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Failed to compile a project with LTO + PGO #115344

Open zamazan4ik opened 1 year ago

zamazan4ik commented 1 year ago

In I tried to optimize Vector with LTO + PGO enabled. But during the optimization phase (done with cargo pgo optimize) I get the following error: . I am not the only person with this error - (@kevincox probably can provide more details about they project).

The only way to avoid the bug is disable LTO completely (switching from Fat to Thin mode does not help).

I expected to see this happen: Vector compiles successfully with LTO and PGO enabled.

Instead, this happened: Vector failed to compile with LTO + PGO.


rustc --version --verbose (from


Other links:

Kobzol commented 1 year ago

Were you able to reproduce this without using cargo pgo, by using the compiler flags manually? (-Cprofile-generate etc.)

zamazan4ik commented 1 year ago

I haven't tried to do it yet but I will (and then report the results here)

kevincox commented 1 year ago

My project was done using the flags directly. See

# Cargo.toml
codegen-units = 1
lto = true
module flag identifiers must be unique (or of 'require' type)
!"CG Profile"
LLVM ERROR: Broken module found, compilation aborted!
error: could not compile `ricochetrobots` (bin "ricochetrobots-debug-precompute")
warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...
module flag identifiers must be unique (or of 'require' type)
!"CG Profile"
LLVM ERROR: Broken module found, compilation aborted!
error: could not compile `ricochetrobots` (bin "solve")
[naersk] cargo returned with exit code 101, exiting
caizixian commented 1 year ago

I'm using the compiler flag directly (via RUSTFLAGS). RUSTFLAGS="-Cprofile-use=/tmp/pgo-data/merged.profdata -Cllvm-args=-pgo-warn-missing-function" fails with

error: file `/tmp/pgo-data/merged.profdata` passed to `-C profile-use` does not exist.`

The file is confirmed to exist via ls. The merged.profdata is generated using llvm-profdata shipped with Rust 1.71.1.

RUSTFLAGS="-Clto=false -Cprofile-use=/tmp/pgo-data/merged.profdata -Cllvm-args=-pgo-warn-missing-function" works.

My PGO+LTO setup worked with Rust 1.66.1, but doesn't work with 1.71.1.

lqd commented 1 year ago

This "file does not exist" error seems like a different one from the OP ("LLVM ERROR: Broken module found, compilation aborted!"), and it would be good to have a small self-contained example for your new error -- and possibly a dedicated issue since it also looks different from #63609. It feels possible to investigate in mmtk-openjdk directly, but to land a fix with a non-regression test, a small reproducer (MCVE) is going to be important.

zamazan4ik commented 1 year ago

I got the same issue during the ruff optimization with PGO with cargo-pgo. When I run cargo pgo optimize bench in on my Mac machine (Macbook M1 Pro, macOS 13.4 Ventura), I get the following error:

<skipped lines>
Compiling ruff_benchmark v0.0.0 (/Users/zamazan4ik/open_source/ruff/crates/ruff_benchmark)
warning: 19 warnings emitted========>  ] 287/299: ruff_benchmark, libcst, similar, ruff_notebook, ruff_python_parser, pyproject-toml, ruff_python_formatter, criterion

warning: 468 warnings emitted========> ] 290/299: libcst, ruff_notebook, ruff_python_parser, ruff_python_formatter, criterion

warning: 996 warnings emitted========> ] 292/299: libcst, ruff_python_parser, ruff_python_formatter

   Compiling ruff v0.0.287 (/Users/zamazan4ik/open_source/ruff/crates/ruff)
warning: 75 warnings emitted=========> ] 294/299: ruff, ruff_python_parser

warning: 5188 warnings emitted=======> ] 295/299: ruff

module flag identifiers must be unique (or of 'require' type)
!"CG Profile"
LLVM ERROR: Broken module found, compilation aborted!
error: could not compile `ruff_benchmark` (bench "formatter"); 45 warnings emitted
warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...
module flag identifiers must be unique (or of 'require' type)
!"CG Profile"
LLVM ERROR: Broken module found, compilation aborted!
error: could not compile `ruff_benchmark` (bench "parser"); 42 warnings emitted
module flag identifiers must be unique (or of 'require' type)
!"CG Profile"
LLVM ERROR: Broken module found, compilation aborted!
error: could not compile `ruff_benchmark` (bench "linter"); 47 warnings emitted
PGO optimized build has failed.
Cargo finished with an error (101)

Note that Ruff also enables LTO as a part of its Release profile. When I switch off LTO, cargo pgo optimize bench builds Ruff successfully.

