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What's the desired effect of `shrink`? #64

Closed TimDiekmann closed 3 years ago

TimDiekmann commented 3 years ago

There are a few pre and postconditions to shrink:

Recently I tried to optimize the Region allocator (basically a bump allocator using &mut [u8] as backend). Implementing alloc, dealloc and grow is straight forward but how is shrink supposed to be implemented? There are 3 possible cases, for which all pre-/post conditions still hold. I leave out ReallocPlacement and implementation details like bumping-up and bumping-down, similar cases applies to all of them.

  1. new_size == layout.size(): just return the same pointer, just like the default implementation. This is the trivial case.
  2. ptr is the latest allocated block: It is possible to reduce the used memory by moving the current-ptr to match the requested size (maybe introduces ptr::copy). It's also possible to simply return the same pointer as passed to shrink. Both cases are valid; the former is less memory hungry, the latter is faster.
  3. else: As always, returning the same pointer is also valid, but how expected is this behavior?

What's the prefered way to implement shrink (performance vs memory)? Do we have to specify the behavior of shrink? Should shrink be overhauled in it's API in any way?


Amanieu commented 3 years ago

The main users of shrink are Vec::shrink_to_fit and Vec::into_boxed_slice so let's consider when you would use those. Generally speaking it's only used if:

As such I think it's fine for shrink to favor saving memory over performance.

sollyucko commented 3 years ago

FWIW, for the case of a bump allocator, wouldn't a realloc-ing shrink merely use more space, since the old space can't be used?

TimDiekmann commented 3 years ago

Not necessarily, if you shrink the latest allocated block, it's possible to actually shrink the used memory.

@Amanieu thank you for reminding me about this!