rust-lang / rust-bindgen

Automatically generates Rust FFI bindings to C (and some C++) libraries.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Very very long generated Rust bindings #1675

Closed viniciusd closed 4 years ago

viniciusd commented 4 years ago

Input C/C++ Header

#ifndef OSQP_H
# define OSQP_H

# ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
# endif // ifdef __cplusplus

/* Includes */
# include "types.h"
# include "util.h" // Needed for osqp_set_default_settings functions

// Library to deal with sparse matrices enabled only if embedded not defined
# ifndef EMBEDDED
#  include "cs.h"
# endif // ifndef EMBEDDED

* Main Solver API  *

 * @name Main solver API
 * @{

 * Set default settings from constants.h file
 * assumes settings already allocated in memory
 * @param settings settings structure
void osqp_set_default_settings(OSQPSettings *settings);

# ifndef EMBEDDED

 * Initialize OSQP solver allocating memory.
 * All the inputs must be already allocated in memory before calling.
 * It performs:
 * - data and settings validation
 * - problem data scaling
 * - automatic parameters tuning (if enabled)
 * - setup linear system solver:
 *      - direct solver: KKT matrix factorization is performed here
 *      - indirect solver: KKT matrix preconditioning is performed here
 * NB: This is the only function that allocates dynamic memory and is not used
 *during code generation
 * @param  workp        Solver workspace pointer
 * @param  data         Problem data
 * @param  settings     Solver settings
 * @return              Exitflag for errors (0 if no errors)
c_int osqp_setup(OSQPWorkspace** workp, const OSQPData* data, const OSQPSettings* settings);

# endif // #ifndef EMBEDDED

 * Solve quadratic program
 * The final solver information is stored in the \a work->info  structure
 * The solution is stored in the  \a work->solution  structure
 * If the problem is primal infeasible, the certificate is stored
 * in \a work->delta_y
 * If the problem is dual infeasible, the certificate is stored in \a
 * work->delta_x
 * @param  work Workspace allocated
 * @return      Exitflag for errors
c_int osqp_solve(OSQPWorkspace *work);

# ifndef EMBEDDED

 * Cleanup workspace by deallocating memory
 * This function is not used in code generation
 * @param  work Workspace
 * @return      Exitflag for errors
c_int osqp_cleanup(OSQPWorkspace *work);

# endif // ifndef EMBEDDED

/** @} */

* Sublevel API                             *
*                                          *
* Edit data without performing setup again *

 * @name Sublevel API
 * @{

 * Update linear cost in the problem
 * @param  work  Workspace
 * @param  q_new New linear cost
 * @return       Exitflag for errors and warnings
c_int osqp_update_lin_cost(OSQPWorkspace *work,
                           const c_float *q_new);

 * Update lower and upper bounds in the problem constraints
 * @param  work   Workspace
 * @param  l_new New lower bound
 * @param  u_new New upper bound
 * @return        Exitflag: 1 if new lower bound is not <= than new upper bound
c_int osqp_update_bounds(OSQPWorkspace *work,
                         const c_float *l_new,
                         const c_float *u_new);

 * Update lower bound in the problem constraints
 * @param  work   Workspace
 * @param  l_new New lower bound
 * @return        Exitflag: 1 if new lower bound is not <= than upper bound
c_int osqp_update_lower_bound(OSQPWorkspace *work,
                              const c_float *l_new);

 * Update upper bound in the problem constraints
 * @param  work   Workspace
 * @param  u_new New upper bound
 * @return        Exitflag: 1 if new upper bound is not >= than lower bound
c_int osqp_update_upper_bound(OSQPWorkspace *work,
                              const c_float *u_new);

 * Warm start primal and dual variables
 * @param  work Workspace structure
 * @param  x    Primal variable
 * @param  y    Dual variable
 * @return      Exitflag
c_int osqp_warm_start(OSQPWorkspace *work,
                      const c_float *x,
                      const c_float *y);

 * Warm start primal variable
 * @param  work Workspace structure
 * @param  x    Primal variable
 * @return      Exitflag
c_int osqp_warm_start_x(OSQPWorkspace *work,
                        const c_float *x);

 * Warm start dual variable
 * @param  work Workspace structure
 * @param  y    Dual variable
 * @return      Exitflag
c_int osqp_warm_start_y(OSQPWorkspace *work,
                        const c_float *y);

