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APIs stabilization metabug #24028

Closed alexcrichton closed 9 years ago

alexcrichton commented 9 years ago

We will eventually need a process for API stabilization planning and discussion, but while we're first getting used to the 6 week cadence, we'll use this issue for tracking.

Planned for 1.0 stable

alexcrichton commented 9 years ago

triage: P-high (1.1)

steveklabnik commented 9 years ago

str_words is very small, might be worthwhile :)

bstrie commented 9 years ago

std::str::from_utf8 is marked stable, but it can return std::str::Utf8Error which is still unstable. Need to correct this oversight, as well as be sure to audit all stable functions to make sure their return types are stable.

mitsuhiko commented 9 years ago

push_all on vectors really needs to become stable. I'm trying to replace my uses with that extend/into_iter or iter/cloned dance currently and it's not just slow, it's also terrible to look at.

BurntSushi commented 9 years ago

I second @bstrie's suggestion of str::Utf8Error. It's definitely weird for that to be unstable.

Some nice-to-haves:

kinghajj commented 9 years ago

Any chance that alloc::heap can be made stable? The deque crate uses this to allocate its buffers.

vhbit commented 9 years ago

convert for passing Path -> OsStr -> CString -> C code.

sfackler commented 9 years ago

I'd like to stabilize the debug builders.

mrmonday commented 9 years ago

I'm not sure that this is the right place to mention it, but is marked with "unclear whether this function is necessary" - I would argue it is necessary for the following reasons:

Arguments against:

skade commented 9 years ago

I had to do a change because type_name is exported into std, but not marked stable. It's not that I absolutely need it, but I have a usecase for something with it's guarantees: a stable identifier for a specific type between versions. I'd prefer using it.

pyfisch commented 9 years ago
  • [ ] FromPrimitive - e.g. casting from an integer to an enum

Great, that it will be added again. Hyper used it for both HTTP status codes and quality values, it was removed to make hyper run on beta. But Hyper also needs ToPrimitive, will this also stabilized, or is it planned to deprecate it?

tomaka commented 9 years ago

Read::chars is very useful when you want to lex/parse some UTF-8 input.

mvdnes commented 9 years ago

Something stabilizing #![no_std] and extern crate core; would be great. For normal crates it isn't very useful, but it would be nice to compile my 'kernel' with a stable compiler.

Also the value field of UnsafeCell. This is necessary to create a static initializer. Constant expressions would also be able to solve this though

nagisa commented 9 years ago

accessed and modified on fs::Metadata (I guess this is probably blocking on stabilizing some kind of Duration type.)

Duration for an absolute time stamp sounds odd.

mhristache commented 9 years ago

I also need char::width

apasel422 commented 9 years ago

std::collections::Bound and its variants have no stability marker, but I assume this is waiting on changes or additions to the Range types.

jedisct1 commented 9 years ago

collections::BitVec would be nice to stabilize.

Also, what prevents core::iter::StepBy from being stabilized?

dnaq commented 9 years ago


skade commented 9 years ago

test, because #[bench] requires "test::Bencher" for its function signatures.

ghost commented 9 years ago


SimonSapin commented 9 years ago


I think we should just remove this one. It’s unclear what "a word" is or should be. Unicode has an entire document (UAX #29 Text Segmentation) with a non-trivial algorithm to standardize this, but I think an implementation of it belongs more on than in std.

Instead, we could have "split a string on whitespace" in std, based on char::is_whitespace. This is much less ambiguous. It could be either a stand-alone method, or a custom std::str::Pattern implementation to be used with str::split.

skade commented 9 years ago

I agree with @SimonSapin there. I think a good library is what we need.

anonova commented 9 years ago


skade commented 9 years ago

@anonova This is quite well expressed by from_raw_parts combined with to_vec

use std::slice::from_raw_parts;
from_raw_parts(value, length as usize).to_vec()
reem commented 9 years ago

@skade that requires a copy of all the contents, which is often not desirable.

jedisct1 commented 9 years ago

I would really love to see Vec::from_raw_buf() to be stabilized as well.

TyOverby commented 9 years ago

I'm blocking on the whole unicode crate.

It also looks like NumCast and RawSlice are blocking for me as well.

SimonSapin commented 9 years ago

I'm blocking on the whole unicode crate.