Additional details - cargo pgo info:

cargo pgo info
[rustc version]: 1.72.0 is recent enough
[llvm-profdata]: found at /Users/zamazan4ik/.rustup/toolchains/stable-aarch64-apple-darwin/lib/rustlib/aarch64-apple-darwin/bin/llvm-profdata
[llvm-bolt]: could not be found (Build LLVM with BOLT and add its `bin` directory to PATH.)
[merge-fdata]: could not be found (Build LLVM with BOLT and add its `bin` directory to PATH.)
Some requirements were not satisfied

Tested the same scenario on my Linux machine (Fedora 38, x86-64) for the same scenario with the same Rust version and got the same error.

zamazan4ik commented 1 year ago

Another affected project -

Got the same error during cargo pgo optimize bench -- --workspace on my Linux machine with Rust 1.72:

warning: 381 warnings emitted

module flag identifiers must be unique (or of 'require' type)
!"CG Profile"
LLVM ERROR: Broken module found, compilation aborted!
error: could not compile `anvil-server` (lib test)
warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...
module flag identifiers must be unique (or of 'require' type)
!"CG Profile"
LLVM ERROR: Broken module found, compilation aborted!
error: could not compile `anvil-rpc` (lib test)
warning: 4095 warnings emitted=====> ] 1501/1535: foundry-abi(test), ethers-solc, foundry-abi, foundry-macros(test), anvil, foun...

module flag identifiers must be unique (or of 'require' type)
!"CG Profile"
LLVM ERROR: Broken module found, compilation aborted!
error: could not compile `foundry-macros` (lib test)
PGO optimized build has failed.
Cargo finished with an error (101)
Kobzol commented 1 year ago

~The ruff benchmark worked for me with Rust 1.72 on Linux~, but I haven't investigated further. Edit: it is also broken for me.

caizixian commented 1 year ago

This "file does not exist" error seems like a different one from the OP ("LLVM ERROR: Broken module found, compilation aborted!"), and it would be good to have a small self-contained example for your new error -- and possibly a dedicated issue since it also looks different from #63609. It feels possible to investigate in mmtk-openjdk directly, but to land a fix with a non-regression test, a small reproducer (MCVE) is going to be important.

Indeed. I have a workaround for now (cargo clean before build with profile-use). Might be a problem with incremental compilation.

kevincox commented 1 year ago

In my case the compilation was happening clean, so incremental doesn't seem like the problem for me.

zamazan4ik commented 1 year ago

Another example of hitting this error with cargo-pgo is optimizing on my both machines (Linux machine with quite recent x86-64 Fedora 38 and Macbook M1 with macOS 13.4 Ventura) with the latest stable Rust 1.72 on both machines:

cargo pgo optimize build

<some logs are skipped>
module flag identifiers must be unique (or of 'require' type)
!"CG Profile"
LLVM ERROR: Broken module found, compilation aborted!
error: could not compile `du-dust` (bin "dust")
PGO optimized build has failed.
Cargo finished with an error (101)

Also, I've checked cleaning the build directory before the PGO optimization build - didn't help. Dust also enables LTO in its Release profile.

Kobzol commented 1 year ago

Uhh, so I was able to reproduce this on Linux (with just lto = "thin", no need for fat LTO or 1 CGU) all the way back to 1.60.0 (older rustc versions can't build dust). Did LTO + PGO ever work? :laughing:

zamazan4ik commented 1 year ago

Uhh, so I was able to reproduce this on Linux (with just lto = "thin", no need for fat LTO or 1 CGU) all the way back to 1.60.0 (older rustc versions can't build dust). Did LTO + PGO ever work?

I need to recheck but AFAIK I remember some Rust projects there LTO + PGO worked fine... :)

Kobzol commented 1 year ago

Yeah it's something specific in the project causing it, I'm trying to minimize dust to find it.

zamazan4ik commented 11 months ago

Yeah it's something specific in the project causing it, I'm trying to minimize dust to find it.

