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Decide on zero-sized offsets and memory accesses #472

Closed RalfJung closed 11 months ago

RalfJung commented 12 months ago

We have previously discussed that we want to make offset(0) always-defined, but never FCP's this decision. We also discussed zero-sized memory accesses, without reaching a clear conclusion. We never discussed the case of zero-offset offset_from.

I propose we resolve all these questions around zero-sized offsets/accesses as follows:

We also adjust the definition of "dereferenceable for n bytes" to say that every pointer is dereferenceable for 0 bytes. This implies that any aligned non-null pointer is valid as a reference to a zero-sized type.

Together these ensure "provenance monotonicity": if something is allowed on a pointer without provenance, then adding arbitrary provenance to the pointer can never introduce UB. We also achieve that for ptr: *const (), ptr.offset(_) is allowed if and only if is allowed (because they are both always allowed).

For offset_from specifically, we need to deal with ptr::invalid::<u8>(A).offset_from(ptr::invalid::<u8>(A)) being allowed for A != 0 (and maybe even for A == 0, see the next section). This means it must still be allowed when we add arbitrary provenance to both pointers, including arbitrary different provenance.

If ptr::invalid returns a provenance-less pointer, then we already allow zero-sized offset/read/write on such provenance-less pointers, and offset_from as well if both pointers have no provenance and the same address, so the proposal is almost the obvious result of applying "provenance monotonicity closure" to the current semantics: keep everything allowed that we currently allow, keep ptr::invalid unchanged, and allow enough additional cases such that provenance monotonicity holds.

Null pointer

This proposal is almost, but not exactly, the provenance monotonicity closure of the current semantics. There is one further change that does not fall out of provenance monotonicity closure:

ptr::null::<()>().read() is allowed, or more generally zero-sized reads/writes with the null pointer are allowed. Those could remain forbidden without violating provenance monotonicity. We allow them for consistency with ptr::null::<T>().offset(0), which we decided to allow, and which in particular C++ (but not C) allows -- having more UB than C++ without a good reason seems like a bad call, and if offset considers 0 bytes to be "in-bounds at the null pointer", then it seems only fair that reads/writes do the same. References still must be non-null, and we assume that null is never in-bounds of a non-zero-sized allocation, so non-zero-sized accesses at null remain UB regardless of whether that memory is mapped or not. This issue is concerned with zero-sized offsets/accesses only, so changing the rules for any other kind of access is out of scope.

There is one downside to this: we can no longer infer "nonnull" from a read/write having happened on a pointer, unless we know that the size of the access was non-zero. However, we can infer "nonnull" for references in general, and we have NonNull to express non-null-ness of raw pointers, so code can still steer the compiler in the right direction if it has to. Furthermore, the size is generally known post-monomorphization, so all the non-null reasoning LLVM does based on a pointer being used for memory accesses is still valid.

Alternative proposal

All that said, there is an alternative proposal that achieves provenance monotonicity. It considers there to exist some dedicated provenance that covers "zero-sized accesses at every location". Let's call this the "zero-sized provenance". ptr::invalid (and thus ptr::null) would be changed to return a pointer with that special provenance. Int-to-ptr transmute would still yield a pointer without provenance. Zero-sized accesses are then allowed if

We haven't discussed offset or offset_from under this proposal, but presumably we'd use similar rules: offset(0) is UB on pointers without provenance but allowed on pointers with the zero-sized provenance. On pointers with regular provenance it requires the pointer to be in-bounds. offset_from would be UB if either pointer has no provenance; if they both have the zero-sized provenance then it's allowed if they have the same address; otherwise they must both have regular (non-zero-sized) provenance of some live allocation and be in-bounds of that allocation.

This proposal:


There's a variant of this proposal which has not one zero-sized provenance but one such provenance for each address; in that case the pointer is in-bounds for 0 bytes only if it points to that address. This is equivalent to having a zero-sized allocation at every address exist at program startup. This model disallows even more code (for instance, ptr::invalid::<()>(4).byte_add(4).read() becomes UB).


Overall this means we have a design space of (at least) 6 models:

and each of them with or without allowing zero-sized null pointer reads/writes. (I'm assuming it as a given here that we do want to allow zero-sized null pointer offsets and offset_from of the null pointer with itself.)

The two zero-sized-provenance models avoid having a "lattice" of provenance with a non-trivial bottom element: the bottom, "no provenance", just doesn't allow anything at all. OTOH it needs the new concept of a zero-sized provenance (or memory pre-initialized with many zero-sized allocations), making the theory more complicated as well. The main proposal being suggested here make the "bottom" provenance support zero-sized accesses anywhere, thus making the provenance lattice less canonical but avoiding a dedicated "zero-sized provenance".

