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bug(content): Community page links to old event lineup (2020) #1902

Open onkoe opened 5 months ago

onkoe commented 5 months ago

What needs to be fixed?

On the Community section of, under the Events heading, there's a button that asks users to "Check out the 2020 Conference lineup." It dates the page a bit, making it seem outdated despite everything working fine. 🫣

Page(s) Affected

It seems to be present only on the /community page.

Suggested Improvements

  1. Refactor the text to be something like:
    • See Previous Conferences
    • Check Out Previous Conferences
    • etc.
  2. Consider changing the link to point to another list of conferences. I couldn't find a match on the Rust Blog (, but it may exist elsewhere! For example, has a list of previous events from late 2020 and beyond!
  3. Remove the button..?

If we decide to change the button text, I'm happy to PR a change quickly, or someone else can work to make it sound perfect!

I'm also good to work on the other two ideas or anything else, though I may need time to gather sources, ensure compliance with the site styling, etc.

Thanks for taking a look at this minor issue! 😄✨

Manishearth commented 5 months ago

At this point since the events team isn't super active I'd say we should remove the button, or perhaps comment it out (in case we need the translations later)