@Kobzol Were you able to reproduce the issue? I have reproduced it once again with the latest Fedora 38 and Rust stable 1.73 and Ruff project on the latest commit 4113d65836e1b3baa3aa77cbdf44f83207e9f424 from its main branch.

zamazan4ik commented 10 months ago

Another affected project: . When lto = "fat" and codegen-units = 1 when optimizing with cargo-pgo I get the following error:

Compiling quilkin v0.8.0-dev (/home/zamazan4ik/open_source/quilkin)
module flag identifiers must be unique (or of 'require' type)
!"CG Profile"
LLVM ERROR: Broken module found, compilation aborted!
error: could not compile `quilkin` (bin "quilkin")
PGO optimized build has failed.
Cargo finished with an error (101)

cargo-pgo info:

[rustc version]: 1.73.0 is recent enough
[2023-10-20T11:28:40Z WARN  cargo_pgo::pgo::env] llvm-profdata was resolved from PATH. Make sure that its version is compatible with rustc! If not, run `rustup component add llvm-tools-preview`.
[llvm-profdata]: found at /usr/bin/llvm-profdata
[llvm-bolt]: found at /usr/bin/llvm-bolt
[merge-fdata]: found at /usr/bin/merge-fdata

OS: Fedora 38

zamazan4ik commented 10 months ago

Another affected project - . On Linux with Rust 1.73 I get the same error:

cargo pgo optimize build

<logs are skipped>

Compiling gifski v1.13.0 (/home/zamazan4ik/open_source/gifski)
module flag identifiers must be unique (or of 'require' type)
!"CG Profile"
LLVM ERROR: Broken module found, compilation aborted!
error: could not compile `gifski` (bin "gifski")
PGO optimized build has failed.
Cargo finished with an error (101)

Additional information:

cargo pgo info

[rustc version]: 1.73.0 is recent enough
[llvm-profdata]: found at /home/zamazan4ik/.rustup/toolchains/stable-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/bin/llvm-profdata
[llvm-bolt]: found at /usr/bin/llvm-bolt
[merge-fdata]: found at /usr/bin/merge-fdata
Kobzol commented 10 months ago

Thanks for gifski! I managed to minimize this down to this in

use clap::Command;

fn main() {

in combination with this in Cargo.toml:

crate-type = ["lib", "cdylib"]

and LTO=thin. I'll probably post this as a new issue and try to investigate more.

zamazan4ik commented 9 months ago

Found another project with the same issue - qsv.

For cargo pgo optimize build -- --release --locked -F feature_capable,apply,geocode,luau,to,polars --bin qsv I get this error:

module flag identifiers must be unique (or of 'require' type)
!"CG Profile"
LLVM ERROR: Broken module found, compilation aborted!
error: could not compile `qsv` (bin "qsv"); 363 warnings emitted
PGO optimized build has failed.
Cargo finished with an error (101)

Rust version: 1.74 QSV version: master branch on commit 531acbb072c48cbaca5d58b593243e0f5f0ec8d3

zamazan4ik commented 9 months ago

Found one more project with the same issue - vtracer.

For cargo pgo optimize build I get the following error:

warning: 67 warnings emitted===========> ] 69/71: vtracer

module flag identifiers must be unique (or of 'require' type)
!"CG Profile"
LLVM ERROR: Broken module found, compilation aborted!
error: could not compile `vtracer` (bin "vtracer")
PGO optimized build has failed.
Cargo finished with an error (101)

Rust version: 1.74 Vtracer version: master branch, 74f2a04a17d8c246d80c439fb162780160a7c3e9 commit

Vtracer by default does not enable LTO, so for reproducing the issue I made the following changed to the root Cargo.toml file:

codegen-units = 1
debug         = false
lto           = true
opt-level     = 3
strip         = true
zamazan4ik commented 8 months ago

Another project - ocrs.

After adding codegen-units = 1 and lto = "fat" to the root Cargo.toml file and compiling with cargo pgo optimize build -- --release --bin ocrs (of course, before that I collected PGO profiles), I get the following error:

module flag identifiers must be unique (or of 'require' type)
!"CG Profile"
LLVM ERROR: Broken module found, compilation aborted!
error: could not compile `ocrs-cli` (bin "ocrs")
PGO optimized build has failed.
Cargo finished with an error (101)

Rustc version: 1.75 OS: Fedora 39 (Linux kernel 6.6.9) ocrs version: main branch, 688c21fff2785e328b4564775dc312ddafdd794a commit

zamazan4ik commented 7 months ago

One more - needletail.

