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Tracking Issue for `#[global_registration]` #125119

Open jdonszelmann opened 1 month ago

jdonszelmann commented 1 month ago

This is a tracking issue for the global registration experiment. The feature gate for the issue is #![feature(global_registration)].

Global registration has previously been discussed on and a proposal was made on the testing devex team with @epage . Specific syntax has not been discussed yet, which is part of what this experiment is going to figure out. Likely, a first implementation will use built-in attribute macros.

About tracking issues

Tracking issues are used to record the overall progress of implementation. They are also used as hubs connecting to other relevant issues, e.g., bugs or open design questions. A tracking issue is however not meant for large scale discussion, questions, or bug reports about a feature. Instead, open a dedicated issue for the specific matter and add the relevant feature gate label. Discussion comments will get marked as off-topic or deleted. Repeated discussions on the tracking issue may lead to the tracking issue getting locked.


Unresolved Questions


Implementation history


Current proposed syntax

use core::global_registration::{global_registry, register, Registry};

static ERROR_MSGS: Registry<&str>;

register!(ERROR_MSGS, "a");
register!(ERROR_MSGS, "b", "c");

fn main() {
    for msg in ERROR_MSGS {
        println!("{}", msg);
jdonszelmann commented 1 month ago

@rustbot label +F-global_registration +T-lang

camsteffen commented 1 month ago

Another use case: I think Clippy could use this to register more Symbol constants like sym::*.

bjorn3 commented 1 month ago

You did have to be careful to ensure that the crate metadata encoder doesn't consider those extra symbol constants as preinterned, otherwise rustc won't be able to decode metadata generated by clippy. Also clippy uses rustc as dylib, so for clippy to use #[global_registration] dylibs would have to be supported.

Indra-db commented 1 month ago

A potential use case for this could be to is assign meta data to a type.

In my particular use case, assigning an id / index "static" to each type.

Currently Rust doesn't support generic statics due to issues on windows with dylib, but this could potentially be used instead? Would global registration allow for such use case?

See relevant discussion (before and after) here:

T-Dark0 commented 1 month ago

To elaborate a bit, as I was in that discussion:

The goal here is to generate a per-type identifier that, for FFI/stability reasons, cannot be TypeId. This identifier also needs to consider different instantiations of the same generic type to be different types, and must be generated at runtime, which rules out doing this in const

The C++ way of doing this is approximately equivalent to a OnceLocked local static variable inside a function of a template class, which causes the variable to be duplicated per instantiation of the template class. This doesn't work in Rust, as the local static will, just like all local items do, behave as if it had been written at the top scope in all except its own scope.

The idea here, from our discussion, is to ensure that register!, or whatever replaces it in the eventual syntax, can be called from inside a monomorphised function, and behaves more like an expression than an item, allowing it, and its "initializers" (assuming a syntax like register!(registry, initializers)), to access generics from the enclosing scope much like const {} blocks, and performing one registration per instantiation.