rust-math / intel-mkl-src

Redistribute Intel MKL as a crate
77 stars 22 forks source link

Is this package maintained anymore? #69

Closed njaard closed 1 year ago

njaard commented 2 years ago

If not, can you give me access in some way so that I can do some fixes?

Edit: Forked at

JHenneberg commented 2 years ago

Not sure. @termoshtt , @danieldk , @bytesnake : Is this repository still maintained? There are few bugs and also PR (#70 ) which I would like to see merged .

danieldk commented 2 years ago

@termoshtt , @danieldk , @bytesnake : Is this repository still maintained?

I don't know? I have only submitted a PR once?

JHenneberg commented 2 years ago

@danieldk ok I see.

I am not sure who is the official maintainer because shows no one. From the accepted PR I was looking threw it is definitely termoshtt

njaard commented 2 years ago

Can someone with a twitter account try to message @termoshtt ? ->

njaard commented 2 years ago

I have forked this crate:

With appreciation to @termoshtt I'd like to ask everyone to make further contributions to my fork's repository due to the original author's absence.