After cargo pgo optimize bench I got an error:

module flag identifiers must be unique (or of 'require' type)
!"CG Profile"
LLVM ERROR: Broken module found, compilation aborted!
error: could not compile `needletail` (bench "benchmark")
PGO optimized build has failed.
Cargo finished with an error (101)

Rustc version:

rustc 1.76.0 (07dca489a 2024-02-04)
binary: rustc
commit-hash: 07dca489ac2d933c78d3c5158e3f43beefeb02ce
commit-date: 2024-02-04
host: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
release: 1.76.0
LLVM version: 17.0.6

needletail version: master branch, 25e9b931af87d5aed79ecf7a3ff32245b91ce9dc commit

zamazan4ik commented 7 months ago

Another one - uv. Error is the same:

module flag identifiers must be unique (or of 'require' type)
!"CG Profile"
LLVM ERROR: Broken module found, compilation aborted!
error: could not compile `uv` (bin "uv")
PGO optimized build has failed.
Cargo finished with an error (101)

Rustc: 1.75 uv version: main branch, 12c19ce50689ee089c1374deb8282555418f9cf4 commit

zamazan4ik commented 6 months ago

Another project - namada. The error is the same:

module flag identifiers must be unique (or of 'require' type)
!"CG Profile"
LLVM ERROR: Broken module found, compilation aborted!
error: could not compile `namada_benchmarks` (bench "host_env")
warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...
module flag identifiers must be unique (or of 'require' type)
!"CG Profile"
LLVM ERROR: Broken module found, compilation aborted!
error: could not compile `namada_benchmarks` (bench "allowed_vps")
module flag identifiers must be unique (or of 'require' type)
!"CG Profile"
LLVM ERROR: Broken module found, compilation aborted!
error: could not compile `namada_benchmarks` (bench "process_wrapper")
module flag identifiers must be unique (or of 'require' type)
!"CG Profile"
LLVM ERROR: Broken module found, compilation aborted!
error: could not compile `namada_benchmarks` (bench "native_vps")
module flag identifiers must be unique (or of 'require' type)
!"CG Profile"
LLVM ERROR: Broken module found, compilation aborted!
error: could not compile `namada_benchmarks` (bench "allowed_txs")
PGO optimized build has failed.
Cargo finished with an error (101)

Rustc version: 1.76 Namada version: main branch, 2535c9c8bb899f4f3ae0c9e9accaf24f30e8bff4 commit OS: Fedora 39 (Linux kernel 6.7.4)

zamazan4ik commented 6 months ago

Another project - boa.


module flag identifiers must be unique (or of 'require' type)
!"CG Profile"
LLVM ERROR: Broken module found, compilation aborted!
error: could not compile `boa_interner` (lib test)
warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...
module flag identifiers must be unique (or of 'require' type)
!"CG Profile"
LLVM ERROR: Broken module found, compilation aborted!
error: could not compile `boa_icu_provider` (lib test)
module flag identifiers must be unique (or of 'require' type)
!"CG Profile"
LLVM ERROR: Broken module found, compilation aborted!
error: could not compile `boa_gc` (lib test)
module flag identifiers must be unique (or of 'require' type)
!"CG Profile"
LLVM ERROR: Broken module found, compilation aborted!
error: could not compile `scripts` (bin "regenerate-about" test)
module flag identifiers must be unique (or of 'require' type)
!"CG Profile"
LLVM ERROR: Broken module found, compilation aborted!
error: could not compile `boa_ast` (lib test)
module flag identifiers must be unique (or of 'require' type)
!"CG Profile"
LLVM ERROR: Broken module found, compilation aborted!
error: could not compile `boa_parser` (lib test)
PGO optimized build has failed.
Cargo finished with an error (101)

Rustc version: 1.76 Boa version: main branch, 8d12ea8181d9265e2efb8596dbdf0a19013d80fe commit OS: Fedora 39 (Linux kernel 6.7.6)

zamazan4ik commented 5 months ago

Project - pylyzer.

After adding the following lines to the Cargo.toml:

codegen-units = 1
lto = true

I get the following errors during LTO + PGO optimization build:

   Compiling pylyzer v0.0.52 (/home/zamazan4ik/open_source/pylyzer)
warning: 1845 warnings emitted=======> ] 143/145: pylyzer

module flag identifiers must be unique (or of 'require' type)
!"CG Profile"
LLVM ERROR: Broken module found, compilation aborted!
error: could not compile `pylyzer` (bin "pylyzer")
PGO optimized build has failed.
Cargo finished with an error (101)

Rustc version: 1.77.2 pylyzer version: main branch, 70c23905ae768ab554000abeefab36fe48ab54f4 commit OS: Fedora 39 (Linux kernel 6.8.4)

joshstoik1 commented 4 months ago

I am having the same issue with my image compression program flaca, but have narrowed it down to a single (direct) dependency: mozjpeg-sys.

