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Resolve unsound interaction between noalias and self-referential data (incl. generators, async fn) #63818

Open Mark-Simulacrum opened 5 years ago

Mark-Simulacrum commented 5 years ago

Self-referential generators violate LLVM's expectations for noalias due to the overlapping bounds of the interior references and the &mut self argument to the Generator::resume function.

Original issue description: async/await is possibly unsound -- I don't consider myself an authority here, so feel free to edit this top post with relevant information.

Current discussion happened in

Mark-Simulacrum commented 5 years ago

cc @rust-lang/lang @comex @rkruppe @RalfJung

comex commented 5 years ago

Responding to @RalfJung's post from #63209:

I think this is fundamental. Adding derive(Debug) makes the exact content of local variables at any yield point observable. Interesting optimizations based on mutable references being unique rely on the content mutable references point to to not be observable by any other alias.

Those hypothetical optimizations could be disabled in async fns across suspend points, though, couldn't they? I can't think of any case where this would force the compiler to pessimize all code because of the mere possibility of async being involved. Therefore, the question is whether those optimizations being performed on async fns specifically is more valuable than derive(Debug) is.

(By the way, I still want async fns to be able to derive(Clone), although that would obviously require pretty severe restrictions on the body of the function.)

nikomatsakis commented 5 years ago

I've not weighed in on this but I wanted to leave a few thoughts. Let me know if I'm confused about something.

First off, the conflict here is between the reference to a generator type G and some &mut reference T contained within the generator. What we don't have is two &mut A and &mut B references that overlap where neither A nor B gives any indication of arising from a generator.

This seems important: it means that, in principle, we ought to be able to understand that the &mut G reference is somehow special. It is certainly true that the self-referential nature of generators will require extending "stacked borrows" to be more flexible. But I think that generators are something we want to have, and it doesn't seem surprising that our aliasing rules may need to be extended to accommodate and understand them. (If though we have conflict between two random types &mut A and &mut B, that seems more worrisome, though it is likely still true that we want generators regardless.)

Also, of course, this problem isn't really specific to generators but is rather a pattern that emerges with any self-referential setup. Presently, safe Rust has no way to express self-referential structs (apart from generators), but I think it's something we would eventually like to support.

So let's posit that we find a version of stacked borrows that understands self-referential structs. Clearly, this doesn't mean we can add noalias to &mut references everywhere, we'll either have to extend LLVM or be selective in some other way (as e.g. @comex suggests here).

Does this all sound correct?

Aaron1011 commented 5 years ago

I think it's very important for generators to be able to print out their locals in a Debug implementation. With all of the effort that's gone into making async functions and futures zero-cost, it would be a shame if they became intrinsically less debuggable than a hand-written state machine.

RalfJung commented 5 years ago

Those hypothetical optimizations could be disabled in async fns across suspend points, though, couldn't they?

Possibly. I am not sure what the memory would look like though. Specifically...

First off, the conflict here is between the reference to a generator type G and some &mut reference T contained within the generator. What we don't have is two &mut A and &mut B references that overlap where neither A nor B gives any indication of arising from a generator.

... it is not enough, in general, if only "one side" of a conflict is informed. &mut T expects everyone else to respect its rules. If we allow &mut T and *mut T to conflict arbitrarily (because *mut T "knows" to expect conflicts), we get basically no optimizations.

Also, of course, this problem isn't really specific to generators but is rather a pattern that emerges with any self-referential setup. Presently, safe Rust has no way to express self-referential structs (apart from generators), but I think it's something we would eventually like to support.

Agreed. I do not have a concrete idea for how to do that, though.

I think it's very important for generators to be able to print out their locals in a Debug implementation. With all of the effort that's gone into making async functions and futures zero-cost, it would be a shame if they became intrinsically less debuggable than a hand-written state machine.

The question is, zero-cost when compared with what? Disabling optimizations to enable debug printing does have a cost, async fn then get optimized less than other functions.

And even if we rule out optimizations across yield points, we'd still require a non-trivial extension to Stacked Borrows to permit debug printing. That extension will likely have cost elsewhere, in terms of code getting optimized less.

In my view, the only solution one could really call zero-cost is the one that disallows debug printing.

RalfJung commented 5 years ago

Added back the "unsound" label; to my knowledge, the LLVM IR we are currently generating for some safe self-referential futures is UB and thus we got a soundness bug here.

nikomatsakis commented 5 years ago


Added back the "unsound" label; to my knowledge, the LLVM IR we are currently generating for some safe self-referential futures is UB and thus we got a soundness bug here.

