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Findings from running Clippy on Servo #164

Open Manishearth opened 9 years ago

Manishearth commented 9 years ago

(I'll update as I move forward)


Manishearth commented 9 years ago

I think our macro checking should be stronger, perhaps with some specific checks to totally ignore derive or even all plugins

birkenfeld commented 9 years ago

Although I don't like it, I think it's fair enough to let people use unwrap by default.

llogiq commented 9 years ago

I'd really like to see how the spans for derive-macros look. Will have to investigate.

Manishearth commented 9 years ago

This seems to be a rustc bug btw

Manishearth commented 9 years ago

Our in_external_macro is fine, but the spans for certain serde impls are broken in Servo. I have a MWE which I'll file a bug with

llogiq commented 9 years ago

Even a lint that is allow by default can have some value – if people care enough to use it, e.g. per-project.

Manishearth commented 9 years ago

Manishearth commented 9 years ago

Until that gets fixed, keeping the let lint on allow for servo

Manishearth commented 9 years ago

Btw, I'd love for a way to configure allows/warns dynamically

birkenfeld commented 9 years ago

What do you mean by "dynamically"?

Manishearth commented 9 years ago

I'm running the "servo" branch of Clippy on servo, btw. Not all lints changed to Allow should be changed to Allow in Clippy itself, in some cases it's because Servo is special snowflake-y (like float_cmp -- we have a lot of legit reasons to compare floats), or just because Servo is an old codebase and some lints are noisy (eg the for loop iter ones), but should be turned back to warn when servo fixes them.

Manishearth commented 9 years ago

Oh, sorry, that was a drive-by comment without context.

Basically, it would be nice if once could specify the matrix of allow/warn/deny when plugin_registrar is run. In Servo I just run Clippy's plugin_registrar from our existing plugins module.

Even if there was a way to do this as a Cargo feature it would be fine. The idea is that the set of allow/warn/denys can be changed for an entire codebase, instead of per-lib.

Manishearth commented 9 years ago

Feel free to pick up fixes from here as they appear and hoist them to master

llogiq commented 9 years ago

I have an open cargo issue here (actually huon filed it then, after I had asked how to do it on StackOverflow).

Manishearth commented 9 years ago

First batch of Servo improvements. This is a small chunk of overall linted stuff.

Full list of warnings (with some filtered out):

birkenfeld commented 9 years ago


llogiq commented 9 years ago

Magnificient! I was a bit surprised to see so many needless returns, then again there are probably a lot of C++ coders on the servo team who by necessity switch languages ever so often.

I recently notice that I'm missing parentheses in if expressions when writing Java...

Manishearth commented 9 years ago

A lot of the needless returns come from the way the specs are written. And for each needless return, there are tons of bare returns, so I think it's just a matter of Servo being a large codebase.

llogiq commented 9 years ago

@Manishearth Now that we fixed the float_cmp-zero false positive and augmented identity_op, can you post a new warning list? I don't want to clone servo just yet, but I'd be interested in how our profile changes.

Btw. should we change inline_always to Allow? I submit that for a newbie, Warn is correct, but servo isn't exactly newbie code.

Also should we shorten the code snippet in single_match with ellipsis if it gets larger than e.g. 5 lines of code?


lint occurrences
200 needless_lifetimes
62 single_match
45 needless_return
40 float_cmp
23 toplevel_ref_arg
21 linkedlist
12 redundant_closure
8 let_and_return
4 needless_range_loop
4 mut_mut
2 string_to_string
2 collapsible_if
2 box_vec
1 needless_bool
birkenfeld commented 9 years ago

Wouldn't #![allow(inline_always)] be the right way to say "yes we are not newbies" in Servo?

llogiq commented 9 years ago

Unless we have another "newb-only" lint that I have missed, yes.

Btw. I was a bit shocked to find a needless_bool. This is such a classic newbie mistake that whoever wrote it must've had terrifyingly high levels of either dopamine or adenosine (or some related neurotransmitter). :smile:

Manishearth commented 9 years ago

In Servo I plan to run it off a branch where the defaults are changed. (Too annoying to pepper allow across all the crates)

needless_bool isn't that much a newbie mistake in this case -- the code is heavily commented there so it's mostly okay.

Manishearth commented 9 years ago

Current run of clippy:

llogiq commented 9 years ago

I think this is a false positive:

/home/manishearth/Mozilla/servo/target/debug/build/style-b5f07438e1401083/out/ 9731:14 warning: the loop variable `i` is only used to index `lengths`. Consider using `for item in &lengths` or similar iterators, #[warn(needless_range_loop)] on by default
/home/manishearth/Mozilla/servo/target/debug/build/style-b5f07438e1401083/out/             for i in 0..2 {
/home/manishearth/Mozilla/servo/target/debug/build/style-b5f07438e1401083/out/                 match specified::Length::parse_non_negative(input) {
/home/manishearth/Mozilla/servo/target/debug/build/style-b5f07438e1401083/out/                     Err(()) => break,
/home/manishearth/Mozilla/servo/target/debug/build/style-b5f07438e1401083/out/                     Ok(length) => lengths[i] = Some(length),
/home/manishearth/Mozilla/servo/target/debug/build/style-b5f07438e1401083/out/                 }
/home/manishearth/Mozilla/servo/target/debug/build/style-b5f07438e1401083/out/             }

The index isn't used to get, but to put.

The following shows that we may want to tweak our threshold:

/home/manishearth/Mozilla/servo/components/gfx/ 437:102 warning: very complex type used. Consider factoring parts into `type` definitions, #[warn(type_complexity)] on by default
/home/manishearth/Mozilla/servo/components/gfx/                                         -> (Option<(Point2D<f32>, f32)>, Option<(Point2D<f32>, f32)>) {
/home/manishearth/Mozilla/servo/components/gfx/ 437:102 help: for further information visit

That doesn't look to scary, though a type Point1To3D = Option<(Point2D<f32>, f32)> would simplify the declaration to (Point1To3D, Point1To3D).

The shadow lint could probably use a note of the shadowed declaration. I've opened #288 to track this.

Counting lint occurrences again:

occurrences lint
462 wrong_self_convention
179 needless_lifetimes
136 match_ref_pats
46 shadow_unrelated
39 needless_return
26 single_match
22 linkedlist
10 let_and_return
7 should_implement_trait
4 mut_mut
3 collapsible_if
3 needless_range_loop
3 redundant_closure
3 while_let_loop
2 box_vec
2 needless_bool
2 string_to_string
2 type_complexity
Manishearth commented 9 years ago

wrong_self_convention is mostly false positives, that's Servo's naming scheme for those and it's within the autogenerated types (hence the overabundance of lints)

Perhaps span_lint should have an optional feature (via cargo features) to ignore files matching target/*/build/script-*/out

Manishearth commented 9 years ago

I think this is a false positive:

Can't that be handled via a mutable iteration?

Anyway, if you want to handle it, replace the regular visitor with ExprUseVisitor and only lint on rvalues that index with i.

I'm not sure what the mem_categorization::categorization of i in values[i] = foo is, actually, we should double check. Seems like a cat_interior, but I'm not sure if it applies to values or i.

Manishearth commented 9 years ago

Bunch of fixes landed (fixing the style crate, with some pending fixes here).

gist updated. I'll probably continue to tack on fixes as time passes, but feel free to try it out yourself and make a PR (making a PR to my clippyfix branch will also work and keep efforts in one place). Ignore lints in generated files, for now.