In the meeting people generally weren't convinced by the one optimization example we have that is enabled by the extra UB in the zero-sized-provenance models (in particular since it is incompatible with shrinking allocations). Using zero-sized accesses/dereferenceability as an optimization signal is not clearly a good idea, and when it comes to UB, implicit/unintended signals are dangerous. Provenance as a concept is already deeply mysterious to many programmers; making it more complicated by introducing imaginary provenance for the zero-sized case (with the penalty of misunderstandings being UB) does not seem advisable. The example could be rewritten to use n.max(4) as the length, which would make the assumption that the length is at least 4 explicit (but of course, the programmer might not know that they have to write this to get all the optimizations).

So, because of all of that, I think we should go with the model that has the least UB. I'll wait a bit before starting FCP to see whether people have any new points they'd like to see added to this summary.

RalfJung commented 11 months ago

It's been a week and there were no comments. Let's go then. @rfcbot merge

rfcbot commented 11 months ago

Team member @RalfJung has proposed to merge this. The next step is review by the rest of the tagged team members:


Once a majority of reviewers approve (and at most 2 approvals are outstanding), this will enter its final comment period. If you spot a major issue that hasn't been raised at any point in this process, please speak up!

See this document for info about what commands tagged team members can give me.

digama0 commented 11 months ago

I have a concern about the case

ptr1.offset_from(ptr2) is always defined when ptr1.addr() == ptr2.addr().

Shouldn't this say that ptr1 and ptr2 have the same provenance, or at least are from the same allocation? Because I would assume the compiler wants to deduce that from this comparison, and IIUC this is in the documentation.

digama0 commented 11 months ago

not sure if I know how to do this:

@rfcbot concern offset_from-different-allocations

rfcbot commented 11 months ago

:bell: This is now entering its final comment period, as per the review above. :bell:

chorman0773 commented 11 months ago

Nice race condition.

RalfJung commented 11 months ago

Shouldn't this say that ptr1 and ptr2 have the same provenance, or at least are from the same allocation? Because I would assume the compiler wants to deduce that from this comparison, and IIUC this is in the documentation.

That would be equivalent to not having any special case for when the two pointers are the same. I thought if we have a special case for offset 0 then we would want a matching special case for offset_from -- but maybe that's not a good idea?

The restriction arises because:

Can we use "ptr1.offset(n) is well-defined with result ptr2" if and only if "ptr2.offset_from(ptr1) is well-defined with result n" as the defining property? I originally thought no, but I just realized this is a lot more subtle. It depends on our notion of equality on pointers. If it's "full equality including having the same provenance", then that property is already busted, since we allow ptr2.offset_from(ptr1) when both are in the same allocation even if they have different aliasing tags. So we probably want to consider "pointers with their provenance reduced to just the allocation", or some such thing? I honestly don't remember what I was thinking... But if we go with that, then what would the spec be that achieves that property? I think it has to be "they must be to the same allocation, and either at the same offset or both in-bounds". That's a weird spec though? Or maybe not, for the "no provenance" case that's already what we do! What do you all think?

But I tend to agree, we want to keep the "same-allocation" restriction.

digama0 commented 11 months ago

Is it legal to use offset_from when the pointers have the null provenance? My initial reading was that your argument was that assuming this is the case, provenance monotonicity forces us to allow offset_from for pointers with arbitrary different provenance. But maybe we can just say that offset_from on null provenance is always UB, even when the pointers have the same value.

RalfJung commented 11 months ago

Is it legal to use offset_from when the pointers have the null provenance?

What is the null provenance? If you mean "no provenance", then the answer is "yes but only if both pointers have no provenance, and they point to the same address". I think we should keep that. Basically if we allow a pointer to be deref'd for n times the pointee size (for a non-zero-sized pointee) then ptr.offset(n).offset_from(ptr) must always return n (and never be UB), IMO. For n = 0, this implies we must allow ptr::null::<u8>().offset_from(ptr::null::<u8>()) and have it return 0.

RalfJung commented 11 months ago

I have updated the proposal to say that

The offset_from spec remains unchanged compared to today when ptr1.addr() != ptr2.addr().

I have also removed the references to that offset/offset_from property, I don't think it holds with more complicated provenance anyway so I don't really know what I was thinking there...

Nadrieril commented 11 months ago

Doesn't this break provenance monotonicity? Is "the provenance used by ptr::null" not the bottom of the provenance preorder?

RalfJung commented 11 months ago

Oh, right... we have to allow the case where one side has no provenance and the other side has some alloc's provenance.

RalfJung commented 11 months ago

Ah no I've finally re-traced the steps that led me to the original spec. We need to allow arbitrary provenance mismatches. If we start out with both pointers having no provenance, then provenance monotonicity says that we can add provenance A to one pointer and provenance B to the other pointer and the call must still be allowed.

digama0 commented 11 months ago

So I take it you agree with my previous message? I think I just gave that argument. But AFAIK we don't need to allow offset_from when both values have no provenance, and without that the monotonicity rationale breaks down.

EDIT: Actually I see you addressed this in . In which case I'm satisfied with the rationale.

RalfJung commented 11 months ago

I think I just gave that argument

Yeah sorry, I didn't understand your message properly initially.