Do you mean "with -Zno-alias"?

... it is not enough, in general, if only "one side" of a conflict is informed.

Indeed. The other thing we have going for us here, I think, is that we can be somewhat selective about what sorts of operations on possible on the generator reference. It's not exactly the same as having a &mut reference A to a struct and a (simultaneous) &mut reference B to its fields, in that you could use A to access the data from B directly. With a generator, you don't get to reach in and inspect and access its state arbitrarily. You just get to pass it around until you "open it", right? (At which point you aren't passing around the generator anymore.)

In other words, at the end of the day, there is a valid seeming usage pattern that we want to capture, right? In particular:

This also seems to be true for Debug impls -- they correspond to opening the generator, inspecting its state, and closing it.

This pattern also seems analogous to a typical &mut reborrow, except that the reborrow can be suspended and reactivated. (Looked at in this way, it's not surprising that indeed it would require an extension of the underlying model to express.)

Is this correct or is the pattern we are trying to describe more complex than that?

nikomatsakis commented 5 years ago

@RalfJung If I recall, one of the more interesting cases you how you can simultaneously have a & reference to a ref-cell and an &mut reference to its interior:

let p = &RefCell::new(22);
let q = p.borrow_mut();

This required some sort of special treatment that was focused on UnsafeCell, because passing around p didn't invalidate q in the way that a reference to the interior would typically be invalidated.

It seems like the generator scenario we are describing here is quite similar, no?

RalfJung commented 5 years ago


If I recall, one of the more interesting cases you how you can simultaneously have a & reference to a ref-cell and an &mut reference to its interior:


(I'll come back to your other points when I find some more time.)

gnzlbg commented 5 years ago

In my view, the only solution one could really call zero-cost is the one that disallows debug printing.

There are a couple of possible "solutions" in between, e.g., having all Generators implement Debug, but having the impls printing nothing, e.g., "Generator(debug-printing is off)" unless -C generator-debug-print is enabled, which we could enable on debug builds by default, or similar.

RalfJung commented 5 years ago

Do you mean "with -Zno-alias"?

-Zmutable-noalias, yes. It is my understanding that a soundness bug with that flag is still a soundness bug. We want to change the default of that once LLVM is fixed.

In other words, at the end of the day, there is a valid seeming usage pattern that we want to capture, right? In particular:

The pattern you are describing seems fine, yes. I think it actually already is fine with current Stacked Borrows if the "outer" thing is a raw pointer and never turned into a reference. In some cases is this currently not possible but will be when lands -- except that the Pin<&mut T> unsafe API also uses mutable references and those might pose problems.

This also seems to be true for Debug impls -- they correspond to opening the generator, inspecting its state, and closing it.

They don't, though. At least, not operationally. They use the wrong pointer to access the field pointed to by the reference -- namely, they use the "outer" pointer.

This pattern also seems analogous to a typical &mut reborrow, except that the reborrow can be suspended and reactivated. (Looked at in this way, it's not surprising that indeed it would require an extension of the underlying model to express.)

Why suspend and reactivate? When the generator is closed you said yourself that the pointer may not be used?

I don't think a suspend-and-reactivate method is compatible with noalias or with the desired optimizations, unless suspending is an explicit action on the to-be-suspended pointer. I don't know what that action would look like.

So I guess after all I do not agree with your model and probably did not understand it. Until that last paragraph I thought we were in agreement but we actually do not seem to be talking about the same thing.

comex commented 5 years ago

One point, which may or may not be obvious, is that printing out variables which are mutably borrowed across the suspend point is unsound, even without optimizations.

For example, if the borrowed variable is of type

struct Annoying(RefCell<Box<i32>>);

...then the function could use RefCell::get_mut to get a mutable reference to the interior of the Box and save it across the suspend point, while the Debug impl for Annoying could use RefCell::borrow_mut to replace it with a new Box.

RalfJung commented 5 years ago

Addendum on the derive(Debug) story: when I said "we can't have it", I meant "we can't debug-print fields that are currently borrowed". All the other fields could still be printed.

nikomatsakis commented 5 years ago

We discussed this issue in the @rust-lang/lang meeting yesterday (recording etc available here, though for this particular issue you'll want to jump in to about the 50 minute mark or so) we discussed this issue. We came to a rough consensus on a solution for how to integrate the current generator design while retaining noalias on &mut, which I will describe below. Of course, all of this is subject to some caveats in that stacked borrows and all work on aliasing models is still a work-in-progress.

