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Passing an array to an inlined function from another crate miscompiles on PowerPC #100923

Open linkmauve opened 2 years ago

linkmauve commented 2 years ago


I tried this code:


pub fn check_something(array: [u8; 7]) {
    for f in array {
        assert!(f < 64);


fn main() {
    check_something([0x00, 0x00, 0x15, 0x16, 0x15, 0x00, 0x00]);

This was while trying to build my GPU branch of the Luma project, which targets the GameCube and the Wii (so use PowerPC codegen). The bug as I could see it in Dolphin’s debugger is that the register pointing to the beginning of the array minus one byte actually points to the beginning of the array minus five bytes, and thus it reads the four bytes prior to the beginning of the array, then the first three bytes.

Things which fix this bug:

I expected to see this happen: no assert would happen, as none of the values in the array are bigger than 0x16 (22).

Instead, this happened: panicked at 'assertion failed: f < 64', /home/linkmauve/dev/rust/luma/luma_core/src/gx/

Version it worked on

It most recently worked on: nightly from the 2022-08-11.

Version with regression

rustc --version --verbose:

rustc 1.65.0-nightly (015a824f2 2022-08-22)
binary: rustc
commit-hash: 015a824f2dffe32707fceb59c47effaf7b73486c
commit-date: 2022-08-22
host: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
release: 1.65.0-nightly
LLVM version: 15.0.0
apiraino commented 2 years ago

@linkmauve is the provided code sample enough to reproduce without pulling in the luma project? Has other_unrelated_function() in your sample an observable effect on reproducing the issue?

I notice you're compiling on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu but (iiuc) crosscompiling to powerpc-unknown-eabi: Can you provide a workflow to crosscompile the sample code for that platform outside luma?


@rustbot label E-needs-mcve

apiraino commented 1 year ago

WG-prioritization assigning priority (Zulip discussion).

@rustbot label -I-prioritize +P-low

linkmauve commented 1 year ago

Hi, I tried to investigate more, I couldn’t reproduce on powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu (running natively on my Wii U), and could always reproduce on powerpc-unknown-eabi. The bug goes away if I use a reference instead of an array, it also goes away if I pass an array containing a multiple of four bytes, which could indicate some big endian issue.

Here is another reproducing testcase:

// Replacing filters with &[u8], &[u8; 7] or [u8; 8], things will work properly.
fn set_vertical_filter(filters: [u8; 7]) {
    // The values are correct (2, 4, 6, 8, a, c, e).
    for f in filters.iter() {
    // The values start four bytes earlier than they should (0, 0, 0, 7, 2, 4, 6).
    for f in filters {

fn main() {
    set_vertical_filter([2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14]);

Edit: here is the annotated generated assembly for a set_vertical_filter() function containing only the second loop above:

80007120 <luma_core::gx::bp::Bp::set_vertical_filter>:
80007120:   7c 08 02 a6     mflr    r0
80007124:   90 01 00 04     stw     r0,4(r1)
80007128:   94 21 ff 70     stwu    r1,-144(r1)
8000712c:   81 03 00 00     lwz     r8,0(r3)
80007130:   38 a0 00 07     li      r5,7
80007134:   80 63 00 03     lwz     r3,3(r3)
80007138:   38 81 00 10     addi    r4,r1,16
8000713c:   3c c0 80 00     lis     r6,-32768
80007140:   3c e0 80 01     lis     r7,-32767
80007144:   3d 20 80 01     lis     r9,-32767
80007148:   92 81 00 60     stw     r20,96(r1)
# ↓ r4 points to what will eventually be five bytes before the start of the array on the stack.
8000714c:   50 a4 07 7e     rlwimi  r4,r5,0,29,31
80007150:   92 a1 00 64     stw     r21,100(r1)
80007154:   3a a7 83 28     addi    r21,r7,-31960
80007158:   92 c1 00 68     stw     r22,104(r1)
8000715c:   3a c6 63 dc     addi    r22,r6,25564
80007160:   92 e1 00 6c     stw     r23,108(r1)
80007164:   3a e1 00 28     addi    r23,r1,40
80007168:   93 01 00 70     stw     r24,112(r1)
8000716c:   3b 00 00 01     li      r24,1
80007170:   93 21 00 74     stw     r25,116(r1)
80007174:   3b 21 00 27     addi    r25,r1,39
80007178:   93 41 00 78     stw     r26,120(r1)
8000717c:   3b 40 00 00     li      r26,0
80007180:   93 61 00 7c     stw     r27,124(r1)
80007184:   3b 60 00 08     li      r27,8
80007188:   93 81 00 80     stw     r28,128(r1)
8000718c:   3b 89 82 38     addi    r28,r9,-32200
80007190:   93 a1 00 84     stw     r29,132(r1)
80007194:   3b a1 00 40     addi    r29,r1,64
80007198:   93 c1 00 88     stw     r30,136(r1)
8000719c:   3b c1 00 30     addi    r30,r1,48
800071a0:   3a 80 00 00     li      r20,0
800071a4:   92 61 00 5c     stw     r19,92(r1)
# ↓ The next two instructions store the array on the stack, five bytes after r4.
800071a8:   90 a1 00 14     stw     r5,20(r1)
800071ac:   91 01 00 18     stw     r8,24(r1)
800071b0:   90 61 00 1b     stw     r3,27(r1)
800071b4:   28 1b 00 0f     cmplwi  r27,15
800071b8:   41 82 00 90     beq     80007248 <luma_core::gx::bp::Bp::set_vertical_filter+0x128>
# ↓ This is where each byte gets loaded, one byte later than r4.
800071bc:   88 64 00 01     lbz     r3,1(r4)
800071c0:   3a 64 00 01     addi    r19,r4,1
800071c4:   7f 84 e3 78     mr      r4,r28
800071c8:   7f a5 eb 78     mr      r5,r29
800071cc:   98 61 00 27     stb     r3,39(r1)
800071d0:   7f c3 f3 78     mr      r3,r30
800071d4:   93 21 00 28     stw     r25,40(r1)
800071d8:   92 c1 00 2c     stw     r22,44(r1)
800071dc:   93 41 00 30     stw     r26,48(r1)
800071e0:   93 01 00 34     stw     r24,52(r1)
800071e4:   93 41 00 38     stw     r26,56(r1)
800071e8:   93 41 00 40     stw     r26,64(r1)
800071ec:   92 a1 00 48     stw     r21,72(r1)
800071f0:   93 01 00 4c     stw     r24,76(r1)
800071f4:   92 e1 00 50     stw     r23,80(r1)
800071f8:   93 01 00 54     stw     r24,84(r1)
800071fc:   4b ff ed fd     bl      80005ff8 <core::fmt::write>
80007200:   28 03 00 00     cmplwi  r3,0
80007204:   40 c2 00 84     bne-    80007288 <luma_core::gx::bp::Bp::set_vertical_filter+0x168>
80007208:   80 61 00 38     lwz     r3,56(r1)
8000720c:   7f a5 eb 78     mr      r5,r29
80007210:   80 81 00 34     lwz     r4,52(r1)
80007214:   90 61 00 40     stw     r3,64(r1)
80007218:   48 00 00 a1     bl      800072b8 <__write_console>
8000721c:   80 81 00 30     lwz     r4,48(r1)
80007220:   28 04 00 00     cmplwi  r4,0
80007224:   41 82 00 14     beq     80007238 <luma_core::gx::bp::Bp::set_vertical_filter+0x118>
80007228:   7c 83 20 f8     not     r3,r4
8000722c:   54 65 0f fe     srwi    r5,r3,31
80007230:   80 61 00 34     lwz     r3,52(r1)
80007234:   48 00 04 bd     bl      800076f0 <__rust_dealloc>
80007238:   3b 7b 00 01     addi    r27,r27,1
8000723c:   3a 94 00 01     addi    r20,r20,1
80007240:   7e 64 9b 78     mr      r4,r19
80007244:   4b ff ff 70     b       800071b4 <luma_core::gx::bp::Bp::set_vertical_filter+0x94>
80007248:   83 c1 00 88     lwz     r30,136(r1)
8000724c:   83 a1 00 84     lwz     r29,132(r1)
80007250:   83 81 00 80     lwz     r28,128(r1)
80007254:   83 61 00 7c     lwz     r27,124(r1)
80007258:   83 41 00 78     lwz     r26,120(r1)
8000725c:   83 21 00 74     lwz     r25,116(r1)
80007260:   83 01 00 70     lwz     r24,112(r1)
80007264:   82 e1 00 6c     lwz     r23,108(r1)
80007268:   82 c1 00 68     lwz     r22,104(r1)
8000726c:   82 a1 00 64     lwz     r21,100(r1)
80007270:   82 81 00 60     lwz     r20,96(r1)
80007274:   82 61 00 5c     lwz     r19,92(r1)
80007278:   80 01 00 94     lwz     r0,148(r1)
8000727c:   38 21 00 90     addi    r1,r1,144
80007280:   7c 08 03 a6     mtlr    r0
80007284:   4e 80 00 20     blr
80007288:   38 7b ff f9     addi    r3,r27,-7
8000728c:   90 61 00 10     stw     r3,16(r1)
80007290:   3c 60 80 00     lis     r3,-32768
80007294:   3c 80 80 01     lis     r4,-32767
80007298:   3c e0 80 01     lis     r7,-32767
8000729c:   38 a1 00 40     addi    r5,r1,64
800072a0:   38 63 7f c2     addi    r3,r3,32706
800072a4:   38 c4 82 50     addi    r6,r4,-32176
800072a8:   38 e7 83 08     addi    r7,r7,-31992
800072ac:   38 80 00 37     li      r4,55
800072b0:   4b ff f0 b1     bl      80006360 <core::result::unwrap_failed>
800072b4:   7f e0 00 08     trap

In the initial code, other_unrelated_function() did have an effect on the outcome, but only because its parameter didn’t get overwritten by the array. Now it seems the four bytes preceding the array values are actually the array size.

I could compile that code without luma, but I wouldn’t be able to run it and that would make debugging much more difficult, is that still wanted? The project is otherwise pretty straightforward to build, just a cargo build --release will generate the buggy code.