# if EMBEDDED != 1

 * Update elements of matrix P (upper triangular)
 * without changing sparsity structure.
 *  If Px_new_idx is OSQP_NULL, Px_new is assumed to be as long as P->x
 *  and the whole P->x is replaced.
 * @param  work       Workspace structure
 * @param  Px_new     Vector of new elements in P->x (upper triangular)
 * @param  Px_new_idx Index mapping new elements to positions in P->x
 * @param  P_new_n    Number of new elements to be changed
 * @return            output flag:  0: OK
 *                                  1: P_new_n > nnzP
 *                                 <0: error in the update
c_int osqp_update_P(OSQPWorkspace *work,
                    const c_float *Px_new,
                    const c_int   *Px_new_idx,
                    c_int          P_new_n);

 * Update elements of matrix A without changing sparsity structure.
 *  If Ax_new_idx is OSQP_NULL, Ax_new is assumed to be as long as A->x
 *  and the whole A->x is replaced.
 * @param  work       Workspace structure
 * @param  Ax_new     Vector of new elements in A->x
 * @param  Ax_new_idx Index mapping new elements to positions in A->x
 * @param  A_new_n    Number of new elements to be changed
 * @return            output flag:  0: OK
 *                                  1: A_new_n > nnzA
 *                                 <0: error in the update
c_int osqp_update_A(OSQPWorkspace *work,
                    const c_float *Ax_new,
                    const c_int   *Ax_new_idx,
                    c_int          A_new_n);

 * Update elements of matrix P (upper triangular) and elements of matrix A
 * without changing sparsity structure.
 *  If Px_new_idx is OSQP_NULL, Px_new is assumed to be as long as P->x
 *  and the whole P->x is replaced.
 *  If Ax_new_idx is OSQP_NULL, Ax_new is assumed to be as long as A->x
 *  and the whole A->x is replaced.
 * @param  work       Workspace structure
 * @param  Px_new     Vector of new elements in P->x (upper triangular)
 * @param  Px_new_idx Index mapping new elements to positions in P->x
 * @param  P_new_n    Number of new elements to be changed
 * @param  Ax_new     Vector of new elements in A->x
 * @param  Ax_new_idx Index mapping new elements to positions in A->x
 * @param  A_new_n    Number of new elements to be changed
 * @return            output flag:  0: OK
 *                                  1: P_new_n > nnzP
 *                                  2: A_new_n > nnzA
 *                                 <0: error in the update
c_int osqp_update_P_A(OSQPWorkspace *work,
                      const c_float *Px_new,
                      const c_int   *Px_new_idx,
                      c_int          P_new_n,
                      const c_float *Ax_new,
                      const c_int   *Ax_new_idx,
                      c_int          A_new_n);

 * Update rho. Limit it between RHO_MIN and RHO_MAX.
 * @param  work         Workspace
 * @param  rho_new      New rho setting
 * @return              Exitflag
c_int osqp_update_rho(OSQPWorkspace *work,
                      c_float        rho_new);

# endif // if EMBEDDED != 1

/** @} */

 * @name Update settings
 * @{

 * Update max_iter setting
 * @param  work         Workspace
 * @param  max_iter_new New max_iter setting
 * @return              Exitflag
c_int osqp_update_max_iter(OSQPWorkspace *work,
                           c_int          max_iter_new);

 * Update absolute tolernace value
 * @param  work        Workspace
 * @param  eps_abs_new New absolute tolerance value
 * @return             Exitflag
c_int osqp_update_eps_abs(OSQPWorkspace *work,
                          c_float        eps_abs_new);

 * Update relative tolernace value
 * @param  work        Workspace
 * @param  eps_rel_new New relative tolerance value
 * @return             Exitflag
c_int osqp_update_eps_rel(OSQPWorkspace *work,
                          c_float        eps_rel_new);

 * Update primal infeasibility tolerance
 * @param  work          Workspace
 * @param  eps_prim_inf_new  New primal infeasibility tolerance
 * @return               Exitflag
c_int osqp_update_eps_prim_inf(OSQPWorkspace *work,
                               c_float        eps_prim_inf_new);

 * Update dual infeasibility tolerance
 * @param  work          Workspace
 * @param  eps_dual_inf_new  New dual infeasibility tolerance
 * @return               Exitflag
c_int osqp_update_eps_dual_inf(OSQPWorkspace *work,
                               c_float        eps_dual_inf_new);

 * Update relaxation parameter alpha
 * @param  work  Workspace
 * @param  alpha_new New relaxation parameter value
 * @return       Exitflag
c_int osqp_update_alpha(OSQPWorkspace *work,
                        c_float        alpha_new);