In short, the idea is that if you have a &mut Generator reference, it would be treated similarly to a *mut Generator reference for the purposes of aliasing rules (in stacked borrows terms, SharedRw; in LLVM terms, it would not be marked noalias). In this way, the fact that the &mut Generator (embedded in a Pin) co-exists with the &mut to some of its fields doesn't cause an aliasing conflict, any more than a *mut would.

In other words, the rules for an &mut T reference are not the same for all T, but depend on whether that T is considered "self-referential" -- for now, the only case where this occurs is a generator, but we could extend this in the future. This would allow us to accommodate patterns like rental, which presently may be unsound (we did not discuss rental, owning-ref, or any other crate in any detail, to be clear). If we extended safe Rust with some other form of self-referential struct (which I personally would like to do), then it would presumably leverage the same mechanism.

This is somewhat analogous to the way that a &UnsafeCell<T> reference can co-exist with a &mut T reference to its interior. This also requires some special treatment in stacked borrows.

We also discussed Debug impls. The short version is that Debug impls are not a problem as long as they respect the rules of the borrow checker. That is, if you try to dump the contents of a generator, it should not include the values of variables that were borrowed. This seems fine (and, to me, self-evident, but perhaps not to all). It would of course require some compiler smarts to implement but nothing particularly beyond the pale.

Finally, we discussed whether this "type-based rule" was more complex than a (hypothetical) &pin T would have been. Ralf's response was basically "not really". Or, in more detail, "sort of yes, but mostly because we are trying to be more optimized". In particular, the type-based resolution permits one to have types where only part of the type is self-referential (e.g., a tuple like (Generator, u32)). If you had a &pin (Generator, u32), you would apply conservative treatment to the whole structure. But if you have a type-based rule, we might be more precise. This also arisees around Cell, as I noted above, and in general we are trying to be more precise but it's a bit of a pain (and e.g. Ralf is already choosing to approximate around enums so as to keep the specification tractable).

OK, that's the best of my recollection. Feel free @RalfJung or @Centril to correct me -- and of course the recording is available if you'd like the full details.

bjorn3 commented 5 years ago

That is, if you try to dump the contents of a generator, it should not include the values of variables that were borrowed.

Immutably borrowed is fine right?

RalfJung commented 5 years ago

If the variable is only immutably borrowed, I think it's fine, but this relies on there not being an "intermediate" mutable borrow from which the immutable one was reborrowed.

nikomatsakis commented 5 years ago

Immutably borrowed is fine right?

I think the TL;DR would be "only variables you could have accessed in your own code at the point where the await occurred" -- there are maybe some interesting caveats here around unsafe code and raw pointers. i.e., there might be accesses you could've done in safe code that you shouldn't do in unsafe code.

rpjohnst commented 5 years ago

This approach sounds like it would lose a lot of aliasing information that would exist in a synchronous version of the generator, despite the "outside world" (the code with the Pin<&mut G>) having no actual access to the state machine's internals.

Would it be possible to recover that aliasing information "inside" the generator, so e.g. the typical "local variables that I haven't created references to are not aliased" still works, despite those locals being accessed via the Pin<&mut Self>?

One way to model this might look something like: consider the Pin<&mut Self> not to exist during generator execution, and instead have yield create it and resume consume it, making it a sort of collective "reborrow" of any self-references. This reverses the borrow stack, letting generator locals work just like sync function locals.

Extending this to the rental/hand-rolled case might involve treating structs more like stack frames, giving individual fields their own lifetimes/borrow stacks (IIUC, somewhat like existing "borrow splitting"-related behavior). Reminiscent of rental and the above, you would only be able to touch the struct contents inside a closure where the reference to the struct itself is inaccessible.

RalfJung commented 5 years ago

This approach sounds like it would lose a lot of aliasing information that would exist in a synchronous version of the generator, despite the "outside world" (the code with the Pin<&mut G>) having no actual access to the state machine's internals.

By "synchronous version of the generator", do you mean the non-generator version ("remove async")? If so -- the inside of the async fn still has all the same aliasing information as the inside of a fn would. This works as long as the "outside" does not do any move to access the memory that the "inside" assumes it has for itself. That's exactly what Niko's approach achieves: the Generator type would be like a marker to the compiler saying "aliasing hazard ahead, do not touch the inside of this or you are breaking other code's aliasing assumptions".

One way to model this might look something like: consider the Pin<&mut Self> not to exist during generator execution, and instead have yield create it and resume consume it, making it a sort of collective "reborrow" of any self-references.

