rust-lang / rustc_codegen_cranelift

Cranelift based backend for rustc
Apache License 2.0
1.51k stars 94 forks source link

Support tiny_skia #1492

Open bjorn3 opened 1 month ago

bjorn3 commented 1 month ago

Necessary for running Zed.

trap at Instance { def: Item(DefId(1:14541 ~ core[60d0]::core_arch::x86::sse2::_mm_cvtps_epi32)), args: [] } (_ZN4core9core_arch3x864sse215_mm_cvtps_epi3217h3438074ff2a744e2E): llvm.x86.sse2.cvtps2dq
zleyyij commented 6 days ago

I'd be interested in attempting this issue, although I would probably need some handholding. I do not have any significant experience with assembly, but have contributed to some larger Rust projects before (Axum), and I've been following the compiler for a while.

bjorn3 commented 6 days ago

I'm currently trying to completely rework the way vendor intrinsics are implemented. I don't know if it will work out yet, but to avoid your work going to waste if it works out, you may want to hold off working on this until either the rework gets merged (and these intrinsics are like immediately available) or it becomes clear that my idea doesn't work out after all.

zleyyij commented 6 days ago

Sounds good, I appreciate the response :)

Let me know if you need someone to do grunt work, I'm happy to oblige

bjorn3 commented 6 days ago

Thanks for the offer. I'm not quite sure what a good first issue for rustc_codegen_cranelift would be though. If you want to help, maybe contribute to Cranelift? A couple of issues that would either directly help cg_clif or make development of cg_clif a bit easier are:, and If you want to pick up any of these issues please comment there (or at to keep this issue a bit tidier.