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Nightly rustc cannot load LLVM plugins on ARM64 platforms (impacts crate) #127573

Open vanhauser-thc opened 2 weeks ago

vanhauser-thc commented 2 weeks ago

This issue prevents using the effective (AFL++) plugins for fuzzing in Rust on ARM64 platforms.

The nightly rustc allows for loading LLVM plugins with -Z llvm-plugins=/path/to/plugin.

This works without problems on Linux x86_x64, however on ARM64 - both Linux and MacOS - this fails with symbols not being resolvable.

How to reproduce:

# Install cargo-afl because this is where we need LLVM plugins from
cargo install cargo-afl
# Compile the AFL++ plugins for cargo-afl - this requires LLVM installed
cargo afl config --plugins --force
# Now get a simple test example
git clone --depth=1
# Build any example
cargo afl build --example arbitrary

On Linux x86_x64 this works:

    Finished `dev` profile [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 8.05s

On ARM64 Ubuntu and MacOS this both fails:

error: failed to run LLVM passes: Could not load library '/Users/ssh_debug/.local/share/': dlopen(/Users/ssh_debug/.local/share/, 0x0009): symbol not found in flat namespace '__ZN4llvm17PreservedAnalyses14AllAnalysesKeyE'

After a lot of debugging, the reason seems to be that on Linux x86_x64 the following library is present: But on ARM64 rust nightly installation this is missing. So this might be the reason for this issue.

vanhauser-thc commented 2 weeks ago

FYI @smoelius (maybe you can point a knowledge dev to this issue, with this many issues in this tracker maybe this one is buried fast otherwise)

smoelius commented 2 weeks ago

Nice debugging!

maybe you can point a knowledge dev to this issue

@nikic Please forgive me for pinging you, but this issue reminds me of, which I think you fixed. Is there any insight you could offer here?

nikic commented 2 weeks ago

LLVM plugins are currently only supported on platforms that use the LLVM dylib, rather than linking LLVM statically into librustc_driver. I believe this is currently only the case on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.

vanhauser-thc commented 2 weeks ago

@nikic thanks for the clarification. So this limitation is known. Is there an issue or project item for that that we can follow to see once this also works for non intel Linux?

nikic commented 2 weeks ago

It looks like we currently don't have a tracking issue for this option, so I filed

smoelius commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you, @nikic!