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Subpar documentation for ptr-to-ref conversion methods #124669

Open GrigorenkoPV opened 4 months ago

GrigorenkoPV commented 4 months ago

While trying to merge #122492, some issues with the existing documentation became apparent.

The methods in question

[^unchecked]: Not yet stabilized (#122034) [^uninit]: Not yet stabilized (#75402)

The problems

Feel free to voice your opinions/wishes/suggestions/questions regarding this issue or to submit PRs addressing any of the problems above (not necessarily all at once). Also, doctests can probably be worked on independently from the documentation itself.


@rustbot label +A-docs +A-doctests +C-discussion +C-enhancement +E-help-wanted

And now footnotes:

lolbinarycat commented 3 months ago

@rustbot claim

i'll tackle normalizing the doctests first, since the wording of the pointer methods has implications for unsafe code guidelines.

GrigorenkoPV commented 3 months ago

@rustbot reopen

GrigorenkoPV commented 3 months ago

Well, I'm powerless here. @rustbot knows how to close issues, but not how to reopen them. GitHub doesn't let me to reopen it myself. And @bors is very fond of marking issues as completed even when they aren't. #126210 addressed only one of the concerns (I've updated the OP to reflect this), but there's still a lot of work to be done.

@workingjubilee could you please help me in this and reopen the issue? Thanks!

lolbinarycat commented 3 months ago

whoops, yeah i should have said "part of" instead of "fixes", since my pr only addresses part of the issue, sorry about that (unfortunately i don't have the permissions to reopen issues either)

lolbinarycat commented 2 months ago

working on deduplicating documentation and it turns out that blurb also got copy-pasted onto several methods on NonNull, and those copies never got updated, so they're actually wrong, not listing the requirment of pointing to a valid value

RalfJung commented 1 month ago

Needlessly scary wording around the output's lifetime

I wouldn't say it is "needlessly" scary. The returned lifetime is equivalent to 'static. So this is as scary as creating a reference to a static mut, and we're currently taking steps to lint against that. This is a scary operation.

workingjubilee commented 1 month ago

My comment was less "it's needlessly scary" and more "it should be clear that if you do not specifically give a lifetime, it will infer any plausible lifetime from context".

This does include 'static! However, careful use in certain cases... and we should probably provide a demo of how... can achieve the desired lifetime. This usually is achieved by a helper fn that correctly models the lifetime constraints you wish to impose.

RalfJung commented 1 month ago

However, careful use in certain cases... and we should probably provide a demo of how... can achieve the desired lifetime.

Yes, just like a 'static lifetime can end up being subtyped to the desired lifetime.

The current signature of as_ref is for all intents and purposes equivalent to fn as_ref(*const T) -> &'static T. We should make that unambiguously clear.