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Consider making `std::time::SystemTime` platform-independent #44394

Open kennytm opened 7 years ago

kennytm commented 7 years ago

It was found in that certain systems in Tier-2 support still uses a 32-bit time_t. SystemTime on them will suffer from the Year-2038 problem, and also cannot perform arithmetic for a duration >68 years. This introduces a portability hazard, in which on some systems the time arithmetic works normally, and in some more legacy system it suddenly panics.

The SystemTime struct is a wrapper around timespec on Unix and Redox, and FILETIME on Windows. Nevertheless, the public API involving SystemTime never exposes this detail:

This means expanding the precision and range of SystemTime is safe. In fact, we could even make the SystemTime structure itself platform-agnostic, just like Duration:

struct SystemTime {
    secs: i64,
    nanos: u32,
retep998 commented 7 years ago

What would the epoch be for this? Would we still use the platform specific epoch or would we have a platform agnostic epoch?

kennytm commented 7 years ago

I'd suggest everyone uses 1970 Jan 1st (Unix epoch) for consistency.

Since the public APIs won't see the raw numbers at all, special-casing Windows to use 1601 Jan 1st as epoch is also possible. However converting a FILETIME to timespec-like structure already involves the complex arithmetic of divide-and-modulus-by-107, adding a further epoch shift will not be a comparatively bigger performance issue.

The range of FILETIME is ±263 × 100ns ≈ 29227 years, while the range of 64-bit timespec is ±263 s ≈ 3 × 1011 years, so moving the epoch by 369 years is not going to cause overflow.

Another choice is keep Windows to use FILETIME, and just change all Unix to always use (i64, u32).

retep998 commented 7 years ago

Using the Unix Epoch for consistency would completely break any times on Windows from before the the unix epoch. If someone manually changes a file to be created in the 1600s, Rust better damn well support that.

sfackler commented 7 years ago

@retep998 How exactly does that break times before the epoch? secs is signed.

retep998 commented 7 years ago

@sfackler Oh, right. Anyway, this would still cause an increase in the size of SystemTime on Windows. It would also allow you to create a SystemTime which cannot be represented in the platform specific type, resulting in errors when you call functions to set file times. Of course this might be desirable so that calculations don't overflow when doing weird arithmetic with time.

kennytm commented 7 years ago

@retep998 Sure, but there are no functions that set the file time using SystemTime in libstd.

There is the filetime crate for setting file times, but it uses its own FileTime structure, not affected by this proposed change (btw it uses the 1970 epoch on Unix and 1601 on Windows).

retep998 commented 7 years ago

@kennytm Maybe one day std will have such functions. Maybe in the future it would be possible to actually work with std's SystemTime instead of having to duplicate it with your own version.

kennytm commented 7 years ago

@retep998 those functions would return io::Error.

joshlf commented 7 years ago


It would also allow you to create a SystemTime which cannot be represented in the platform specific type, resulting in errors when you call functions to set file times.

Since Windows represents time as a 64-bit value representing 100-ns intervals, this would only happen if you tried to set a file time that was:

Wanting to use these kinds of times to set file timestamps and other system operations (as in, other than just doing computations in pure-Rust land) seems very very unlikely in practice.

retep998 commented 7 years ago

@joshlf Trying to set a file time to any time before the Windows epoch would result in an error, not only 30K years before.

joshlf commented 7 years ago

Oh so file times can't be negative? Because the function that I linked to returns a signed integer. Do you know if the same limitation exists on Unix?

retep998 commented 7 years ago

@joshlf FILETIME is unsigned which is what GetSystemTimeAsFileTime returns which is what you should be looking at, not the internal NT function NtQuerySystemTime. Some functions, such as SetFileTime, also use 0xFFFFFFFF as a sentinel value. I tested SetFileTime and it errors with ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER on any value that would be negative if interpreted as a signed integer.

joshlf commented 7 years ago

Gotcha, thanks!

steveklabnik commented 5 years ago

Triage: it's not clear to me what the conclusion of this discussion is, or if this is still desired or not.

dkg commented 3 years ago

fwiw, if there is no reason to bind rust's std::time::SystemTime to the underlying platform's time_t, it would be great to abstract it to a something platform-agnostic, like Duration.

This is causing problems for sequoia on platforms like i386 and armhf (where time_t is 32-bit).

teythoon commented 2 years ago

This is still a problem for Sequoia:

Internally, we store timestamps as our own type, which comes down to u32. However, on the API boundary we convert to SystemTime: getters return SystemTime, and setters are polymorphic over Into<SystemTime>. This allows convenient use with chrono's types, but loses precision on platforms that have a signed 32-bit time_t.