Interesting proposal. However, I have not understood the problem statement yet.

rpjohnst commented 5 years ago

the Generator type would be like a marker to the compiler saying "aliasing hazard ahead, do not touch the inside of this or you are breaking other code's aliasing assumptions".

Ah, I misread. (Thrown off by the comparison to UnsafeCell?) This sounds like it would accomplish the same thing.

I was assuming this would inhibit optimizations inside the generator as it would have to go through the Pin<&mut Self>.

RalfJung commented 5 years ago

I was assuming this would inhibit optimizations inside the generator as it would have to go through the Pin<&mut Self>.

Hm, good question. I don't know how the generated code looks like. But I don't think the noalias story has much to do with this, actually.

Usually optimizations of local variables are not based on aliasing but based on their addresses not having been leaked -- so that they are private to us and nobody else can make any observation about them. Every local variable is a separate "allocated object", so even if you leak one there is nothing leaked about the others. With generators, the runtime driving the generator does know the base address of the "stack frame", and all local variables are stored in the same allocation. In principle, code could try to detect the layout of that stack-frame (the distances between the variables) at run-time, and that would not be UB as it would be pointer arithmetic inside a single allocation.

To make this precise (and given the fact that we [plan to] run optimizations on async fn before lowering them), we should really have a proper "abstract machine" for async fn that is not in terms of lowering to a state machine. Not sure what that would look like though and how it would relate to the rest of the language spec.

nikomatsakis commented 4 years ago

Check-in from lang team: I'm removing the I-nominated label. It seems like we've agreed we're going forward, and we have the "general shape" of the solution we expect, though there are details to hammer out.

eddyb commented 4 years ago

We should probably implement this (if we're worried about LLVM, that is) as Pin stripping noalias, in a similar fashion to Box adding it (since struct Box<T> just contains a raw pointer):

RalfJung commented 4 years ago

@eddyb this is actually not what @nikomatsakis and me concluded in our conversation: Crates like owning-ref are also affected and they do not even use pinning. So this is likely more like UnsafeCell than like Box.

rustonaut commented 3 years ago

For reference I ran into this in a context where I had a Pin<&mut Foo> and wanted to have concurrent & references into a UnsafeCell in Foo. But this would imply having both &mut and a & at the same time.

From a conceptual point I would love to have a type analogous to UnsafeCell which "strips"/hole punches the outer &mut borrow, which seems to be roughly what @nikomatsakis suggested.

danielhenrymantilla commented 3 years ago

I personally struggle to see how an AliasedCell<T> (let's call it that for the moment being) would be able to solve that.

IIUC, the idea behind that AliasedCell<T> would be to be able to write the following code without violating Stacked Borrows:

struct Struct {
    unaliased_1: ...,
    aliased_field: AliasedCell<Field>,
    unaliased_2: ...,

let mut s = Struct { ... };
let at_field: *const Field = s.aliased_field.as_ptr();
stuff(&mut s);
other_stuff(&*at_field); // <- Would violate Stacked Borrows if it weren't for `AliasedCell`

Is that right?

Now, the way I see it, such a wrapper would not be easy to implement, that is, basic special language support (like we have for UnsafeCell) would not suffice. We are back to the problems we had with Pin: stuff() might overwrite the whole Struct, and for that, it currently needs the &mut transitivity.

In order for AliasedCell to work in that design, all the writes to &mut-based places would need special care, in order to transform, for instance, a mem::swap(&mut s1, &mut s2), into something like:

mem::swap(&mut s1, &mut s2);

// becomes, by language magic:

mem::swap(&mut s1.unaliased_1, &mut s2.unaliased_1);
Cell::swap(s1.aliased_field.as_cell_ref(), s2.aliased_field.as_cell_ref())
mem::swap(&mut s1.unaliased_2, &mut s2.unaliased_2);
// ...

which I find quite complex.

Personally, I think that a &mut-interacting wrapper ought to wrap a pointer, rather than the pointee. That is, something similar to Pin. Let's call it MaybeAliased:

It is already necessary to implement such a mechanism to begin with, be it through MaybeAliased or AliasedCell, and I claim that it is sufficient: crates such as owning_ref would "just" need to wrap their Boxes & co. with this wrapper, and Pin could use MaybeAliased under the hood.

rustonaut commented 3 years ago

stuff() might overwrite the whole Struct, and for that, it currently needs the &mut transitivity.

