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CI: enable arbitrary try builds, take two #124743

Closed Kobzol closed 1 week ago

Kobzol commented 1 week ago

Fixed version of, which hopefully won't completely break our CI this time :man_facepalming: Sorry once again. Only the last commit is new.

r? @pietroalbini

matthiaskrgr commented 1 week ago

@bors treeclosed-

pietroalbini commented 1 week ago

@bors r+ rollup=never

bors commented 1 week ago

:pushpin: Commit b3e9060178780b51c21b50c30f04f2b3d339164a has been approved by pietroalbini

It is now in the queue for this repository.

bors commented 1 week ago

:hourglass: Testing commit b3e9060178780b51c21b50c30f04f2b3d339164a with merge 6f7e00a3e6eade8350ce6280f05596236d73c4cb...

bors commented 1 week ago

:sunny: Test successful - checks-actions Approved by: pietroalbini Pushing 6f7e00a3e6eade8350ce6280f05596236d73c4cb to master...

rust-timer commented 1 week ago

Finished benchmarking commit (6f7e00a3e6eade8350ce6280f05596236d73c4cb): comparison URL.

Overall result: ❌✅ regressions and improvements - no action needed

@rustbot label: -perf-regression

Instruction count

This is a highly reliable metric that was used to determine the overall result at the top of this comment.

mean range count
Regressions ❌
- - 0
Regressions ❌
0.3% [0.3%, 0.3%] 1
Improvements ✅
-2.8% [-2.8%, -2.8%] 1
Improvements ✅
-1.1% [-1.1%, -1.1%] 1
All ❌✅ (primary) -2.8% [-2.8%, -2.8%] 1

Max RSS (memory usage)

Results This is a less reliable metric that may be of interest but was not used to determine the overall result at the top of this comment. | | mean | range | count | |:----------------------------------:|:----:|:------------:|:-----:| | Regressions ❌
(primary) | - | - | 0 | | Regressions ❌
(secondary) | 3.5% | [3.5%, 3.5%] | 1 | | Improvements ✅
(primary) | - | - | 0 | | Improvements ✅
(secondary) | - | - | 0 | | All ❌✅ (primary) | - | - | 0 |


Results This is a less reliable metric that may be of interest but was not used to determine the overall result at the top of this comment. | | mean | range | count | |:----------------------------------:|:-----:|:--------------:|:-----:| | Regressions ❌
(primary) | - | - | 0 | | Regressions ❌
(secondary) | - | - | 0 | | Improvements ✅
(primary) | -2.6% | [-2.6%, -2.6%] | 1 | | Improvements ✅
(secondary) | - | - | 0 | | All ❌✅ (primary) | -2.6% | [-2.6%, -2.6%] | 1 |

Binary size

This benchmark run did not return any relevant results for this metric.

Bootstrap: 673.974s -> 673.446s (-0.08%) Artifact size: 315.95 MiB -> 315.79 MiB (-0.05%)