rust-ml / book

The Rust Machine Learning Book
Apache License 2.0
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Update to latest linfa and plotters versions #11

Closed quietlychris closed 1 year ago

quietlychris commented 2 years ago

Now that linfa 0.6 has been released, which does not require a BLAS dependency, it should be much easier for users to get started with using it. This book should be updated to the 0.6 release, and specify the 0.3.1 release of plottersfor generating plots.

quietlychris commented 2 years ago

Started in the linfa-0.6 branch

quietlychris commented 2 years ago

@bytesnake Unless you heavily object, I'm planning on removing the mdbook-scientific portion of this repository for the update relating to the 0.6 release. We're not currently using any of those features, and Bernard Schuster (the maintainer of Juice, a fork of the abandoned Autumn AI project Leaf) recently did a major refactor here and release of mdbook-scientific. If we want to use those features, I suggest that we can use that as a dep instead. Also, I think the MathJax support has significantly improved for mdbook anyway, so scientific notation is also accessible through that avenue.

quietlychris commented 1 year ago

Closed in #12