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Tracking issue for `try_array_from_fn` #89379

Open c410-f3r opened 2 years ago

c410-f3r commented 2 years ago

Provides the common use-case of creating custom fallible arrays in a reliable and unified way. Particularly useful for elements that don't implement Copy, Clone or Default.

Public API

// Unstable
fn try_from_fn<E, F, T, const N: usize>(cb: F) -> Result<[T; N], E>
    F: FnMut(usize) -> Result<T, E>;

Steps / History

Unresolved Questions

dtolnay commented 2 years ago

I am not certain the currently implemented signature of try_from_fn is the right one. The most similar thing to this currently in the standard library is, where the return type is a generic R based on a Try trait impl, instead of hardcoded to Result. Can try_from_fn be done the same way?

scottmcm commented 2 years ago

@dtolnay I've submitted a PR to update array::try_from_fn to be generic over Try types: #91286

(As well as other related methods like Iterator::try_find #63178 that hit similar questions.)

scottmcm commented 2 years ago

My 2¢ on the usize parameter question:

So personally I think array::from_fn is right how it is, for all the reasons it ended up this way in the initial PR. And I'd like to see it move forward for stabilization. That's not up to me, though.

I don't think array::try_from_fn is ready yet, though, so I don't know how procedurally libs-api would like to go, here. Usually it FCPs in the tracking issue, but there can only be one FCP per issue/PR, so maybe for a partial one it'd need a separate issue or a stabilization PR in which to make the decision?

yoshuawuyts commented 2 years ago

I am not certain the currently implemented signature of try_from_fn is the right one. The most similar thing to this currently in the standard library is [...]

Seconding this. I'm trying to collect an iterator into an array, for which I'd like to write:

fn parse() -> Option<()> {
    let arr = array::try_from_fn(|_|;
    // ...

But because try_from_fn is hard-coded to return a Result, this does not work. Having an R: Try bound would solve this issue.

scottmcm commented 2 years ago

@yoshuawuyts I think my PR handles that scenario:

scottmcm commented 2 years ago

I hate to re-bikeshed, but I stumbled on a possibility which I didn't see mentioned in #75644

I'm making a PR for array::repeat, to handle simple things like @leonardo-m's repeat(vec![]). But in doing that I noticed that there's not only iter::repeat -- which I was copying for array::repeat -- but there's also iter::repeat_with.

So I went to make array::repeat_with, but of course it's essentially identical to this tracking issue's array::from_fn. It's a much better parallel than iter::from_fn, as iter::repeat_with returns an "infinite" iterator and thus the closure is just -> Item (not from_fn's -> Option<Item>), like how the closure for creating an array is -> Element.

So a potential new coat of paint for the constructors could be

I don't know if this makes me feel differently about the usize argument. Allowing repeat_with(VecDeque::new) does feel somewhat more expected to me than from_fn(VecDeque::new), but I also still agree with the arguments in my previous comment. Of course, having both is also a possibility -- just like there's both iter::from_fn and iter::repeat_with, despite them being rather similar. Perhaps for nightly it would be reasonable to have both, with notes on their tracking issues to think about the other one if considering for stabilization?

c410-f3r commented 2 years ago

The two most important things about these functions are (1) Provide an unified way for creating custom arrays (it is common enough for std) and (2) Take off the user burden of having to deal with unsafe.

That said, I will personally support any proposal that will move any function or method towards stabilization as soon as possible. So if desired feel free to create repeat-like variants, maintain both versions or even close this issue.

Although some recent development is happening in this field, sometimes I think that custom array constructors will take, if ever, as long as try_reserve or more.

elichai commented 2 years ago

Since I've seen this, I've written [(); N].map(|_| ...) dozens of times, some required the int and some didn't. So I'd love to see this stabilized :)

yoshuawuyts commented 2 years ago

Now that has been merged to stabilize this, can we close this issue?

andylizi commented 2 years ago

Now that #94119 has been merged to stabilize this, can we close this issue?

Only from_fn is stabilized, try_from_fn is still unstable. The latter is blocked on #84277.

safinaskar commented 2 years ago

Please, also add this functions:

fn concat_arrs<T, const N: usize, const M: usize>(a: &mut ([T; N], [T; M])) -> &mut [T; N + M]; // Without coping, same for 3-tuples, 4-tuples, etc
fn concat_arr_of_arrs<T, const N: usize, const M: usize>(a: &mut [[T; N]; M]) -> &mut [T; N * M];
MatrixDev commented 2 years ago

Please, also add this functions:

fn concat_arrs<T, const N: usize, const M: usize>(a: &mut ([T; N], [T; M])) -> &mut [T; N + M]; // Without coping, same for 3-tuples, 4-tuples, etc
fn concat_arr_of_arrs<T, const N: usize, const M: usize>(a: &mut [[T; N]; M]) -> &mut [T; N * M];

Can't you just use std::mem::transmute for this? If you can do something without copying - it should be easy to just transmute it. IMHO problem with from_fn is that it is much harder to replicate that functionality and also it is a very widely used pattern.

i509VCB commented 2 years ago

I was wondering if these functions could be const in the future when the pending issues with const fn are dealt with.

These functions actually seem pretty useful for lookup tables.

The new signature would probably be something like:

const fn from_fn<F, T, const N: usize>(cb: F) -> [T; N]
    F: ~const + FnMut(usize) -> T;
dead-claudia commented 1 year ago

Filed to try to get some extra traction on making the already-stabilized std::array::from_fn itself const.

c410-f3r commented 1 year ago

As @scottmcm said, it is necessary to have stable constant closures in order to "constify" array::from_fn in stable toolchains, which is probably going to happen in the next few years or so. See

I think it is already possible to at least "constify" the hidden underlying machinery but I am not totally sure.

rdrpenguin04 commented 1 year ago

Is there any reason this isn't stable yet?

NathanRoyer commented 1 year ago


let mut parts = "Mary   had a small lamp".split_ascii_whitespace();
let parts: [&str; 5] = from_fn(|_i|;
// produces: ["Mary", "had", "a", "small", "lamp"]

This works, but the documentation doesn't state that the callback parameter will grow upwards, so I'm not confident to use this code. One day this could end up producing ["lamp", "small", "a", "had", "Mary"], if the implementation decided to "push" values from right to left, with a cb param going from 4 to zero; nothing says otherwise in the doc.

Is it possible that one day, we need the callback parameter to go in decreasing order? If not, I think it would be nice to add a word about this in the documentation.

rdrpenguin04 commented 3 months ago

Are there any open questions about this? If not, could someone start an FCP?

c410-f3r commented 3 months ago

try_trait_v2 needs to be stabilized first and that probably won't happen in the near future. I am personally betting in 4 years or more (if ever).

rdrpenguin04 commented 3 months ago

Why does this depend on try trait necessarily? try_for_each is already in the standard library.

c410-f3r commented 3 months ago

Why does this depend on try trait necessarily?

Well, the original function returned Result but you can see more context about the use of Try in, and

try_for_each is already in the standard library.

EDIT: Oh I think it is because of concerns around the Residual associated type and try_for_each doesn't use that.

scottmcm commented 3 months ago

@c410-f3r is right -- the distinction is the use of the Residual mechanism, which has no stable use in the library yet

See and

Same questions as, for example, Iterator::try_find (