 * Update warm_start setting
 * @param  work           Workspace
 * @param  warm_start_new New warm_start setting
 * @return                Exitflag
c_int osqp_update_warm_start(OSQPWorkspace *work,
                             c_int          warm_start_new);

 * Update scaled_termination setting
 * @param  work                 Workspace
 * @param  scaled_termination_new  New scaled_termination setting
 * @return                      Exitflag
c_int osqp_update_scaled_termination(OSQPWorkspace *work,
                                     c_int          scaled_termination_new);

 * Update check_termination setting
 * @param  work                   Workspace
 * @param  check_termination_new  New check_termination setting
 * @return                        Exitflag
c_int osqp_update_check_termination(OSQPWorkspace *work,
                                    c_int          check_termination_new);

# ifndef EMBEDDED

 * Update regularization parameter in polish
 * @param  work      Workspace
 * @param  delta_new New regularization parameter
 * @return           Exitflag
c_int osqp_update_delta(OSQPWorkspace *work,
                        c_float        delta_new);

 * Update polish setting
 * @param  work          Workspace
 * @param  polish_new New polish setting
 * @return               Exitflag
c_int osqp_update_polish(OSQPWorkspace *work,
                         c_int          polish_new);

 * Update number of iterative refinement steps in polish
 * @param  work                Workspace
 * @param  polish_refine_iter_new New iterative reginement steps
 * @return                     Exitflag
c_int osqp_update_polish_refine_iter(OSQPWorkspace *work,
                                     c_int          polish_refine_iter_new);

 * Update verbose setting
 * @param  work        Workspace
 * @param  verbose_new New verbose setting
 * @return             Exitflag
c_int osqp_update_verbose(OSQPWorkspace *work,
                          c_int          verbose_new);

# endif // #ifndef EMBEDDED


 * Update time_limit setting
 * @param  work            Workspace
 * @param  time_limit_new  New time_limit setting
 * @return                 Exitflag
c_int osqp_update_time_limit(OSQPWorkspace *work,
                             c_float        time_limit_new);
# endif // ifdef PROFILING

/** @} */

# ifdef __cplusplus
# endif // ifdef __cplusplus

#endif // ifndef OSQP_H

Bindgen Invocation

    let bindings = bindgen::Builder::default()
        // The input header we would like to generate
        // bindings for.
        // Tell cargo to invalidate the built crate whenever any of the
        // included header files changed.
        // Finish the builder and generate the bindings.
        // Unwrap the Result and panic on failure.
        .expect("Unable to generate bindings");


Running that snippet on the given header (which is 400-ish LoC long) is generating 25k lines of Rust, which certainly doesn't seem right to me. Are there some arguments I should tune?

I see a series of mathematical functions, for example, which aren't in the header neither seem included:

extern "C" {
    pub fn acosh(arg1: f64) -> f64;
extern "C" {
    pub fn acoshl(arg1: u128) -> u128;
extern "C" {
    pub fn asinhf(arg1: f32) -> f32;
extern "C" {
    pub fn asinh(arg1: f64) -> f64;
extern "C" {
    pub fn asinhl(arg1: u128) -> u128;
extern "C" {
    pub fn atanhf(arg1: f32) -> f32;
extern "C" {
    pub fn atanh(arg1: f64) -> f64;
extern "C" {
    pub fn atanhl(arg1: u128) -> u128;
extern "C" {
    pub fn coshf(arg1: f32) -> f32;
extern "C" {
    pub fn cosh(arg1: f64) -> f64;
extern "C" {
    pub fn coshl(arg1: u128) -> u128;
extern "C" {
    pub fn sinhf(arg1: f32) -> f32;
extern "C" {
    pub fn sinh(arg1: f64) -> f64;
extern "C" {
    pub fn sinhl(arg1: u128) -> u128;
extern "C" {
    pub fn tanhf(arg1: f32) -> f32;
extern "C" {
    pub fn tanh(arg1: f64) -> f64;
viniciusd commented 4 years ago

I see it eventually includes some system libraries, as:

viniciusd commented 4 years ago

I see there is some blackilisting/whitelisting in the docs, but I can't see how to skip those libraries

emilio commented 4 years ago

Yes, you probably want whitelist_function("osqp_.*"), which will generate everything needed for those functions you want.

emilio commented 4 years ago

(If it's not working, I'd be interested in why)

viniciusd commented 4 years ago

Testing it right now, thanks

viniciusd commented 4 years ago

Reduced to 1.8k lines of code, which is very close to the 1.7k of header files (oqsp includes some other local headers).

Gonna give the bindings a try

emilio commented 4 years ago

Ok, please reopen if that doesn't cut it :)