rust-lang / rust-log-analyzer

Analyzing Travis and Azure Pipelines logs to find encountered errors
MIT License
40 stars 27 forks source link

How useful is this for other rust projects? #24

Open Manishearth opened 5 years ago

Manishearth commented 5 years ago

Rust's build system and tests are kinda special, which means that this analyzer may be specifically geared towards that.

I'd like to use this tool for Servo; do you think it will just work or will it require changes to the analysis code?

(For all intents and purposes Servo just runs cargo build on CI, though it also has a custom tidy check)

In general documentation for tweaking the analyser would be nice.

TimNN commented 5 years ago

There is no real reason why it wouldn't work (although some changes would be required).

Off the top of my head, the following things may need to be adapted (or made configurable):

Apart from that, the general logic of the bot is basically this:

  1. Analyze tons of old (and all future) successful build logs.
  2. Score lines of failed build logs based on how similar they are to existing lines.
  3. Try and find large, ~continuous regions of high-scoring lines.

If you think this heuristic would work for Servo, it shouldn't take too much effort to set things up. (Actually running this doesn't require much setup either, the server easily runs for months without issues).

I should be able to find the time to adapt RLA over the weekend to make most of the stuff hardcoded to rust-lang/rust configurable, if you want to give it a try with Servo.

If you want to help out or have more question please just reply here or ping me on IRC.

Manishearth commented 5 years ago

I'm a bit busy now, but I'd be happy to help test this out on Servo once you think it's ready.