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Box::new flavors keep multiplying #90

Open the8472 opened 2 years ago

the8472 commented 2 years ago

While working on I noticed that variants of Box::new keep growing. Currently they follow a pattern of {try?}_new_{uninit, zeroed, _}_{slice?}_{in?}.

I think moving this to a builder would make sense. I think most dimensions could be modeled as an enum, generic or associated type, the rest would still need separate build methods.

I imagine it ideally working something like Box::<[u8]>::new().zeroed().in(Alloc).slice(100).assume_init(). Of course most of the time one wouldn't want all of that noise. To keep the fallible stuff separate there would be a separate entry point into the builder via Box::try_new()....

I recall that there was discussion about in-place initialization with initializer functions (guaranteed RVO?), so at least the zeroed/uninit/value dimension might grow another member.

thomcc commented 2 years ago

I'd want some guarantee that in practice this ends up with good codegen (at least on all of -O[3sz]).

Allocation can be very hot, and my experience with using builders has been that they're best for non-performance intensive cases, and can generate bad code due to deficiencies in LLVM.

the8472 commented 2 years ago

I think it could, for example RawVec already determines some of its behavior via an enum and it still optimizes fine on the higher opt levels. Also "guarantee" and "in practice" is a bit contradictory ;). But we could add codegen tests.

thomcc commented 2 years ago

for example RawVec already determines some of its behavior via an enum and it still optimizes fine on the higher opt levels

My experience is that RawVec is the source of some surprising behavior around optimizations (in particular it's often not optimized well IME), but I don't the problems I've seen are related to that enum at all.

Also "guarantee" and "in practice" is a bit contradictory

Ah sure, I meant assurance rather than guarantee, maybe. Codegen tests would certainly alleviate my worries, especially if the builder will likely grow more and more options over time.

That said, if it's not something easy to set up for that part of the stdlib, it might be overkill.

Kixunil commented 2 years ago

I don't see how builder would help here, can you give an example?

the8472 commented 2 years ago


new_in(value, allocator)

That's 6 methods for the 2 dimensions

With a builder it's 1 method to set an allocator (global being the default) and 2-3 methods to choose the initialization strategy.

And then there are additional dimensions such as

With a builder the dimensions add, without they multiply. E.g. today we don't have try_new_uninit_slice_in. Instead of adding yet another method to Box it would automatically fall out of the builder because it makes those aspects orthogonal.

the8472 commented 2 years ago

Also, the solution doesn't have to be a builder. Parameterized functions could work too. My concern is the proliferation of methods, I'm not married to a particular solution.

Kixunil commented 2 years ago

The problem I see is they all affect the resulting type.

This would have to be represented in type state which will create a bunch of new types. I'm not convinced it's better. That's also why I asked for specific example because maybe I'm missing some solution and seeing it in an example would be the best way to show me and even prove it's possible.

the8472 commented 2 years ago

Oh so you were asking for an example implementation? I thought you were asking for an example of method properties that could be orthogonalized.

This would have to be represented in type state

Box already is <T, A>, I think a builder wouldn't be much more complicated than that, except maybe needing associated types instead of generics. But I haven't worked out the details because, as I said before, that I don't advocate for a specific solution, I mainly wanted to highlight the issue.

sollyucko commented 2 years ago

What about something like this? The keys to reducing the number of types are requiring a specific ordering and taking advantage of generics. Also, it shouldn't be too difficult to add new options, especially at the end.


fn Box<T: ? Sized>::builder() -> BoxBuilder1<T>;
fn Box<T: ? Sized, A: AllocRef>::builder_in(allocator: A) -> BoxBuilder1<T, A>;

fn BoxBuilder1<T, A: AllocRef>::init(value: T) -> BoxBuilder2<T, A>;
fn BoxBuilder1<T, A: AllocRef>::uninit() -> BoxBuilder2<MaybeUninit<T>, A>;
fn BoxBuilder1<T, A: AllocRef>::zeroed() -> BoxBuilder2<MaybeUninit<T>, A>;
fn BoxBuilder1<[T], A: AllocRef>::init(value: impl Unsize<[T]>) -> BoxBuilder2<[T], A>;
fn BoxBuilder1<[T], A: AllocRef>::init_copied(value: &[T]) -> BoxBuilder2<[T], A>;
fn BoxBuilder1<[T], A: AllocRef>::uninit(len: usize) -> BoxBuilder2<[MaybeUninit<T>], A>;
fn BoxBuilder1<[T], A: AllocRef>::zeroed(len: usize) -> BoxBuilder2<[MaybeUninit<T>], A>;

fn BoxBuilder2<T: ?Sized, A: AllocRef>::try_build() -> Result<Box<T, A>, A::Err>;
fn BoxBuilder2<T: ?Sized, A: AllocRef>::build() -> Box<T, A>;
Kixunil commented 2 years ago

