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The Rustc Trait System Refactor Initiative
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incompleteness when merging trait candidates #45

Open lcnr opened 1 year ago

lcnr commented 1 year ago

When merging candidates for trait and normalization goals, we incompletely prefer candidates from the environment, i.e. ParamEnv and AliasBound candidates.


AliasBound candidates

We have to prefer AliasBound for opaques as self types to prefer the item bounds of opaque types over blanket impls:

fn impl_trait() -> impl Into<u32> {

fn main() {
    // There are two possible types for `x`:
    // - `u32` by using the "alias bound" of `impl Into<u32>`
    // - `impl Into<u32>`, i.e. `u16`, by using `impl<T> From<T> for T`
    // We infer the type of `x` to be `u32` here as it is highly likely
    // that this is expected by the user.
    let x = impl_trait().into();
    println!("{}", std::mem::size_of_val(&x));

If we do not prefer alias bounds this example would break with the new solver. For this we need to prefer them even if they constrain non-region inference variables. There are a few existing UI tests which depend on this behavior.

TODO: The issue is even bigger for opaque uses in the defining scope.

The same pattern also exists for projections. We should probably also prefer those:

trait Trait {
    type Assoc: Into<u32>;
impl<T: Into<u32>> Trait for T {
    type Assoc = T;
fn prefer_alias_bound<T: Trait>(x: T::Assoc) {
    // There are two possible types for `x`:
    // - `u32` by using the "alias bound" of `<T as Trait>::Assoc`
    // - `<T as Trait>::Assoc`, i.e. `u16`, by using `impl<T> From<T> for T`
    // We infer the type of `x` to be `u32` here as it is highly likely
    // that this is expected by the user.
    let x = x.into();
    println!("{}", std::mem::size_of_val(&x));

fn main() {

ParamEnv candidates

We need to prefer ParamEnv candidates which only guide region inference as otherwise impls fail their WF check: ui test

trait Bar<'a> {}
impl<T> Bar<'static> for T {}

trait Foo<'a> {}
// We have to prove `T: Foo<'a>` given `T: Bar<'a>`. We have two candidates:
// - `T: Bar<'a>` candidate from the environment
// - `impl<T> Bar<'static> for T` impl candidate
// The concept of "prefering candidates with no constraints" breaks once we introduce
// regions, as the trait solver does not know whether a given constraint is a noop.
impl<'a, T: Bar<'a>> Foo<'a> for T {}

fn main() {}