But AFAIK we don't need to allow offset_from when both values have no provenance, and without that the monotonicity rationale breaks down.

I think we at least "need to" do that in terms of backwards compatibility. Miri and const-eval currently allow it, and we generally allow zero-sized accesses of non-null pointers without provenance arguing that "it's as if there was a zero-sized allocation there". It follows that offset_from should also work, since things are in-bounds of that zero-sized allocation.

But also beyond that it seems pretty necessary. If you want to represent an iterator as a begin and end pointer, and not allocate memory for when there are no elements, you'll use NonNull::dangling as the begin and end pointer. But we'll still want to allow using offset_from to compute how many elements are left in the iterator.

digama0 commented 11 months ago

@rfcbot resolved offset_from-different-allocations

rfcbot commented 11 months ago

:bell: This is now entering its final comment period, as per the review above. :bell:

matklad commented 11 months ago

Zero-sized accesses (reads and writes) are always allowed with every pointer.

An interesting thing I’ve recently learned: WebAssembly does the opposite, it traps on zero-sized out of bound accesses:

RalfJung commented 11 months ago

Our zero-sized accesses do not even reach LLVM, let alone wasm, so I think that shouldn't be a problem.

chorman0773 commented 11 months ago

Does this cover references to zero sized types (and zero-sized DST references) with the exception of null (which is a validity invariant of &T in general)?

RalfJung commented 11 months ago

Only indirectly. This proposal affects the definition of "dereferenceable", where now any pointer is dereferenceable for 0 bytes. The validity invariant for references is defined in terms of "dereferenceable", so it changes accordingly.

RalfJung commented 11 months ago

Looks like LLVM only has dereferenceable(N) for positive N, so the question of dereferenceable(0) does not come up there. So from a Rust perspective I guess we can conclude that any pointer is dereferenceable for 0 bytes, even null. (This feels strange, I admit -- but it is consistent with allowing the null pointer to be inbounds-offset by 0 bytes.)

chorman0773 commented 11 months ago

I think that if references are included, that should be explicit, rather than simply implied from the rule for pointer reads.

Obviously we can't say that a null reference is valid for ZSTs, because &T has a stable niche at null, regardless of T.

RalfJung commented 11 months ago

I have added the following:

We also adjust the definition of "dereferenceable for n bytes" to say that every pointer is dereferenceable for 0 bytes. This implies that any aligned non-null pointer is valid as a reference to a zero-sized type.

rfcbot commented 11 months ago

The final comment period, with a disposition to merge, as per the review above, is now complete.

As the automated representative of the governance process, I would like to thank the author for their work and everyone else who contributed.

This will be merged soon.

RalfJung commented 11 months ago

Awesome, thanks all! I opened a tracking issue for the implementation of this:

davidben commented 8 months ago

(Mostly for my own curiosity.)

Regarding the offset_from bits, wouldn't the new offset_from preconditions mean the compiler can no longer transform end2 = begin.offset(end.offset_from(begin)) into end2 = end? end2 will have begin's provenance and, a priori, the compiler may not know that end and begin share provenance. With the tighter precondition, offset_from is enough to infer this. With the new precondition, the compiler needs to know that end.offset_from(begin) != 0, which may not be generally true, otherwise we might have hit the same address case.

Not sure how important that is transform is in practice, but it isn't completely random: this is converting back and forth between the pointer pair and pointer + length representations of a slice. Or, in other words, what happens if you call iter.as_slice().iter() on a std::slice::Iter. If iter's creation was too far away, the compiler may not know end and begin were related.

That precondition and provenance monotonicity seem to just be in conflict though, if I'm understanding that property correctly. :-/ If you're always allowed to add provenance to a pointer, and the "add provenance" operation is allowed to add arbitrary provenances inconsistent with the pointer address, you might start with two danglings, add different provenance to each, and then attempt to offset_from.

RalfJung commented 8 months ago

@davidben yes that sounds about right. And yes it is unfortunate but I also don't see an alternative. We could say that offset_from on two pointers without provenance is just forbidden, i.e., they must have the same provenance and they both must have provenance. But that excludes legitimate uses involving empty slices.

This seems like a case where the "special zero-sized provenance" alternative actually has an advantage.

That said, you can still optimize this to end2 = begin.with_addr(end.addr()), which removes the arithmetic (assuming with_addr turns into some suitable primitive intrinsic).

RalfJung commented 8 months ago

I guess there is a point to be made for specifying the intrinsic behind offset_from the way we document above (so we have provenance monotonicity in the op.sem), but then in the public library function that exposes the intrinsic, add some extra library UB for when the two pointers have different provenance. That would let us change the implementation later if we found a better way.

However, what should Miri do in that case? Usually we only implement language UB. Given that it's hard to reason about provenance, that would make this problem quite easy to miss. To represent this properly we'd need some sort of intrinsic that the library function can call to inform Miri that it'd like some extra checks on the provenance...