I understand where this is coming from, but it misses one of the main things that lets C go to so many environments: the availability of C compilers for those environments (and frequently in an officially supported SDK).
I think that the current state of the world is more or less that Rust supports a subset of the platforms targeted by LLVM, which is not "anywhere C can go".
In https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-marketing/blob/master/src/pitches/applications/systems.md there is the statement "Can go anywhere C can go".
I understand where this is coming from, but it misses one of the main things that lets C go to so many environments: the availability of C compilers for those environments (and frequently in an officially supported SDK).
I think that the current state of the world is more or less that Rust supports a subset of the platforms targeted by LLVM, which is not "anywhere C can go".