A UnsafeAliasedCell would only give hints to the compiler about what it can do with it (like UnsafeCell) but not provide any safe abstraction around it. In the end like you need something like an atomic to safely abstract over UnsafeCell you would need something like Pin to safely abstract over UnsafeAliasedCell.

I.e. the UnsafeAliasedCell would only work as long as you guarantee to not repurposed the memory it is on, for which you normally(but not always) would use Pin.

for instance, a mem::swap(&mut s1, &mut s2), into something like:

I don't think a UnsafeAliasedCell should affect mem::swap. Like mentioned in the previous paragraph I think it only should give out guarantees if it in a situations where the memory is guaranteed to not be re-purposed (e.g. no mem::swap). Everything else would make this super complicated I think.

such a wrapper would not be easy to implement,

I agree fully with it. I'm especially not sure if this might need patches to LLVM. (But I don't know enough of the implementation details to judge this, just guessing that it might maybe be a problem).

MaybeAliased<&mut _>

I don't think this would work (well) as:

I hope that I overlooked something but if not I fear the only way to fix the soundness of generators without doing braking changes is to either have something like a UnsafeAliasingCell (which only gives any guarantees under Pin like circumstances) or a marker trait which makes generators/async-futures "be treated like" as if they are wrapped into a imaginary UnsafeAliasingCell type.

rustonaut commented 3 years ago

Maybe I found another alternative, but I don't have the necessary ASM&LLVM knowledge to know if that could even work:

danielhenrymantilla commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the clarifications, @rustonaut. W.r.t. most of your remarks, I had indeed the idea to merge that pointer wrapper with Pin, since it would otherwise be annoying to manage. But .get_mut_unchecked() is a very good (counter-)point! You have convinced me the wrapper needs to be without indirection.

Kestrer commented 3 years ago

FWIW I was able to use this unsoundness to trigger Miri's stacked borrow checker using only safe code. And this isn't esoteric, I encountered this UB when writing code involving async today.

Darksonn commented 3 years ago

I opened a question about this topic on the user's forum. In that question I had wrapped the pointed-to field in an UnsafeCell, which doesn't work and is unsound, but it seems to me that changing the struct in my linked post to

struct SelfRef {
    value: UnsafeAliasedCell<u64>,
    ptr: *const u64,
    _pin: PhantomPinned,

with an hypothetical UnsafeAliasedCell would solve the issue, at least for this struct. This is because what breaks the struct is that using an &mut SelfRef invalidates ptr, but if the compiler knows that an &mut UnsafeAliasedCell<T> does not give unique access to the T, then ptr is not invalidated and it would work.

RalfJung commented 3 years ago

then ptr is not invalidated and it would work.

ptr would not be invalidated for the value field. But if that's enough, then yes, that would be one option.

Also see

Darksonn commented 3 years ago

Sure, but if you needed more than the field, you could do something like this, no?

struct SelfRefInner {
    value: u64,
    ptr: *const u64,
    _pin: PhantomPinned,

struct SelfRef {
    inner: UnsafeAliasedCell<SelfRefInner>,
RalfJung commented 3 years ago


Darksonn commented 3 years ago

I wrote a document a few weeks ago when discussing this with Ralf Jung. The document explains how the same root cause makes it impossible to write sound self-referential and intrusive structs.

Kestrer commented 3 years ago

IIUC Rust will currently emit noalias for a type like Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = ()>>>. Could this cause miscompilations if the future is self-referential? Or is Box somehow special in that it doesn't need to disable noalias?

goffrie commented 3 years ago

I believe there's a workaround for types that are !Unpin. I forget if the relevant types are actually !Unpin though.

On Sat., Jun. 26, 2021, 23:21 Kestrer, @.***> wrote:

IIUC Rust will currently emit noalias for a type like Pin<Box<dyn Future>>. Could this cause miscompilations if the future is self-referential? Or is Box somehow special in that it doesn't need to disable noalias?

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Kestrer commented 3 years ago

Ah, I finally realized why unconditional noalias on Box is OK - all interactions with non-unsafe self-referential types (i.e. async blocks) must go through either Future or Drop, but since their only methods take &mut Self (or Pin<&mut Self>) and not Box<Self>, the pointer that the self-referential type is actually used through is never marked noalias, so miscompilations are not possible.

That all sounds very prone though. I wonder if it would be better to disable it on !Unpin types, just to be safe.

avl commented 3 years ago

FWIW I was able to use this unsoundness to trigger Miri's stacked borrow checker using only safe code. And this isn't esoteric, I encountered this UB when writing code involving async today.