What features specifically? At some point I want to move them to

carllerche commented 9 years ago

I'm pretty keen on getting TraitObject or some API to work with them stable.

Benjamin-L commented 9 years ago

libc is sometimes required to do things although I doubt that it will be stable for a long time. For example, signal handling requires it. A better solution would be to put wrappers around libc functionality in the standard library.

bluss commented 9 years ago

I had to do a change because type_name is exported into std, but not marked stable. It's not that I absolutely need it, but I have a usecase for something with it's guarantees: a stable identifier for a specific type between versions. I'd prefer using it.

@skade It sounds unlikely that Rust would guarantee that the type names were stable across versions, even if the function would be marked stable.

skade commented 9 years ago

@bluss I don't understand. How would stable public type names and user-provided type names change?

bluss commented 9 years ago

When exporting compiler internals right out I'd always like to use that caveat first, it's much easier to not promise anything. It seems the output is not stable now, given that the type name of "struct Foo" is Foo and of trait "Copy" it is core::marker::Copy which apart from being inconsistent with using path or not, leaks implementation details (location inside implementation crate libcore). (Add to this concerns over generics, default type parameters..)

ogham commented 9 years ago

@TyOverby: As someone who's dependent on str#width, I'd really like a stable unicode crate. Is there anything blocking this function in particular?

jgallagher commented 9 years ago

I'd like to use ptr::Unique as in this PR for holding on to the handle to a SQLite database.

ajfrantz commented 9 years ago

One vote for core::str::StrExt to be available out of the box.

SimonSapin commented 9 years ago

@ajfrantz, core::str::StrExt is replaced with inherent methods on the str type:

ajfrantz commented 9 years ago

@SimonSapin Ah, perfect. If I just search 'contains' in the API docs it doesn't make that very obvious.


SimonSapin commented 9 years ago

Yes, that’s a bug in rustdoc:

blackbeam commented 9 years ago

Vote for char::encode_utf(8|16).

nagisa commented 9 years ago

Vote for char::encode_utf(8|16).

There’s the encoding crate.

blackbeam commented 9 years ago

There’s the encoding crate.


SimonSapin commented 9 years ago

Vote for char::encode_utf(8|16).

As a work-around, I’ve replaced encode_utf8 with:

        let mut utf_8 = [0u8; 4];
        let bytes_written = {
            let mut buffer = &mut utf_8[..];
            write!(buffer, "{}", c).unwrap();
            4 - buffer.len()
        self.write_str(unsafe { mem::transmute(&utf_8[..bytes_written]) })

As to, encode_utf16, you could just inline it:

if ch < '\u{10000}' {
    &[ch as u16][..]
} else {
    ch -= 0x1_0000;
    &[0xD800 | ((ch >> 10) as u16),
      0xDC00 | ((ch as u16) & 0x3FF)][..]
blackbeam commented 9 years ago

Thanks, Simon!

Also vote for TcpStream::set_keepalive.

xitep commented 9 years ago


daboross commented 9 years ago

@vhbit It's totally possible at the moment to get from OsStr to CString on rust stable, it's just a bit indirect I guess, though it shouldn't really be any more costly performance wise than the unstable APIs.

use std::ffi::CString;
use std::path::Path;

fn main() {
    let path = Path::new(".");
    let os_str = path.as_os_str();
    let str = os_str.to_str().unwrap(); // fails if invalid unicode
    let c_string = CString::new(str).unwrap(); // fails if null bytes

@Benjamin-L Just depend on the libc crate in Cargo.toml. The in-rustc version is (I think) very unlikely to stabilize, and using the version is the provided replacement.

SimonSapin commented 9 years ago

std::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt::as_bytes is stable and does not require UTF-8 well-formedness, but only exists on Unix. (I’m not sure what encoding a CString is supposed to be in on Windows anyway.)

carllerche commented 9 years ago

Another API that is important: NonZero. Without it, structs that used to be 1ptr in size have grown to 4x the size (because of nesting).

Also, non-zeroing drop since I used to use #[unsafe_no_drop_flag] to improve the struct size as well.

daboross commented 9 years ago

Personally, IntoCow (or Into<Cow>) being stabilized would be awesome, it's something that would be really useful when creating library APIs.

BurntSushi commented 9 years ago

@daboross Into<Cow> is stable: and