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Incremental recompilation #2369

Closed catamorphism closed 7 years ago

catamorphism commented 12 years ago

I want to be able to recompile only dependencies (rather than everything in a crate), like SML's compilation manager or GHC's --make mode. I don't really care about the approach so long as it works and the outcome is that adding one #debug call in one file doesn't trigger recompilation of 100 other files in the same crate :-) I am volunteering to work on this after 0.3, but suggestions are welcome. Patrick suggested a good place to start would be to generate a (visualizable) graph of item dependencies, which makes sense to me.

nikomatsakis commented 12 years ago

there is the code in trans that tries to determine dependencies for the purposes of metadata export. this seems like a reasonable starting point for such a graph.

Dretch commented 12 years ago

I think it would be nice if this was done in such a way that incremental compilation appears to the programmer no differently than full-compilation. For example I mean that:

  1. Partially-compiled files, like object files, should be kept in a hidden (say .build) directory that is not normally seen by the programmer.
  2. Manually deleting the hidden files should never be required - e.g. right now I sometimes have to delete .cargo when I update rustc from git, but I think that the incremental compiler should detect when rustc/libstd/core have changed and automatically delete the now-invalid .build files.
catamorphism commented 12 years ago

@Dretch -- I totally agree; the only thing the programmer should notice is that recompilation will usually be much faster :-) (1) and (2) are great goals to have written down; if we don't achieve those (especially (2)), I won't consider this issue to be completed.

graydon commented 12 years ago

If we do this at the level of "caching bitcode for distinguished subtreees of a crate", it's probably not too hard (though I'm not sure it'll make things a lot faster). If we do this at the level of "trying to cache target-machine object files", things get a fair bit weirder. We (or, well, I) chose the existing compilation model for crates based on the need to "eventually" do cross-module optimization (in particular, single-instantiation of monomorphic code and inlining). Crates were the optimization boundary, the compilation-unit boundary.

We have subsequently grown cross-crate inlining. So this distinction is a bit less meaningful, at least in terms of optimization. There is still a meaningful (in the sense of "not easy to eliminate or blur") linkage boundary at work in two terms: monomorphization instantiations and version-insensitivity (the "anything called 1.0 with the same types is the same crate" rule discussed last week).

Overall, this is one of a few bugs pointing in a similar direction: #2176, #1980, #2238, #558, #2166, #456 and even #552 to some extent.

I am not saying these are all wrong. They are all pointing to similar sets of semantic weaknesses .. or "surprises" .. in the existing compilation model. I would like to have a conversation at some point (probably in public, or videoconf, or both) where we approach this problem as a design problem, and try to work out a new set of agreeable principles and plan-of-action for future work that spans the whole set of related bugs. I do want to fix them, but do not want to go much further down this road without having a map of where we're going.

As an example: it could be that we wind up treating all inter-module functionality uniformly via a multiple dimensions of a single kind of link item, with inter-link versioning (either "symbolic" or "by content") managed orthogonally from the nested-source, recycled-bitcode, static-library or dynamic-library linkage format. Being able to vary these independently -- and even switch between them depending on selected configuration -- might make a lot more sense than endlessly patching up the increasingly-vague "crate" concept. It might be past its expiration date.

catamorphism commented 12 years ago

Yes, don't worry, I won't jjump into this without some serious design discussions.

bblum commented 11 years ago

issue appears to be properly classified

catamorphism commented 10 years ago

High, not 1.0

thestinger commented 10 years ago

Do we still want to attempt this, or is splitting into crates viewed as enough now that we have static linking? I guess the missing feature would be combining multiple static libraries into a dynamic library.

errordeveloper commented 10 years ago

Right... Ideally this should take into account whether compiler flags and/or environment variables have changed. Perhaps compiler version would be another thing to take care of. So a simple solution is to store output in directories which contain checksum of all the parameters we care about.

errordeveloper commented 10 years ago

Personally, I do still believe that compilers shouldn't be to claver about how to build projects and attempting to replace tools like make wouldn't likely end quite well. I know that clang has those JSON files, which I haven't quite looked into... Also wanted to point out that Qt's QBS certainly looks very appealing.

l0kod commented 10 years ago

Distributed build systems for Rust:

Ninja should be an inspiration for rustc:

Or maybe Rust should use Ninja…

cc #8456, #16367

l0kod commented 10 years ago

Shake is another interesting build system:

A comparaison with Ninja:

suhr commented 9 years ago

To be notified: there's also tup with a somewhat different approach.

nh2 commented 9 years ago

Hi, let me give some pointers to the Haskell world. GHC has this solved - and probably the best working incremental recompilation engine on the planet.

It can do:

GHC has documented its approach in high detail, and highlighted what the problems are. See here:

I believe that Rust is in perfect shape to reach the same level of incremental compilation, and can likely apply the same techniques.