So long as my instrumentation runs avoid triggering those parts of the program, PGO+LTO work just fine.


module flag identifiers must be unique (or of 'require' type)
!"CG Profile"
LLVM ERROR: Broken module found, compilation aborted!

I don't know if the problem originates with that crate or just the way I'm using it. I tried stripping out all its extra features and even tested an old version without the extern "C-unwind" functionality in case that was to blame, but could never make LLVM happy with it.


For what it's worth, I'm running each step manually (rather than automating via cargo-pgo), using:

Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)
rustc 1.77.2 (25ef9e3d8 2024-04-09)
clang 17.0.6 (++20231208085813+6009708b4367-1~exp1~20231208085906.81)

RUSTFLAGS="-Ctarget-cpu=x86-64-v3 -Clinker=clang -Clink-arg=-fuse-ld=lld"
zamazan4ik commented 3 months ago

Project -

The error:

module flag identifiers must be unique (or of 'require' type)
!"CG Profile"
rustc-LLVM ERROR: Broken module found, compilation aborted!
error: could not compile `tools` (bin "data-seeder-tool"); 927 warnings emitted
warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...
module flag identifiers must be unique (or of 'require' type)
!"CG Profile"
rustc-LLVM ERROR: Broken module found, compilation aborted!
error: could not compile `cli` (bin "iggy"); 2249 warnings emitted
module flag identifiers must be unique (or of 'require' type)
!"CG Profile"
rustc-LLVM ERROR: Broken module found, compilation aborted!
error: could not compile `bench` (bin "iggy-bench"); 774 warnings emitted
module flag identifiers must be unique (or of 'require' type)
!"CG Profile"
rustc-LLVM ERROR: Broken module found, compilation aborted!
error: could not compile `server` (bin "iggy-server")
PGO optimized build has failed.
Cargo finished with an error (101)

OS: Fedora 40 Rustc version: 1.78 Project version: master branch, f32265229a609f3f69887024667d4093f26ae5eb commit

insilications commented 2 months ago

It seems to be happening with sccache

Using: cargo pgo optimize build -- --release --release --no-default-features

module flag identifiers must be unique (or of 'require' type)
!"CG Profile"
LLVM ERROR: Broken module found, compilation aborted!
error: could not compile `sccache` (bin "sccache");
PGO optimized build has failed.
Cargo finished with an error (101)

Rust version: 1.81.0-nightly (6b0f4b5ec 2024-06-24) sccache version: main branch d5a1787a8582bd99d3f2fc27f4c3191bd8cc76d9

zamazan4ik commented 1 week ago

Project -

Using cargo pgo optimize bench -- --workspace --all-features --profile release-lto (before that PGO profiles were collected via cargo pgo optimize bench -- --workspace --all-features --profile release-lto.


   Compiling jolt v0.0.0 (/home/zamazan4ik/open_source/fluvio-jolt/smartmodule)
module flag identifiers must be unique (or of 'require' type)
!"CG Profile"
rustc-LLVM ERROR: Broken module found, compilation aborted!
error: could not compile `jolt` (lib test)
PGO optimized build has failed.
Cargo finished with an error (101)

OS: Fedora 40 Rustc: 1.80.1 fluvio-jolt version: main branch, 5b85538f553d338997e20bdbb08cd6fd141e9171 commit

zamazan4ik commented 23 hours ago

Project -

When I enable LTO (add lto = true to the root Cargo.toml file) and using cargo pgo optimize bench I get the following error:

module flag identifiers must be unique (or of 'require' type)
!"CG Profile"
rustc-LLVM ERROR: Broken module found, compilation aborted!
error: could not compile `possum-db` (bin "possum"); 901 warnings emitted
warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...
module flag identifiers must be unique (or of 'require' type)
!"CG Profile"
rustc-LLVM ERROR: Broken module found, compilation aborted!
error: could not compile `possum-db` (bench "possum")
PGO optimized build has failed.
Cargo finished with an error (101)

OS: Fedora 40 Rustc: 1.80.1 Possum: main branch, 35d7f9c03581c649b4c4adced8542520a5d1b54 commit