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`--remap-path-prefix` does not apply to secondary files in diagnostics #66251

Open jebrosen opened 4 years ago

jebrosen commented 4 years ago

Since #64151 added some new diagnostics, Rocket's UI tests have had mismatches in stderr that I can't seem to fix. In particular these diagnostics include "secondary file" paths that aren't easily normalizable or remappable.

I haven't tried to make a minimal reproduction yet, but this output should illustrate the problem:

 error[E0277]: the trait bound `usize: rocket::http::uri::Ignorable<rocket::http::uri::Query>` is not satisfied
-  --> $DIR/
-   |
-81 |     uri!(other_q: rest = S, id = _);
-   |                                  ^ the trait `rocket::http::uri::Ignorable<rocket::http::uri::Query>` is not implemented for `usize`
-   |
-   = note: required by `rocket::http::uri::assert_ignorable`
+   --> foo/
+    |
+41  | fn other_q(id: usize, rest: S) {  }
+    |                ^^^^^ the trait `rocket::http::uri::Ignorable<rocket::http::uri::Query>` is not implemented for `usize`
+81  |     uri!(other_q: rest = S, id = _);
+    |     -------------------------------- in this macro invocation
+    | 
+   ::: /home/jeb/code/Rocket/core/http/src/uri/
+    |
+467 | pub fn assert_ignorable<P: UriPart, T: Ignorable<P>>() {  }
+    |                                        ------------ required by this bound in `rocket::http::uri::assert_ignorable`


status: exit code: 1
command: "rustc" "tests/ui-fail/" "-L" "/tmp" "--target=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" "--error-format" "json" "-C" "prefer-dynamic" "-o" "/tmp/typed-uri-bad-type.stage-id" "--remap-path-prefix" "/home/jeb/code/Rocket=/Rocket" "--remap-path-prefix" "tests/ui-fail=foo" "-L" "crate=/home/jeb/code/Rocket/target/debug" "-L" "dependency=/home/jeb/code/Rocket/target/debug/deps" "--extern" "rocket_http=/home/jeb/code/Rocket/target/debug/deps/librocket_http-1faeb9d2934513de.rlib" "--extern" "rocket=/home/jeb/code/Rocket/target/debug/deps/librocket-44cf6b9b35acb885.rlib" "-L" "/tmp/typed-uri-bad-type.stage-id.aux" "-A" "unused"

Here I'm remapping tests/ui-fail to foo to demonstrate that --remap-path-prefix works at all. Remapping /home/jeb/code/Rocket to /Rocket is the real goal, because if I can get that to work we should have errors that are identical across build environments. However, it is not actually remapped in the output. Is --remap-path-prefix intended to apply to these?

My first attempt at this was to update compiletest to normalize $SRC_DIR (laumann/compiletest-rs#198), but that has some problems that I think the --remap-path-prefix approach would neatly avoid.


rustc --version --verbose:

rustc 1.40.0-nightly (1423bec54 2019-11-05) binary: rustc commit-hash: 1423bec54cf2db283b614e527cfd602b481485d1 commit-date: 2019-11-05 host: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu release: 1.40.0-nightly LLVM version: 9.0

jebrosen commented 4 years ago

Using (the initial commit here) as a smaller reproduction example:

$ cargo rustc -- --remap-path-prefix="/home/jeb/code/=test"
   Compiling crate2 v0.1.0 (/home/jeb/code/rust-lang-66251/crate2)
   Compiling rust-lang-66251 v0.1.0 (/home/jeb/code/rust-lang-66251)
error[E0277]: `*const ()` doesn't implement `std::fmt::Display`
 --> src/
2 |     crate2::wants_display(&() as *const ());
  |                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ `*const ()` cannot be formatted with the default formatter
 ::: /home/jeb/code/rust-lang-66251/crate2/src/
1 | pub fn wants_display<T: std::fmt::Display>(x: T) {
  |                         ----------------- required by this bound in `crate2::wants_display`
  = help: the trait `std::fmt::Display` is not implemented for `*const ()`
  = note: in format strings you may be able to use `{:?}` (or {:#?} for pretty-print) instead

error: aborting due to previous error

For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0277`.
error: could not compile `rust-lang-66251`.

To learn more, run the command again with --verbose.

This only occurs when the secondary file is not in the current crate, and certain operations (e.g. renaming directories) cause the secondary file to not be shown at all until a cargo clean.

jyn514 commented 3 years ago

I think this may be a duplicate of

jebrosen commented 3 years ago

I don't think that is related; I can reproduce the same behavior from my previous comment on the latest nightly, including renaming a directory making the second part of the diagnostic disappear.

