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Use less hacky way of getting around credential manager issue #4

Closed rylev closed 4 years ago

rylev commented 5 years ago

Currently, when cloning repos, rustwide passes ghost:ghost@ at the beginning of the url's host to GitHub. This informs GitHub and the underlying credential manager on the host to use these credentials avoiding any prompts. Ultimately, these credentials are ignored because we are only cloning public repos.

This is a bit hacky. Another possible solution is writing our own credential manager that "does the right thing". We can then pass an argument to git clone to use this credential manager.

ecstatic-morse commented 5 years ago

To expand on the "write your own credential manager" idea, we could add the following section to a config file to duplicate the existing behavior. The question is whether this would go into the user's config (~/.gitconfig on Linux), or into .git/config in crater's source dir. AFAICT, .git/config doesn't actually get used when running git clone, even if you're in a git repo. Honestly, hard-coding the dummy credentials into the clone invocation seems less error prone.

    helper = "!f() { echo username=ghost; echo password=ghost; }; f"
pietroalbini commented 4 years ago

Fixed in rustwide 0.2.0.