Does an issue exist for this?

RalfJung commented 3 years ago

I think this is the issue tracking this.

RalfJung commented 1 year ago

I believe there's a workaround for types that are !Unpin.

Indeed -- looks like this was never properly referenced here:

@comex do you remember if we ever had an actual miscompilation example for self-referential generators based on that bad noalias?

RalfJung commented 1 year ago offers another avenue for resolving this issue properly -- by re-defining Pin<T> as a newtype of MaybeDangling<T>, which gets rid of the noalias annotations.

RalfJung commented 1 year ago

From the plan discussed with the lang team years ago:

In short, the idea is that if you have a &mut Generator reference, it would be treated similarly to a mut Generator reference for the purposes of aliasing rules (in stacked borrows terms, SharedRw; in LLVM terms, it would not be marked noalias). In this way, the fact that the &mut Generator (embedded in a Pin) co-exists with the &mut to some of its fields doesn't cause an aliasing conflict, any more than a mut would.

In other words, the rules for an &mut T reference are not the same for all T, but depend on whether that T is considered "self-referential" -- for now, the only case where this occurs is a generator, but we could extend this in the future. This would allow us to accommodate patterns like rental, which presently may be unsound (we did not discuss rental, owning-ref, or any other crate in any detail, to be clear). If we extended safe Rust with some other form of self-referential struct (which I personally would like to do), then it would presumably leverage the same mechanism.

This is somewhat analogous to the way that a &UnsafeCell reference can co-exist with a &mut T reference to its interior. This also requires some special treatment in stacked borrows.

Discussion with @digama0 uncovered that there is a problem with this plan -- to &mut T must still always be non-overlapping to make sure that functions like mem::swap are sound. So even if we had a way for some mutable references to opt-out of noalias, we still couldn't have actually aliasing mutable references. A UnsafeAlias type that acts on mutable references the same way UnsafeCell acts on shared references thus would be very hard to use correctly, and have very strange requirements. The only safe APIs that seem to be sound on top of this are self-referential structs that use pinning -- where the outside world still only ever has a single &mut, and the aliases are all hidden internally.

So maybe it does make sense after all to tie the noalias resolution to pinning here -- either by making the Unpin trait special (which however was never designed for that and is regrettably a safe trait) or by defining Pin<T> such that it allows aliasing even if T is a mutable reference -- hence the relation to MaybeDangling. Conceptually tying this to Pin makes more sense since an &mut Generator (not pinned!) must still be fully unique.

Darksonn commented 1 year ago

It seems to me that making Pin special would not work. Pin projections generally unwrap the Pin to get out the mutable reference inside, so any time you project onto a field, you assert unique ownership of the self-referential struct, invalidating the internal pointers. Am I missing something?

RalfJung commented 1 year ago

@Darksonn yeah you are probably right (Zulip discussion here).

comex commented 1 year ago

@comex do you remember if we ever had an actual miscompilation example for self-referential generators based on that bad noalias?

I don't remember, but it wouldn't be hard to make one. My miscompilation example in this post about PollFn worked by effectively having LLVM infer noalias on an async fn poll implementation's self argument, thanks to that argument being derived from an &mut PollFn which was itself marked noalias. If rustc didn't exempt references to !Unpin types from noalias, you could just remove the futures::join! / PollFn wrapper from the example, and it would still miscompile.

RalfJung commented 1 year ago

I discovered a potentially problematic interaction between self-referential generators and the dereferenceable attribute:

RalfJung commented 1 year ago

@comex found an actual compilation result that can be explained by saying that dereferenceable is like having a "fake read" when the function starts, and that read is relevant for noalias concerns. (Another solution has been proposed in that thread but I think it has major issues, and discussion has not continued since I pointed those out.)

I feel like we should remove the dereferenceable from !Unpin mutable references. Right now that is the only clear way I see to ensure that Miri detects all the LLVM UB here. Hence I made a PR:

RalfJung commented 1 year ago

The RFC in should pave the way for resolving this issue properly.

RalfJung commented 1 month ago

Turns out just making !Unpin references not noalias is insufficient, one can still cause unintended UB with self-referential futures as discovered in Just like we had to make UnsafeCell block niches to discriminant reads causing aliasing trouble with the UnsafeCell contents, we also need to block niches for fields of a future that are references by other fields. IOW, async lowering should wrap such fields in UnsafePinned, and that type needs to block niches the same way UnsafeCell does.