rust-math / intel-mkl-src

Redistribute Intel MKL as a crate
77 stars 22 forks source link

Long compilation times for `0.7.0` #109

Open SkBlaz opened 1 year ago

SkBlaz commented 1 year ago

Hi! First off, great library/project, awesome work.

I'm writing with an issue we recently observed - it's an issue related to an older version of this library (0.7.0); the dependency considered is as follows:

intel-mkl-src = {version= "0.7.0", default-features = false, features=["download", "mkl-static-lp64-seq"]}

What happens is the cargo build seems to get stuck on step 52, example output

 Compiling intel-mkl-src v0.7.0+mkl2020.1
    Building [========================>  ] 52/55: intel-mkl-src(build) 

This has been taking for hours at this point. Have two questions:

  1. Should we migrate to >0.8.0, as it seems if we omit the download flag in dependency, it works (fast).
  2. Was there any recent change that caused this behavior for 0.7.0 - would like to better understand this behavior.

Appreciate the help, thanks!

cnlancehu commented 2 months ago

same problem, but after you install Intel oneAPI Math Kernel Library, it could compile normally image