rust-lang / rust-bindgen

Automatically generates Rust FFI bindings to C (and some C++) libraries.
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Wrong ABI used for small C++ classes on Linux. #778

Open vadimcn opened 7 years ago

vadimcn commented 7 years ago

Input C/C++ Header

#include <cstdint>

struct Foo {
    size_t data;

struct Bar {
    size_t data;
    ~Bar() { data = 0; }

Foo MakeFoo(); // { return Foo(); }

Bar MakeBar(); // { return Bar(); }

Bindgen Invocation

    .clang_args(&["-x","c++", "-std=c++11"])

Actual Results

#[derive(Debug, Copy)]
pub struct Foo {
    pub data: usize,
impl Clone for Foo {
    fn clone(&self) -> Self { *self }
pub struct Bar {
    pub data: usize,
extern "C" {
    #[link_name = "_ZN3BarD1Ev"]
    pub fn Bar_Bar_destructor(this: *mut Bar);
impl Bar {
    pub unsafe fn destruct(&mut self) { Bar_Bar_destructor(self) }
extern "C" {
    #[link_name = "_Z7MakeFoov"]
    pub fn MakeFoo() -> Foo;
extern "C" {
    #[link_name = "_Z7MakeBarv"]
    pub fn MakeBar() -> Bar;

Expected Results

Not sure...


MakeFoo and MakeBar look very similar, however in C++ they use different ABIs, at least on Linux. Here's a quote from System V AMD64 ABI spec (page 20):

If a C++ object has either a non-trivial copy constructor or a non-trivial destructor 11, it is passed by invisible reference (the object is replaced in the parameter list by a pointer that has class POINTER) 12

This means that while Foo get returned by-value in the rax register, Bar must be returned by-pointer to a caller allocated memory. To Rust compiler, however, these look identical, so it expects both to be returned in rax.

emilio commented 7 years ago

Yeah, this is somewhat annoying, but passing non-trivial arguments by value needs rustc support, and last time I checked with them they really weren't interested in implementing some kind of extern "C++".

emilio commented 7 years ago

(The same happens for arguments, btw, we've run into this before, see

vadimcn commented 7 years ago

In my specific case, the struct was requested to be opaque, so maybe bindgen could use some other "filler" type? Looking at, it seems that some kind on weird enum (one that ends up with StructWrappedNullablePointer layout) might do the trick.

Or, maybe there should be a sub-option of #[repr(C)] to specify this explicitly? E.g. #[repr(C, by_pointer)].

Overall, I think it would be preferable to emit an error rather than generate bindings that are known produce incorrect code.

vadimcn commented 7 years ago

Looks like this does the trick (i.e. some struct member must be misaligned):

#[repr(C, packed)]
struct Bar {
    data1: u8,
    data2: u16,
    data3: [u8; 5],

Would only be useful for opaque structs, of course...

vadimcn commented 7 years ago

On second thought, this

An object with either a non-trivial copy constructor or a non-trivial destructor cannot be passed by value because such objects must have well defined addresses. Similar issues apply when returning an object from a function.

is pretty much the distinction between Copy and !Copy types. Perhaps the rule should be that all non-Copy types are passed by-pointer?

comex commented 7 years ago

Huh, seems very similar to an MSVC ABI issue. And here I thought the madness of changing ABI based on the presence of methods was Windows-specific...

retep998 commented 7 years ago

Perhaps the rule should be that all non-Copy types are passed by-pointer?

Please no. This would wreak so much havoc when ABIs mysteriously change due to the addition or removal of Copy impls. I'd much rather this be explicitly handled via a new repr to specify that a type is not POD.

vadimcn commented 7 years ago

As I've said in IRLO thread, I think there are two ways we can go here:

@emilio, do you have an opinion on the best way to proceed?

retep998 commented 7 years ago

Right now the instant solution which works on stable is to transform the bindings to pass certain types by pointer and handle certain return values correctly. In the future Rust definitely should add more calling conventions and attributes however so that Rust can perform these transformations internally.