@sollyucko I think builder 1 and 2 should be reversed to enable zero-copy initialization. However it could cause problems around inference or so and slices would be problematic.

Wodann commented 2 years ago

Of course most of the time one wouldn't want all of that noise.

Is your goal to reduce noise for the user of the API? I feel like there are generally two target audiences for APIs:

  1. power users - that are trying to get maximum performance.
  2. casual users - that are looking for the most convenient way to get the job done.

To serve the needs of 1. you need to design low-level APIs that directly tie into the underlaying system. For 2. you can create wrapper/helper APIs that add simplifying logic.

Our low-level API should already be the Allocator API, which is reused in Box, RawVec, etc. It seems like we're currently bleeding that API to other classes built on top of it, making the lives of 2. harder. It seems like it'd suffice to just use the Allocator API when someone wants to get raw performance and directly use the result to create a box.


trait Allocator {
  fn try_allocate_*<T>(&self) -> Result<NonNull<T>, AllocError>;

impl<T, A: Allocator> Box<T, A> {
  fn from_raw(ptr: NonNull<T>, allocator: A) -> Box<T, A> {
    Box(ptr, allocator)

fn usage(allocator: &Allocator) {
  let foo = allocator.try_allocate_*::<T>().map(|a| Box::from_raw(a, allocator).expect("Failed to allocate.");

If there are concerns about safety (mismatched allocation & allocator), we could (re-)consider using a "result type":

struct Allocation<T, A: Allocator> {
  ptr: NonNull<T>,
  allocator: A,


impl<T, A: Allocator> From<Allocation<T, A> for Box<T, A> {
  fn from(allocation: Allocation<T, A>) -> Box<T, A> {
    Box(allocation.ptr, allocation.allocator)
berkus commented 2 years ago

Note to self: probably where context and capabilities could be super helpful.

the8472 commented 2 years ago

An additional advantage of a builder is that it could build Box, Rc, Arc and possibly other types without multiplying all of the methods. Essentially the outpout container is yet another dimension.

tgross35 commented 8 months ago

Do you have an idea what the builder would look like here? I've played with it a bit and can't figure out a good way to handle all the conversions among types

If this is looking like a way forward, it would be nice to have something in nightly for a while

Jules-Bertholet commented 7 months ago

I recall that there was discussion about in-place initialization with initializer functions (guaranteed RVO?)

tgross35 commented 4 months ago

I might have something workable-ish here

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct BoxBuilder<T: ?Sized, D: ?Sized = Init<T>, A = Global, F = Infallible> {
    zeroed: bool,
    alloc: A,
    slice_len: usize,
    falliblity: F,
    ty: PhantomData<T>,
    data: D,

fn main() {
    let builder = BoxBuilder::new(1234u32);

    let v = builder.clone().build_box();
    assert_eq!(v, Box::new(1234u32));

    let v = builder.clone().build_rc();
    assert_eq!(v, Rc::new(1234u32));

    let v = builder.clone().build_arc();
    assert_eq!(v, Arc::new(1234u32));

    let v = builder.clone().uninit().zeroed().build_box();
    unsafe { assert_eq!(v.assume_init(), Box::new(0)) };

    let v = builder.clone().fallible().build_box();
    assert_eq!(v, Ok(Box::new(1234u32)));

Full long code

It currently can't handle unsized types so slices do not work, but that is probably fixable. Generics look pretty ugly, maybe some could be combined.

the8472 commented 1 day ago will increase the counter by 2.

AljoschaMeyer commented 1 day ago

You are welcome 🙃

In more seriousness, a principled approach like the one suggested in this issue would have ensured that the oversight of those particular combinations had never occurred in the first place. Which is definitely a plus for what is being proposed here.