Out of curiosity I tried setting it in RUSTFLAGS instead, and that always makes the second part disappear:

.../work/rocket/rust-lang-66251 (master=) ♥ RUSTFLAGS='--remap-path-prefix=/home/jeb/work=oops' cargo build
   Compiling crate2 v0.1.0 (/home/jeb/work/rocket/rust-lang-66251/crate2)
   Compiling rust-lang-66251 v0.1.0 (/home/jeb/work/rocket/rust-lang-66251)
error[E0277]: `*const ()` doesn't implement `std::fmt::Display`
 --> src/
2 |     crate2::wants_display(&() as *const ());
  |                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ `*const ()` cannot be formatted with the default formatter
  = help: the trait `std::fmt::Display` is not implemented for `*const ()`
  = note: in format strings you may be able to use `{:?}` (or {:#?} for pretty-print) instead

error: aborting due to previous error

For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0277`.
error: could not compile `rust-lang-66251`

To learn more, run the command again with --verbose.

I have no idea how remap-path-prefix is actually implemented, but it seems plausible that prefix remapping would "break" whatever method is used to look up span information and associated source code in crates other than the main target.

jyn514 commented 10 months ago

I ran into this today (also while writing a UI test, funnily enough: The problem is that remap-path-prefix only applies to the current crate, not to paths embedded in metadata.

; /bin/cat 
pub fn baz(_: usize) {}
; /bin/cat 
fn main() {

; rustc --crate-type lib
; rustc --extern lib=liblib.rlib --remap-path-prefix=$(realpath .)=/foo 2>&1 | grep
 --> /home/jyn/src/example/src/

; rustc --crate-type lib --remap-path-prefix=$(realpath .)=/foo
; rustc --extern lib=liblib.rlib --remap-path-prefix=$(realpath .)=/foo 2>&1 | grep
 --> /foo/
jyn514 commented 10 months ago specifically says files within this source crate, so it's unclear to me whether this behavior is intentional or not? in particular filename is ignored if there's already a SourceFile registered:

@michaelwoerister how do you expect this to behave if --remap-path-prefix was passed to only some of the crates?

michaelwoerister commented 9 months ago

cargo rustc only supplies the given arguments to the final rustc invocation, so it's not a good match for path remapping. RUSTFLAGS is indeed the way to go.

I don't know why it makes part of the warning disappear. I could imagine that's because the file referred does not actually exist on disk (because the path is remapped), and the compiler fails while trying to construct the text of the warning snippet.

However, that issue seems to have been fixed for current compiler versions:

RUSTFLAGS="--remap-path-prefix=/home/xyz/rust-lang-66251=foo" cargo build
   Compiling crate2 v0.1.0 (/home/xyz/rust-lang-66251/crate2)
   Compiling rust-lang-66251 v0.1.0 (/home/xyz/rust-lang-66251)
error[E0277]: `*const ()` doesn't implement `std::fmt::Display`
 --> src/
2 |     crate2::wants_display(&() as *const ());
  |     --------------------- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ `*const ()` cannot be formatted with the default formatter
  |     |
  |     required by a bound introduced by this call
  = help: the trait `std::fmt::Display` is not implemented for `*const ()`
  = note: in format strings you may be able to use `{:?}` (or {:#?} for pretty-print) instead
note: required by a bound in `wants_display`
 --> foo/crate2/src/
1 | pub fn wants_display<T: std::fmt::Display>(x: T) {
  |                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ required by this bound in `wants_display`

For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0277`.
error: could not compile `rust-lang-66251` (bin "rust-lang-66251") due to previous error
michaelwoerister commented 9 months ago

@michaelwoerister how do you expect this to behave if --remap-path-prefix was passed to only some of the crates?

As mentioned in, each crate only gets a single chance of remapping its paths because some of artifacts produced cannot be changed once the crate has been compiled.

cbeuw commented 9 months ago

A special case here is paths in sysroot crates (/rustc/$hash) that got translated to a real local path due to rust-src being present. RFC 3127 said

Hence the default behaviour when rust-src is installed should be to use the local path. These local paths should be then affected by path remappings in the usual way.

That is, despite these paths being imported from another crate, due to the rust-src translation, we should treat them like a real path introduced by the current crate, and apply any --remap-path-prefix to them. This is being implemented in #118149