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Concurrency model for rust analyzer #7444

Open matklad opened 3 years ago

matklad commented 3 years ago

Zulip discussion thread:

Rust analyzer is a long-lived process which oversees many concurrent activities. The code for this is mainly in the Luckely, the amount of concurrency we need is small, so the thing is still manageable. Nonetheless, it is hard to understand, and, being the heart of rust-analyzer, it would be cool to simplify it.

The list of concurrent activities we need to handle:

Cross-cutting concerns:

Possible approaches:

1 Actorish model

This is mostly what we do today. Main thread owns all the state and has a mailbox. Concurrent activities happen on background threads and communicate with the main thread asynchronously and unidirectionaly, by posting the message

Project loading looks like this:

fn load_project():
    spawn(|| {
        for {

fn main_loop():
    let mut state = ...;
    loop {
        match next_event() {
            Begin => start_progress(&mut state),
            Progress => report_progress(&mut state)
            End(project) => {
                end_progress(&mut state)
                switch_to(&mut state, project)

The benefit is that it's crystal clear what actually happens, as one can dbg!(next_event) and get a linear history of all events as data.

The drawback is the tearing of control flow -- to understand a project reload process (which conceptually is a single continous activity), one need to jump between load_project and main_loop.

2 High order actorish model

Rather than sending n different message types, we can have only one message type which packs a closure to be applied to the state

fn load_project():
    spawn(|| {
        send(|state| start_process(state))
        for {
            send(|state| report_progress(state))
        send(|state| {
            switch_to(state, loaded_project)

fn main_loop():
    let mut state = ...;
    loop {
        next_event()(&mut state);

The benefit here is somewhat more linear control flow (though, everything still happens asynchronously) and extensibility with new "message types"

Also, because the set of functions is open, the set of actions supported by an Agent is also open, a sharp contrast to pattern matching message handling loops provided by some other languages.

The drawback is that the main loop is no-longer as obvious -- instead of a stream of events as data, you get a stream of closures. Because there's no single place where state modification happens, it's harder to spot interferences between distinct concurrent activities

3 Mutexes

The third approach is to wrap the state into a mutex. The code looks exactly as in the last example, with the difference that it actually is synchronous (background activity resumes after critical section is finished, and not merely scheduled).

fn load_project():
    spawn(|| {
        with_lock(|state| start_process(state))
        for {
            with_lock(|state| report_progress(state))
        with_lock(|state| {
            switch_to(state, loaded_project)

The main benefit here is simplicity -- each activity is a fully straight-line code.

The main drawback is that we don't have a central place where all mutation happens.


It seems the following abstraction of a concurrent process might be helpful:

let task: Task<R> = Task::spawn(|stop_token| {
    if stop_token.stop_requested() {
        return -1;

// Two-phase cancellation: we first request a stop, then we wait for the task to
// actually finish.
let task: StoppedTask = task.request_stop();

Alas, to be useful we need a way to plug this (a vector of these actually) into select, and its unclear how to do that.

matklad commented 3 years ago

Maybe I've overdosed on Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, but I think I am getting somewhere: