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Allow evaluation and pattern matching within guards (what Haskell calls "pattern guards") #12830

Closed kmcallister closed 9 years ago

kmcallister commented 10 years ago

What Rust calls "pattern guards" are just called "guards" in Haskell. Pattern guards in Haskell allow additional evaluation and a refutable pattern match. If that pattern match fails, it's as if a regular guard returned false. Here's an example, adapted from the HTML5 tokenizer I'm working on.

fn process_char(&mut self, chars: CharSource) {
    match self.state {
        TagOpen => match {
            '/' => { self.state = EndTagOpen; }
            c if (Some(a) <= c.to_ascii_opt()) => { do_something(a.to_lower()); }
            c if other_condition => { ... }
            _ => parse_error()

(I'm not advocating for this particular concrete syntax, just trying to get the idea across.)

One can always refactor to avoid the fancy guard, but in general it can produce ugly, hard-to-follow trees of nested matches. In this case I would love to have a single match per tokenizer state which closely follows the specification.

Pattern guards have proven tremendously useful in GHC and were one of the few GHC extensions accepted into Haskell 2010. I think Rust could benefit just as much.

Aatch commented 10 years ago

Hmm, while not ideal, this does work today:

let a;
let b = Some(1);
match b {
  Some(c) if {
    a = c+1;
    a == 2
  } => println!("{}", a),
  Some(_) => println!("Some"),
  None => println!("None")

Prints 2;

kmcallister commented 10 years ago

I started using something like that in another part of the library. In this style, the example above would become

match {
    '/' => { self.state = EndTagOpen; }
    c if match c.to_ascii_opt() {
        Some(a) => { do_something(a.to_lower()); true }
        _ => false,
    } => (),
    c if other_condition => { ... }
    _ => parse_error()

Which is sort of weird, but easy enough to get used to.

steveklabnik commented 9 years ago

I'm pulling a massive triage effort to get us ready for 1.0. As part of this, I'm moving stuff that's wishlist-like to the RFCs repo, as that's where major new things should get discussed/prioritized.

This issue has been moved to the RFCs repo: rust-lang/rfcs#680