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Unclear error when trying to write high-order function accepting an `async` function that itself takes a reference #113495

Open pvillela opened 1 year ago

pvillela commented 1 year ago

I tried this code:

use std::future::Future;

struct X;

trait Tx {}

fn main() {



fn higher_order<I, FUT>(_f: fn(I) -> FUT)
    FUT: Future<Output = ()>,

fn higher_order_x<FUT>(_f: fn(X) -> FUT)
    FUT: Future<Output = ()>,

fn higher_order_tx<FUT>(_f: fn(&dyn Tx) -> FUT)
    FUT: Future<Output = ()>,

fn higher_order_tx_nf(_f: fn(&dyn Tx) -> ()) {}

async fn f_x(_input: X) {}

async fn f_tx(_input: &dyn Tx) {}

fn f_tx_nf(_input: &dyn Tx) {}

I expected the code to compile without errors

Instead, I got a compilation error only for the line higher_order_tx(f_tx); in main:

error[E0308]: mismatched types
  --> general/src/bin/
12 |     higher_order_tx(f_tx);
   |     --------------- ^^^^ one type is more general than the other
   |     |
   |     arguments to this function are incorrect
   = note: expected fn pointer `for<'a> fn(&'a (dyn Tx + 'a)) -> _`
                 found fn item `for<'a> fn(&'a (dyn Tx + 'a)) -> impl Future<Output = ()> {f_tx}`
   = note: when the arguments and return types match, functions can be coerced to function pointers
note: function defined here
  --> general/src/bin/
29 | fn higher_order_tx<FUT>(_f: fn(&dyn Tx) -> FUT)
   |    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^      ----------------------


I am using the stable version below. With the current nightly version rustc 1.72.0-nightly (83964c156 2023-07-08), I get error[E0635]: unknown feature 'proc_macro_span_shrink'.

rustc --version --verbose:

rustc 1.70.0 (90c541806 2023-05-31)
binary: rustc
commit-hash: 90c541806f23a127002de5b4038be731ba1458ca
commit-date: 2023-05-31
host: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
release: 1.70.0
LLVM version: 16.0.2

``` ```

WaffleLapkin commented 1 year ago

The type error is correct, I believe.

f_tx has type like for<'a> fn(&'a (dyn Tx + 'a)) -> impl Future<Output = ()> + 'a {f_tx}, i.e. the return type is using the lifetime of the for<'a> binder. higher_order_tx however expects that the return type (FUT) is a single type, that does not depend on the binder introduced implicitly by the ref parameter.

This is somewhat of a fundamental (types people can correct my if I'm wrong...) issue with the Rust type system, it is very hard to write functions that accept async functions taking a reference, because it's impossible to write the correct FnOnce bound...

You can somewhat workaround this issue by introducing a trait:

trait AsyncBorrowFn<'a, A: ?Sized + 'a>: Fn(&'a A) -> Self::Fut {
    type Out;
    type Fut: Future<Output = Self::Out> + 'a;

impl<'a, A, F, Fut> AsyncBorrowFn<'a, A> for F 
   A: ?Sized + 'a,
   F: Fn(&'a A) -> Fut,
   Fut: Future + 'a,
    type Out = Fut::Output;
    type Fut = Fut;

fn higher_order_tx(f: impl for<'a> AsyncBorrowFn<'a, dyn Tx + 'a, Out = ()>) { /* ... */ }


pvillela commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your thoughtful reply, @WaffleLapkin. Based on your code sample, I tried something simpler (see below) which seems to work fine. All I had to do was add a lifetime parameter 'a to higher_order_tx.

The compiler error message should suggest the addition of a lifetime parameter for the reference argument.

use core::future::Future;

async fn main() {
    _ = higher_order_tx(f_tx).await;

trait Tx {
    fn show(&self);

impl Tx for u32 {
    fn show(&self) {
        println!("Value = {self}");

async fn f_tx(input: &dyn Tx) {
    println!("f_tx executed");;

async fn higher_order_tx<'a, Fut>(f: fn(&'a dyn Tx) -> Fut)
    Fut: Future<Output = ()>,
WaffleLapkin commented 1 year ago

@pvillela yes, this is also an option, although do note that this requires passing parameters specifically with lifetime 'a. so, for example, you can't pass references to local variables there.

pvillela commented 1 year ago

Your point is well taken, @WaffleLapkin. I used your AsyncBorrowFn to implement a partial application higher-order function for a little architecture framework I'm developing. It works fine when the resulting closure is rendered as an Fn that returns a box-pinned future, but it doesn't work when the resulting closure is rendered as an AsyncBorrowFn. Please see below:

use std::future::Future;
use std::pin::Pin;

/// Represents an async function with a single argument that is a reference.
pub trait AsyncBorrowFn1b1<'a, A: ?Sized + 'a>: Fn(&'a A) -> Self::Fut {
    type Out;
    type Fut: Future<Output = Self::Out> + 'a;

impl<'a, A, F, Fut> AsyncBorrowFn1b1<'a, A> for F
    A: ?Sized + 'a,
    F: Fn(&'a A) -> Fut + 'a,
    Fut: Future + 'a,
    type Out = Fut::Output;
    type Fut = Fut;

/// Represents an async function with 2 arguments; the first is not a reference, the last is a reference.
pub trait AsyncBorrowFn2b2<'a, A1, A2: ?Sized + 'a>: Fn(A1, &'a A2) -> Self::Fut {
    type Out;
    type Fut: Future<Output = Self::Out> + 'a;

impl<'a, A1, A2, F, Fut> AsyncBorrowFn2b2<'a, A1, A2> for F
    A2: ?Sized + 'a,
    F: Fn(A1, &'a A2) -> Fut + 'a,
    Fut: Future + 'a,
    type Out = Fut::Output;
    type Fut = Fut;

/// Partial application for async function, where the resulting closure returns a box-pinned future.
pub fn partial_apply_boxpin<A1, A2, T>(
    f: impl for<'a> AsyncBorrowFn2b2<'a, A1, A2, Out = T>,
    a1: A1,
) -> impl for<'a> Fn(&'a A2) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = T> + 'a>>
    A1: Clone,
    A2: ?Sized, // optional Sized relaxation
    move |a2| {
        let y = f(a1.clone(), a2);

/// Partial application for async function, where the result is an AsyncBorrowFn1r1.
pub fn partial_apply<A1, A2, T>(
    f: impl for<'a> AsyncBorrowFn2b2<'a, A1, A2, Out = T> + 'static,
    a1: A1,
) -> impl for<'a> AsyncBorrowFn1b1<'a, A2, Out = T>
    A1: Clone + 'static,
    A2: ?Sized + 'static,
    move |a2| {
        let y = f(a1.clone(), a2);

async fn f(i: u32, j: &u32) -> u32 {
    i + j

async fn main() {
    let f_part = partial_apply_boxpin(f, 40);
    println!("{}", f_part(&2).await);

    let f_part = partial_apply(f, 40);
    println!("{}", f_part(&2).await);

The higher-order function partial_apply_boxpin compiles fine but I get a compilation error for partial_apply:

error: implementation of `AsyncBorrowFn1b1` is not general enough
  --> general/src/bin/
60 | /     move |a2| {
61 | |         let y = f(a1.clone(), a2);
62 | |         y
63 | |     }
   | |_____^ implementation of `AsyncBorrowFn1b1` is not general enough
   = note: `[closure@general/src/bin/ 60:14]` must implement `AsyncBorrowFn1b1<'0, A2>`, for any lifetime `'0`...
   = note: ...but it actually implements `AsyncBorrowFn1b1<'1, A2>`, for some specific lifetime `'1`

Your comments would be greatly appreciated.

danielhenrymantilla commented 1 year ago

@pvillela you can write this:

/// Partial application for async function, where the result is an AsyncBorrowFn1r1.
pub fn partial_apply<A1, A2, F, T>(
    f: F,
    a1: A1,
) -> impl for<'a> AsyncBorrowFn1b1<'a, A2, Out = T>
    A1: Clone + 'static,
    A2: ?Sized + 'static,
    F: for<'a> AsyncBorrowFn2b2<'a, A1, A2, Out = T> + 'static,
    fn nudge_inference<A1, A2, F, T, C>(
        closure: C,
    ) -> C
        // this promotes the literal `|a2| …` closure to "infer"
        // (get imbued with) the right higher-order fn signature.
        // See for more info
        // v
        C: Fn(&A2) -> <F as AsyncBorrowFn2b2<'_, A1, A2>>::Fut,

        A1: Clone + 'static,
        A2: ?Sized + 'static,
        F: for<'a> AsyncBorrowFn2b2<'a, A1, A2, Out = T> + 'static,

    nudge_inference::<A1, A2, F, T, _>(move |a2| {
        f(a1.clone(), a2)
pvillela commented 1 year ago

Thank you @danielhenrymantilla, this is great.