For example in windows API there is a COM method that looks like this in C++:

D3D12_HEAP_PROPERTIES GetCustomHeapProperties(
    UINT nodeMask,
    D3D12_HEAP_TYPE heapType

In order to get the ABI correct I have to make it look like this in Rust. Note that this already works in stable Rust, so it is a solution people can implement immediately in their projects.

fn GetCustomHeapProperties(
    nodeMask: UINT,
    heapType: D3D12_HEAP_TYPE,
    __ret_val: *mut D3D12_HEAP_PROPERTIES,

However, in the future I'd really love for Rust to have calling conventions for C++ methods as well as attributes to indicate that a type is not POD, so in some future version I could simplify the signature down to:

fn GetCustomHeapProperties(
    nodeMask: UINT,
    heapType: D3D12_HEAP_TYPE,

So basically, do the bindgen transform regardless because it is needed for correctness now while in the future Rust really should add attributes and calling conventions to facilitate this and bindgen can be updated later to take advantage of those new language features if and when they do get implemented and stabilized.

vadimcn commented 7 years ago

@retep998: It seems to me that you are describing a different problem. Is there already an open issue for it? Let's take discussion there.

retep998 commented 7 years ago

@vadimcn The two Rust issues are:

  1. Types which are not POD are sometimes handled differently in function ABIs and need a way to mark them as such.
  2. C++ methods on windows have a slightly different calling convention than C and C++ functions and need a way to mark them as such.

While this issue here is specifically for bindgen and what it should do about these functions whose ABI is changed slightly by things that Rust is currently incapable of representing.

vadimcn commented 7 years ago

bindgen could also fix up function signatures if it generated a small wrapper function. For example:

extern "C" { 
    #[link_name = "..."]
    fn raw_ClassMethod(this: *mut Class, ret_value: *mut SomeStruct) -> *mut SomeStruct; 

unsafe fn ClassMethod(this: *mut Class) -> SomeStruct {
    let s: SomeStruct = mem::uninitialized();
    raw_ClassMethod(this, &s);
emilio commented 7 years ago

That'd yield also similar problems as #607, though.

vadimcn commented 7 years ago

In this case SomeStruct is a POD.

For true C++ classes, you might consider some sort of "assume_trivially_movable" annotation, because in practice, 95% of them are. ...On the other hand, one can always do that in the safe idiomatic-Rust wrapper, so maybe not worth it...

emilio commented 6 years ago

Other user found this today wrapping a very simple C++ file:

(The call to TGAImage::set passes TGAColor by value, and that segfaults)

doppioandante commented 6 years ago

Actually the tgaimage.cpp that I was using is here (didn't notice that this version was different from the one in the repo, that actually passes TGAColor as a reference).

fitzgen commented 6 years ago

Another option that we discussed with some of the rust dev tools team folks was to emit C++ extern "C" trampoline functions. For users, that would mean an extra non-virtual, out of line function call, and a dependency on a C++ compiler.

vadimcn commented 6 years ago

clang certainly does have the logic to figure out which types must be passed by-reference. Unfortunately, this is not exposed in libclang.

IMO, the options we have here are:

  1. What @fitzgen suggests.
  2. Expose the required API in libclang (of course, bindgen would then require at least that version of libclang).
  3. Try to compute the same info ourselves (could be very labor-intensive or even impossible, as libclang's API seems to omit many of the finer c++ details).
emilio commented 6 years ago

On 08/09/2017 10:41 PM, Vadim Chugunov wrote:

clang certainly does have the logic to figure out which types must be passed by-reference. Unfortunately, this is not exposed in libclang.

IMO, the options we have here are:

  1. What @fitzgen suggests.

It's not clear to me how easy would this be, and whether it's acceptable for every use-case, though it sounds fine to me.

  1. Expose the required API in libclang (of course, bindgen would then require at least that version of libclang).

Well, this is fair... Thanks for pointing this out!

I added the CXTargetInfo API to eventually get target triple and pointer width from clang, and we already load the functions dynamically (thus can fallback), so it shouldn't be terribly hard to add an API that does this.

I could try to write a patch soon-ish :)

  1. Try to compute the same info ourselves (could be very labor-intensive or even impossible, as libclang's API seems to omit many of the finer c++ details).

This looks like a no-go... I don't think we should aim for this one, maintaining this looks like a pain from miles away :)

vadimcn commented 6 years ago

I added the CXTargetInfo API to eventually get target triple and pointer width from clang, and we already load the functions dynamically (thus can fallback), so it shouldn't be terribly hard to add an API that does this.

I gave it a try, but the information we need seems to be locked in the CodeGen layer. I could not see a way to get it out without instantiating a CodeGenModule and all that...

fitzgen commented 6 years ago

Even if we get the information from libclang, we don't have a way to convey it to rustc yet. Did I miss that development?

fitzgen commented 6 years ago

It's not clear to me how easy would this be, and whether it's acceptable for every use-case, though it sounds fine to me.