It's all there, we just have to copy it ;)

Personally, I do still believe that compilers shouldn't be to claver about how to build projects and attempting to replace tools like make wouldn't likely end quite well

I once also thought so, but this is not the case. External build tools like make, tup, or even Shake (which has really figured it out) can never reach the same level of granularity that a compiler can, given that it understands what syntax (comments etc.) and semantics (includes, unused functions) are.

ebassi commented 9 years ago

An important side effect of incremental recompilation that was not mentioned, and I think it's more important than building environment enablement, is enabling tooling (like IDEs) to perform operations like on-the-fly code analysis and prompt the user for warnings, code completion, etc.

da-x commented 9 years ago

The problem with 99% of build tools out there is that they duplicate the dependency management by either letting the user specify dependencies prior to target execution and/or by scanning them heuristically with prior knowledge over the type of executed target, and often doing so wrongly, failing to duplicate intrinsic logic, resulting in broken or failed builds. The builds are sometimes slower than they could be because the developer forsakes on specifying dependencies in favor of safe but slow re-execution, to avoid the aforementioned broken builds.

I suggest that you look into a newer approach, where dependencies are detected reliably for any kind of intermediate. The developer only needs to worry about target invocation itself. So, if you neatly split the build process to a DAG of separate process invocations, even with extremely complicated dependencies, this tool can track them easily.

huonw commented 8 years ago

This was RFC'd:

nh2 commented 8 years ago

@huonw Is this issue the right place to discuss the RFC?

nh2 commented 8 years ago

Even if not, I'll ask some questions here:

the compiler will always parse and macro expand the entire crate

Why was this chosen? Wouldn't it make sense to include source files in the dependency graph as well, so that you can skip parsing and even reading the file contents if the file modification time suggests that the file has not changed?

Optimization and codegen units

I'm not familiar with codegen units, and where their boundaries would be set, but if it's typically on the library/crate level, that could make some inlining problematic. Take for example Haskell's Data.Bits module in the base package. You would definitely want functions like bitwise-or to be inlined. If the inlining boundary was at the library level, this would not be possible. GHC solves this by using a heuristic on the size of the function; if it's small (or otherwise inline-worthy), an "unfolding" (IR syntax tree) is put into the Interface File Data/Bits.hi (on which GHC's incremental compilation works) so that other modules can inline the unfolding. If Data.Bits was updated to a different implementation of bitwise-or, incremental compilation would "just work": The Haskell file would be detected as being changed, the Interface File would be updated, and all users of that unfolding would be recompiled. It is not clear to me if the current RFC permits this type of cross-library inlining or not.

nikomatsakis commented 8 years ago


Why was this chosen? Wouldn't it make sense to include source files in the dependency graph as well, so that you can skip parsing and even reading the file contents if the file modification time suggests that the file has not changed?

Eventually perhaps yes. But for the initial versions, we're targeting the things in compilation that are most expensive: LLVM and type-checking. Hashing the HIR also means that we can avoid doing recompilation for smaller, trivial changes, like tweaking a comment -- at least in some cases (it turns out that because that affects the line/col number of all statements, we would need to change at least debuginfo, but we can hopefully isolate the effects of that in the future.)

There are also just practical concerns. It's much easier to reduce the amount of the compiler we have to instrument.

I'm not familiar with codegen units, and where their boundaries would be set, but if it's typically on the library/crate level, that could make some inlining problematic.

Users can always add #[inline] manually to indicate things that should be inlined widely (e.g., across crates).

steveklabnik commented 8 years ago :confetti_ball:

nh2 commented 8 years ago

@nikomatsakis Thanks for your explanation.

brson commented 7 years ago

@michaelwoerister is this still the best tracking issue for incremental? What's the current status?

nikomatsakis commented 7 years ago

I forgot this issue existed. The preferred tracker is In fact, I'm just going to close this issue.

kmcallister commented 7 years ago

@nh2: It's frustrating (and hardly uncommon) for people to show up and say we "just need to copy Haskell" while ignoring the very real differences between the languages. In this case, the most important difference is that a whole Rust crate is semantically a single compilation unit, in fact a single syntax tree. Any .rs file in a crate can use stuff from any other .rs file, without any kind of forward declaration. This simply isn't true for the .hs files in a Haskell package. Mutually recursive imports will give you an error:

$ ghc --make Main.hs
Module imports form a cycle:
         module ‘Foo’ (./Foo.hs)
        imports ‘Bar’ (./Bar.hs)
  which imports ‘Foo’ (./Foo.hs)

The only way around this is the tedious and error-prone approach of writing a hs-boot file, equivalent to writing header files in C. In practice almost nobody does this; they simply structure their programs so the module dependency graph is acyclic. In terms of the build system (not in terms of packaging / versioning), this is like placing every .rs file into its own crate.

So, most of the features you highlight in ghc --make are present in Rust -- but they're features of Cargo, not rustc! True incremental compilation, within a single unit of mutually-referential stuff, is to my knowledge not a problem GHC tries to solve.