%) 512 (0.8%) core::cell::UnsafeCell::new 4397 (0.3%) 78 (0.1%) hashbrown::raw::RawTable::insert_no_grow 4347 (0.3%) 189 (0.3%) core::ptr::slice_from_raw_parts_mut 4320 (0.3%) 720 (1.1%) core::intrinsics::copy_nonoverlapping 4309 (0.3%) 96 (0.1%) core::option::Option::unwrap_or_else 4284 (0.3%) 153 (0.2%) as salsa::dependency::DatabaseSlot>::maybe_changed_since::{{closure}} 4270 (0.3%) 45 (0.1%) as core::iter::adapters::zip::ZipImpl>::next 4236 (0.3%) 51 (0.1%) std::collections::hash::map::Entry::or_insert_with 4176 (0.3%) 85 (0.1%) alloc::vec::Vec::push 4138 (0.2%) 373 (0.6%) alloc::boxed::Box::leak 4136 (0.2%) 98 (0.1%) core::result::Result::unwrap 4104 (0.2%) 667 (1.0%) core::mem::manually_drop::ManuallyDrop::new 4090 (0.2%) 818 (1.3%) core::mem::size_of 4089 (0.2%) 47 (0.1%) std::sync::mpsc::channel 4059 (0.2%) 371 (0.6%) alloc::sync::Arc::drop_slow 4059 (0.2%) 78 (0.1%) std::collections::hash::map::map_entry 4042 (0.2%) 47 (0.1%) std::sync::mpsc::spsc_queue::Queue::alloc 4023 (0.2%) 51 (0.1%) salsa::derived::DerivedStorage::slot 3976 (0.2%) 48 (0.1%) std::sync::mpsc::mpsc_queue::Queue::pop 3948 (0.2%) 47 (0.1%) std::sync::mpsc::spsc_queue::Queue::push 3840 (0.2%) 48 (0.1%) std::sys_common::poison::map_result 3830 (0.2%) 121 (0.2%) as core::ops::index::Index>::index 3744 (0.2%) 48 (0.1%) std::sync::mpsc::shared::Packet::drop_chan 3676 (0.2%) 122 (0.2%) as core::ops::index::IndexMut>::index_mut 3627 (0.2%) 93 (0.1%) salsa::QueryTable::get::{{closure}} 3612 (0.2%) 84 (0.1%) as core::ops::drop::Drop>::drop 3546 (0.2%) 698 (1.1%) core::ptr::write 3406 (0.2%) 566 (0.9%) core::ptr::unique::Unique::cast 3360 (0.2%) 84 (0.1%) hashbrown::raw::calculate_layout 3319 (0.2%) 51 (0.1%) salsa::derived::slot::Slot::evict 3318 (0.2%) 12 (0.0%) rayon::iter::plumbing::bridge_producer_consumer::helper 3312 (0.2%) 48 (0.1%) smallvec::SmallVec::try_reserve 3296 (0.2%) 28 (0.0%) as rayon_core::job::Job>::execute 3243 (0.2%) 47 (0.1%) std::sync::mpsc::oneshot::Packet::new 3216 (0.2%) 48 (0.1%) std::sync::mpsc::stream::Packet::drop_port 3149 (0.2%) 47 (0.1%) std::sync::mpsc::mpsc_queue::Node::new 3082 (0.2%) 134 (0.2%) core::ptr::slice_from_raw_parts ```
lnicola commented 3 years ago

It feels like we're getting slower and slower:


matklad commented 3 years ago

To things jump at me as odd:

  • it feels like ssr should not be that heavy
  • chalk is too light

On Wednesday, 1 July 2020, Laurențiu Nicola wrote:

It feels like we're getting slower and slower:

[image: image]

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lnicola commented 3 years ago
  • SSR isn't heavy, Semantics is
  • I'll tell Niko that chalk-solve builds too quickly (chalk-parse takes ages)
lnicola commented 3 years ago

After #5242:


lnicola commented 3 years ago

One of my tests is to compile a new crate containing only this code:

use hir::Semantics;
use ra_syntax::{ast, AstNode, SyntaxNode};

pub struct MatchFinder<'db> {
    sema: Semantics<'db, ra_ide_db::RootDatabase>,

impl<'db> MatchFinder<'db> {
    pub fn new(db: &'db ra_ide_db::RootDatabase) -> MatchFinder<'db> {
        MatchFinder { sema: Semantics::new(db) }

    pub fn find_matches(&self, code: &SyntaxNode) {
        if let Some(macro_call) = ast::MacroCall::cast(code.clone()) {

It takes 11.5 seconds (vs. ~35 last week).

matklad commented 3 years ago

Much more reasonable!

matklad commented 3 years ago

Substantial amount of the rest seems to be serde-generated code. Not sure how to combat that....

mati865 commented 3 years ago

@lnicola do you have up-to-date CPU usage metrics over time? Combining them with crates build chart would show bottlenecks where only a few cores are used.