It's "just" another pass over our IR, this time emitting C++ instead of Rust. Not terribly difficult, but not exactly trivial either ;)

As for acceptability, I suspect it is probably fine for most cases. I expect the cases where performance really matters enough that the function call overhead is unacceptable would already be porting the C++ methods by hand to Rust so that they can be inlined (we do this with JS::Value for example).

vadimcn commented 6 years ago

Even if we get the information from libclang, we don't have a way to convey it to rustc yet. Did I miss that development?

bindgen would just explicitly emit this parameter/return value as by-reference in the signature of "C" stub.

One wrinkle in this fine plan is, of course, that by-value/by-reference rules differ by platform (e.g. Linux vs Windows). Not sure what's the best way to deal with that...

Can we do this? Of course, this goes against the very idea that the address of such objects is significant.

...Or should we do the opposite, i.e. convert such parameters to by-ref, as long as any one platform would pass them by-ref?

...Or just tell wrapper writers to use #[cfg($platform)] when calling such functions?

vadimcn commented 6 years ago

It's "just" another pass over our IR, this time emitting C++ instead of Rust. Not terribly difficult, but not exactly trivial either ;)

This requires having a working c++ compiler as well as adding a c++ build step into your build script. On the other hand, this would nicely solve the issue with inline functions...

fitzgen commented 6 years ago

bindgen would just explicitly emit this parameter/return value as by-reference in the signature of "C" stub.

Ah ok, understood.

One wrinkle in this fine plan is, of course, that by-value/by-reference rules differ by platform (e.g. Linux vs Windows). Not sure what's the best way to deal with that...

We would rely on libclang giving us the correct information for the configured target platform. This is the same as what we do for size/align/field offset/etc.

I agree with what @emilio said: maintaining our own reimplementation of different ABI parameter passing rules would be hairy and is something I'd also like to avoid unless we have no other options. Even in a scenario where we were without other options, we would need someone to step up and really own this bit of code and very thoroughly testing it for me to be comfortable landing it. Really would like to avoid this situation.

Can we do this? Of course, this goes against the very idea that the address of such objects is significant.

...Or should we do the opposite, i.e. convert such parameters to by-ref, as long as any one platform would pass them by-ref?

...Or just tell wrapper writers to use #[cfg($platform)] when calling such functions?

None of these options are great. If only we had placement new... :-/

Given the world we live in, however, I think the second option is the best choice available.

vadimcn commented 6 years ago

We would rely on libclang giving us the correct information for the configured target platform. This is the same as what we do for size/align/field offset/etc.

It's easy to have sizeof(T) as a platform-dependent variable in an expression. Not so much with a function signature, which you'd have to use a different syntax to invoke.

Given the world we live in, however, I think the second option is the best choice available.

This would mean, among other things, having to re-run clang on headers for all possible targets :( Well, ok, we can probably figure out which are the ones that cause trouble and run only those.

Hmm... the more I think about this, the more appealing the idea of using a C++ compiler to generate "C" wrappers arounda C++ api sounds. I actually quite like the approach rust-cpp takes on that.

DemiMarie commented 6 years ago

@vadimcn I agree. Just invoke the C++ compiler, create an extern "C" wrapper, and call the C functions from Rust.

DemiMarie commented 3 years ago

Since we already link to clang, another solution arises: generate C++ code and have clang emit LLVM IR for it. Since rustc currently generates LLVM IR too, we can perform cross-language link-time optimization to remove all of the overhead.

dtolnay commented 3 years ago

Intel website moved the System V AMD64 ABI pdf so the link in the issue is broken -- here is an updated link:

aapoalas commented 2 years ago

FWIW, I just ran into this issue with a complex C++ shared library object. A particular static class (no constructor, no destructor) method returning an instance of another class wouldn't work with the bindgen generated bindings. The reason was RVO causing an extra argument to be expected.

Now, I don't have anything smart to say about the issue itself. Better minds have obviously worked on the issue (and perhaps partially given up on it as well). However, given that I spent 5 days or so trying to figure out what on earth is happening with this, I'd suggest that a note about ABI issues especially with RVO is added to the tutorial's Generating Bindings to C++ page. I expect it will be a great help to future adventurers into .so / .dll calling while costing very little developer time to add.

ctrlcctrlv commented 2 years ago

Since we already link to clang, another solution arises: generate C++ code and have clang emit LLVM IR for it. Since rustc currently generates LLVM IR too, we can perform cross-language link-time optimization to remove all of the overhead.

Wow, this is a great idea from @DemiMarie. Surprised it got no attention.

DemiMarie commented 2 years ago

@ctrlcctrlv thanks! If performance isn’t as big a deal, another approach would be to simply generate C++ code and link to it normally.